Meanwhile.....actual CEO of a US Steel company publicly stated that the IRA has created a Renaissance in US manufacturing, due to Biden's negotiation passage of that legislation.

One of the reasons I think that even despite Trump's criminality, he's a much better choice for moving America forward...

You forgot /s
Interesting note on Lib TV tonight, as Trump whines about having to be in court, it's his legal team drawing out every... single... point.... that is dragging the trial out. They refuse to agree to anything including introducing footage from stuff like CSPAN. It's all fought over.
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I heard in cabinet meetings in his first failed admin., they had to do a lot of things with pictures so he could understandand stay awake. Sad.

Hell, I'm sure they had to explain photos to him. Maybe reduce them to crayon characters with funny stories.

This is a mentally challenged, lying, criminal, fraudulent buffoon we're talking about. People from his former administration, military and Party have tried to get the word out and have warned against his reelection.
$100 says he goes golfing. There's been a lot of reporting that he's hitting the links on the days he isn't in court. Talking to dwindling crowds is less fun than setting course records at the best golf courses in the country.
lol…dwindling crowds. Trump draws large crowds in comparison to Biden.
lol…dwindling crowds. Trump draws large crowds in comparison to Biden.
Sure, the biggest. Everyone says Trump has the biggest crowds. Nobody has ever seen crowds this big. More people than the Super Bowl at Trump rallies. Definitely not being held at smaller and smaller venues to create the image of a packed venue. Definitely not an outsized importance of size to soothe the fragile ego of Trump.
Hell, I'm sure they had to explain photos to him. Maybe reduce them to crayon characters with funny stories.

This is a mentally challenged, lying, criminal, fraudulent buffoon we're talking about. People from his former administration, military and Party have tried to get the word out and have warned against his reelection.
It is truly remarkable when you stop and think about it that a guy—who might be able to stay awake in court if he were given crayons and a coloring book—was once commander in chief.

Everyone—Democrat, Republican, and all in between or on the fringes—should stop and really let that sink in and marinate.

This ****ing self-absorbed, unhinged, childish lunatic wants to be leader of the free world once again. And 70 million “adults” are going to sign off in November on that insane prospect.

That is why I don’t believe this country is worth trying to save. We have too many stupid people here. Way too many.
Sure, the biggest. Everyone says Trump has the biggest crowds. Nobody has ever seen crowds this big. More people than the Super Bowl at Trump rallies. Definitely not being held at smaller and smaller venues to create the image of a packed venue. Definitely not an outsized importance of size to soothe the fragile ego of Trump.
"The crowds are unlike anything, okay. The biggest crowds in history. Many people are saying they are the biggest crowds in history. Tremendous crowds the likes of which have never been seen, that I can tell you. Believe me. I walk onto the stage and I say, 'Wow that's a lot of people.' After the rallies these people come up to me — big guys who never cry. They come up to me and they are crying and they say, 'Sir, there has never been a rally with this many people, sir!' Can you believe that? That's what they're telling me. It's beautiful. And the RADICAL LEFT and the FAKE NEWS won't show my crowds. They won't do it. The cameras won't show the beautiful crowds."
It is truly remarkable when you stop and think about it that a guy—who might be able to stay awake in court if he were given crayons and a coloring book—was once commander in chief.

Everyone—Democrat, Republican, and all in between or on the fringes—should stop and really let that sink in and marinate.

This ****ing self-absorbed, unhinged, childish lunatic wants to be leader of the free world once again. And 70 million “adults” are going to sign off in November on that insane prospect.

That is why I don’t believe this country is worth trying to save. We have too many stupid people here. Way too many.
Fox News has seriously been spouting that making him sit at a desk 8 hours a day for the trial is killing him because he needs to be active and he is an athlete.

Idiots don’t seem to understand that 8 hours a day at a desk is a regular job and we would like to expect more from a president.
It is truly remarkable when you stop and think about it that a guy—who might be able to stay awake in court if he were given crayons and a coloring book—was once commander in chief.

Everyone—Democrat, Republican, and all in between or on the fringes—should stop and really let that sink in and marinate.

This ****ing self-absorbed, unhinged, childish lunatic wants to be leader of the free world once again. And 70 million “adults” are going to sign off in November on that insane prospect.

That is why I don’t believe this country is worth trying to save. We have too many stupid people here. Way too many.
I've said it before — I'm at the point where some days I hope he wins and just burns it to the ground and the people who vote for this guy deal with some serious suffering and struggle. We as a nation deserve it.
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I wonder how they coerced Eric to show? Little Don is on the internet creaming himself in outrage, but he won’t show in person. Tiffany and Ivanka have stayed away. They are smart. Or, the whole family is dysfunctional?
It is truly remarkable when you stop and think about it that a guy—who might be able to stay awake in court if he were given crayons and a coloring book—was once commander in chief.

Everyone—Democrat, Republican, and all in between or on the fringes—should stop and really let that sink in and marinate.

This ****ing self-absorbed, unhinged, childish lunatic wants to be leader of the free world once again. And 70 million “adults” are going to sign off in November on that insane prospect.

That is why I don’t believe this country is worth trying to save. We have too many stupid people here. Way too many.
Unless something changes, I feel, despite everything you said being true, he is going to win in November. It was already too disturbingly close, despite the clear differences of choices and despite the economy actually doing ok.

