***Official Nebraska @ Iowa Game Thread***

Isn't the age old adage "takes one to know one?" I actually get along with quite a few people, Hawkeye fans included. I have zero tolerance for ass clowns such as yourself and the small handful of others that can't have a civil conversation and some banter without trying to make things personal. If you want to go there then I'm all for it.

Besides, half your fanbase doesn't view this as a rivalry anyway so what's the big deal if a few opposing fans come over here to discuss the game live with you guys? You act like this website is a tightly-secured fraternity or something. Christ it's the free board. Get a membership if you don't want to talk with Nebraska fans during an Iowa-Nebraska game cheapskate, or is 5 bucks a month or whatever it costs a bit too much for you to pay for with your welfare check?
Thank you for validating the whole Nebraska fans are dbags theme we have going.

At least you're so respectful. Not to mention brilliant. Go eff myself. Ouch.

Get a life and GTFO.
hahaha you've been saying the exact same things to me thus far without me provoking you to, but I'm the one that lacks intelligence? Great logic but remind me what every non-Iowan knows the acronym IOWA stands for?
BF shows what a total worthless OC he is, lets go away from what is working, what a flipping moron!
Nice series Brian... If we've seen one thing this year, Stanley is unable of taking over a game. Terrible series.
Isn't the age old adage "takes one to know one?" I actually get along with quite a few people, Hawkeye fans included. I have zero tolerance for ass clowns such as yourself and the small handful of others that can't have a civil conversation and some banter without trying to make things personal. If you want to go there then I'm all for it.

Besides, half your fanbase doesn't view this as a rivalry anyway so what's the big deal if a few opposing fans come over here to discuss the game live with you guys? You act like this website is a tightly-secured fraternity or something. Christ it's the free board. Get a membership if you don't want to talk with Nebraska fans during an Iowa-Nebraska game cheapskate, or is 5 bucks a month or whatever it costs a bit too much for you to pay for with your welfare check?

This is a prime example of how fuggin stupid and arrogant Nebraska fans are.

Get a clue, asshole. You're not welcome here. Gtfo.
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