*****Official Northwestern at Iowa game thread*****

11k or so I think. Managed to make it since they moved tip to 7 pm.
Glad I was looking to set the DVR up an hour before the original scheduled start - and didn't do it previously - or I would have missed the first half tonight.

I prefer the 7p tip, but had no idea it had changed.
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Iowa playing better D than NW ever though NW getting away with reaching and holding. Great effort Hawks
He yelled at the ref and also made something of an aggressive gesture with his arm. T was warranted.
It was Scelc (sp?) who blew the whistle, him and the hawks don’t get along.

Unless he said something awful, idk. Awfully early in the game for a T like that.
Hats off my son is pissed we didn't go but too much going on a weeknight. Got them to Nebraska game.
You have custody? Eek. I hope for your child(ren) sake that these message board melt down tantrums are all for show...