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And if this is truly the plan - Gabe, Kennedy, Nelson battle it out for 174 - that leaves us with an undersized 184 if one of them bumps up.

le sigh.
184 has been neglected since cash wilke was the starter, until bringing in Angelo. I know Abe was #1 184 in his class, but didn’t pan out
I still say he transfers if he redshirts
Certainly possible. If Angelo wins the room but is forced to shirt, resentment could fester in a proud, talented kid denied what he’d earned. Luckily, like @12tdsaw wisely notes, a shirt fills a fifth bag. Might be tough watching a guy he beat get to wrestle next March, but cashing CEO-like checks at age 18 just to train ain’t so bad either. With two wayward sons in seeming tailspins, daddy nilbucks (as if he doesn’t have a say) may even prefer the financial windfall of delaying Angelo’s career.
Certainly possible. If Angelo wins the room but is forced to shirt, resentment could fester in a proud, talented kid denied what he’d earned. Luckily, like @12tdsaw wisely notes, a shirt fills a fifth bag. Might be tough watching a guy he beat get to wrestle next March, but cashing CEO-like checks at age 18 just to train ain’t so bad either. With two wayward sons in seeming tailspins, daddy nilbucks (as if he doesn’t have a say) may even prefer the financial windfall of delaying Angelo’s career.
A great thing about Tom and the staff, is they have very open communication with the wrestlers. There aren't any secrets or surprises getting thrown at them.
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And if this is truly the plan - Gabe, Kennedy, Nelson battle it out for 174 - that leaves us with an undersized 184 if one of them bumps up.

le sigh.

Nelson would not be undersized for 184. He weighs in the 90s and his fatboy weight is like most of our’s “in shape” weight. He climbs mountains for fun plus his favorite cereal is grape nuts ffs.

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