*** Official Iowa vs Purdue Game Thread ***

Iowa just giving this game away....

Bad D,
Crappy QB play missing wide open guys left and right
Then turning the ball over seems like left and right.

Iowa deserves to lose this game period and prob will, just not a very good team
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Anyone nervous now especially after that FUMBLE.. can we HOLD them ?

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I wish we had a wideout like Bell.

does anyone else get the feeling we’re about to blow this?

We've been working on blowing this game all day .... sloppy play and no rhythm on offense. ISM looks like he is giving half effort .... Tracy is pouting ... and then we fumble to kill drives ... recipe for a brutal loss.
Purdue has one ****ing player and they can go to him at will yet our “new vaunted best receiving corp ever” can’t find shit.
Yeah literally they were supposed to be amazing this year...