Official Portal Watch

I mean, sure, but you also did directly say you wrestled for the Hawks in this thread, and then you have that resurfaced post from @IAChief32 which directly contradicts that. It's impossible for both posts to be true, and you can understand how that might...affect credibility.

Perhaps the old, sage, and wise Mr. VHS had the foresight to throw all of us off his trail by fictitiously crafting the historical post that Chief archaeologically excavated.

Perhaps the old, sage, and wise Mr. VHS had the foresight to throw all of us off his trail by fictitiously crafting the historical post that Chief archaeologically excavated.

If so, that’s some bizarro, reverse “sleeper agent” stuff right there, and I’m back onboard for the rest of the movie. Imagine @vhsalum, planting bogus history 6 years ago, just so @IAChief32 would find it today to out him. V is then reduced to a pariah, scorned by all (friends, family, even stray dogs), all while orchestrating the Hawk signings of messieurs Bassett, Forrest, and Blaze. This, of course, saves TnT’s careers, who V only badmouthed to cover his benevolent actions.
(Blame Microsoft/Crowdstrike for giving me time to formulate this plot) :rolleyes:
Well that was fun while it lasted. From 2018. H/T to the silent rogue who sent me this.

Way to call it Chief!!