But with the horrible look of these nationwide pro-Palestinian protests across colleges going on, it is going to drive some of those swing voters back to Trump and you will see some of the youth vote for a fringe candidate or not vote. And Bibi will be allowed to do whatever he wants. Maybe even encouraged to do so.

I have already come to terms with only a double quarter pounder and cheese being able to save us from 4 more years of Trump. It will likely mean our reign as the world’s greatest super power has come to an end and you will see a lot of US citizens immigrate / retire to more enlightened and less autocratic countries. 1945-2024 was a helluva run.
Unless something changes, I feel, despite everything you said being true, he is going to win in November. It was already too disturbingly close, despite the clear differences of choices and despite the economy actually doing ok.

But with the horrible look of these nationwide pro-Palestinian protests across colleges going on, it is going to drive some of those swing voters back to Trump and you will see some of the youth vote for a fringe candidate or not vote. And Bibi will be allowed to do whatever he wants. Maybe even encouraged to do so.

I have already come to terms with only a double quarter pounder and cheese being able to save us from 4 more years of Trump. It will likely mean our reign as the world’s greatest super power has come to an end and you will see a lot of US citizens immigrate / retire to more enlightened and less autocratic countries. 1945-2024 was a helluva run.
Call me crazy… But I don’t think any amount of college kids protesting on campuses are going to sway independent voters to Trump unless they were already planning to do so.

Why would that make anybody change their vote?
Call me crazy… But I don’t think any amount of college kids protesting on campuses are going to sway independent voters to Trump unless they were already planning to do so.

Why would that make anybody change their vote?
Because it is being spun up as representative of the far left being pro Hamas and anti Israeli. And it is more than college kids. Definitely some anarchist far leftists and also some foreign players pro Hamas / Iran / Russia stirring the anthill.
Because it is being spun up as representative of the far left being pro Hamas and anti Israeli. And it is more than college kids. Definitely some anarchist far leftists and also some foreign players pro Hamas / Iran / Russia stirring the anthill.
The conspiracy theorist in me wouldn’t be surprised if Steve Bannon is helping organize the protests. Classic rat f—king strategy.
Because it is being spun up as representative of the far left being pro Hamas and anti Israeli. And it is more than college kids. Definitely some anarchist far leftists and also some foreign players pro Hamas / Iran / Russia stirring the anthill.
Weird. I don’t see anybody supporting Hamas. I think you would have to be pretty stupid to believe that narrative… And Trump has already captured the stupid vote.

I just see a bunch of college kids trying to prevent Israel from committing genocide on Palestinians. I don’t know any middle of the road voter who would be against that.
Weird. I don’t see anybody supporting Hamas. I think you would have to be pretty stupid to believe that narrative… And Trump has already captured the stupid vote.

I just see a bunch of college kids trying to prevent Israel from committing genocide on Palestinians. I don’t know any middle of the road voter who would be against that.
Problem is, most of them are not college kids and Biden won on razor thin margins in swing states. Biden is going to win easily the regular vote. But the EC is really screwed up right now. I hope to be wrong but there are easily enough folks to get scared / turned off into voting for Trump over the pro Palestine protests coupled with a ton of young votes that may vote for a Green Party type or RFK Jr.
Call me crazy… But I don’t think any amount of college kids protesting on campuses are going to sway independent voters to Trump unless they were already planning to do so.

Why would that make anybody change their vote?
The people who say college kids protesting changed their mind are the people who already had to vote for Trump because of the emails, and had to vote for Trump a second time because Biden is old and corrupt.
Interesting bit of reporting on Lib TV today. Trump is getting agitated about the gag order, and the lack of public support by Republicans. Expect to see some elected leaders attending the trial, and making public condemnations by Trump's side. Trump hates to share the stage with anyone, but he also wants his minions to come and support him, and possibly push boundaries in order to keep him out of trouble over the gag order.
My question on that is how lenient Manhattan will be about staging the equivalent of a rally inside the courthouse?
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Weird. I don’t see anybody supporting Hamas. I think you would have to be pretty stupid to believe that narrative… And Trump has already captured the stupid vote.

I just see a bunch of college kids trying to prevent Israel from committing genocide on Palestinians. I don’t know any middle of the road voter who would be against that.

This isn't just college kids. This is a battleground for antagonists on both sides. Anarchists lie in the waiting for opportunities such as this. Colleges are tinder boxes for these episodes.

The Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam protests were motivated by domestic reasoning and extended far beyond college campuses. The protests/movements changed social awareness and political structure and eventually laws.

This is, will be another page in our nation's history.
"The crowds are unlike anything, okay. The biggest crowds in history. Many people are saying they are the biggest crowds in history. Tremendous crowds the likes of which have never been seen, that I can tell you. Believe me. I walk onto the stage and I say, 'Wow that's a lot of people.' After the rallies these people come up to me — big guys who never cry. They come up to me and they are crying and they say, 'Sir, there has never been a rally with this many people, sir!' Can you believe that? That's what they're telling me. It's beautiful. And the RADICAL LEFT and the FAKE NEWS won't show my crowds. They won't do it. The cameras won't show the beautiful crowds."

So, let's have some press other than Stupid TV telecast, and zoom out so we can see the "huge" crowds. Not the cropped images. You can make 20 people look like an avalanche of bodies.
Huge crowds... you know like the massive crowd, largest ever, that packed his inauguration. Except of course, when we saw actual photos. Just another Dementia Donnie lie that was so easy to prove as a lie. That's how stupid he and his supporters are.