Oliver Martin Updates: Dec 27: Will not play (Shoulder injury). Is 5th on Depth Chart.

My guess is he hired Tom Mars. He's the lawyer who represented the Ole Miss transfers including OM's former QB Shea there is that connection. And he is not some guy working on Umich's behalf so don't go there. Among the dozens and dozens of these cases he has taken on is Justin Fields who got instant eligibility at OSU. He is very, very good at this.

He is not representing athletes any longer, just took a job with the NCAA. That is not a joke.
That sounds like a good argument. The NCAA might already have ruled on other waiver cases that position coaching changes were insufficient "hardship" to warrant a change, however. More likely, given its the NCAA and the NCAA's Byzantine and result oriented "process" there is probably a mixed bag of results on identical or nearly identical facts. For example, a trainer leaving might be sufficient to grant a waiver to a Notre Dame or USC transfer in but the massacre of an entire coaching staff would be insufficient to grant waivers to programs like Iowa or Minnesota and our transfer ins.

The necessity of legal counsel is directly and linearly related to the ambiguity or complexity of the law, rule or regulation at issue. More a general social commentary, and since I'm retiring in the near future it doesn't make much difference to me, but we'd need far fewer lawyers if our legislators would pass fewer and far less ambiguous laws.

Here's a way to eliminate the need for lawyers in NCAA waiver cases: prohibit waivers. Everyone sits a year if they transfer. Its concise, its clear and its not subject to argument or interpretation. Arguments arise once you start creating "exceptions" to the general rule. The more exceptions, the more arguments. The more arguments, the more lawyers. Eventually the exceptions swallow the general rule and the subject of the regulation becomes a paradise for lawyers and influence peddlers.
I agree 100% with everything you said. I get things happen in life but most times athletes just use these incidents as grounds to get what the want (ex. playing time/opportunity at another school or just wanting a fresh start). One thing that makes me a little frustrated is when players transfer due to a sick family member or something like that. Between school and the sport an athlete plays there is not a lot of free time. Unless you transfer to a college where the sick family member is, realistically, how much of a difference will it make? That athlete will still be spending the majority of time at school and with the athletic team.

Then you have the “positional coach change, head coach, coordinator, etc). Why grant immediate eligibility to someone for that reason? What’s the difference between staying at the current school and learning the new coaches system and leaving for a new school where you will have to learn a new system anyways? On the flip side I can counter my own argument from above. I’m sure plenty of people use the argument of “any college coach can pretty much leave and pursue another coaching job somewhere else where they can coach right away so why cant college athletes do the same.” I mean I do understand that theory a bit. Some people can interpret it as the NCAA and institutions are above the athletes, which I think is mostly true, due to everything being about revenue. Like Sleeping Dog said, all the mitigating circumstances opens up the door for confusion and inability to successfully enforce the rule. Make it simple. Any player in any sport that transfers has a reason and in their mind is more important than staying at their current school, otherwise they wouldn’t transfer. Use that 1 year you have to sit as a transitional period to help adjust.
Racism. Someone at UG called him the N word.
That player was removed from team and school and his sister attends Georgia. If really a concern and not just BS then I’d buy it. He used it to his advantage as he wasn’t going to play.

I feel like Harbaugh said every student athlete should get a 1 time transfer if want to again then wait 1 year. That’s makes to much sense for all involved though.
That player was removed from team and school and his sister attends Georgia. If really a concern and not just BS then I’d buy it. He used it to his advantage as he wasn’t going to play.
Sorry, but you don't get to decide whether or not it's "bs". He had a racial slur used against him, it affected him, he moved on. Obviously UGA isn't the place for him if they're adding baseball players who hate black people.
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I don't think there should be any waivers once a kid's on campus. They make a commitment to the school, not just the coach. That means other players and recruits, even other students, and people of all sorts right down to the food vendors make plans based on the contents of a team. Coaches aren't getting a free education and the privilege of getting the relatively privileged life of a varsity athlete. Since only a tiny percentage of college athletes actually play professional sports people should not overlook the tremendous, albeit diminishing, economic value in being a bachelor of something. Plus, most coaching contracts contain financial disincentives to early termination. Those that don't are probably held by coaches with great market value-hence an early lesson to the players in the concepts of market economics.

The kids aren't slaves so they shouldn't be bonded to the school; but they are adults and need to understand commercial contracts are promises that need to be honored. Its just like a covenant not to compete. They have to be of limited duration but you can require a terminated employee "sit out" a year or so.
Sorry, but you don't get to decide whether or not it's "bs". He had a racial slur used against him, it affected him, he moved on. Obviously UGA isn't the place for him if they're adding baseball players who hate black people.

It sounds like an expediently timed incident with a fortuitously self serving conclusion for the new Buckeye. Of course the kid doesn't have to stay at Georgia but being called a name, or insulted by any word or gesture, by one person one time-and the person was punished for doing it thereby expressing both institutional support for the offended and disapproval of the offender, doesn't exactly sound like a life altering moment to any person of normal sensitivity. That tOSU transfer better hope he's got a pro career in his future otherwise the real world is going to kick his ass in a couple of years.

What should have happened was the black kid teaching the white kid about the fighting words doctrine and its contribution to a polite society. The rest of the world, both at UGA and elsewhere keep their nose out of it and one, probably drunk, dufus learned to be more courteous to black people in the future. Some guys, especially when young, really are so stupid that they only learn through corporal punishment and/or public humiliation.
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No. His sister isn’t him, and wasn’t targeted, and as such can react differently to it.

We would disagree then. I sure hope the opposing fans at PSU, Michigan, etc. don’t target him with anything. They can stay away from the race card but crowds have been known to get on players and it would probably be worse than a one time utterance.
Even Jim booger Harbaugh mentioned he thinks all players should be allowed to transfer one time and still get to play immediately and he was speaking in reference to a question about Oliver Martin transferring.. He said he was surprised that OM transferred but still thinks Transfers should be able to transfer one time and play immediately afterwards, second time, sit a year and lose a year a eligibility.. I agree.
Sorry, but you don't get to decide whether or not it's "bs". He had a racial slur used against him, it affected him, he moved on. Obviously UGA isn't the place for him if they're adding baseball players who hate black people.

If that was legit, every player of color on any of Georgia's teams should be transferring. That or they could stage a boycott like Missouri's players did a few years ago because there were racists in Columbia. I would bet a week's paycheck there are racists in Columbus and even Iowa City. It was honestly the lamest excuse I ever heard for a player getting a waiver. It was like the NCAA said "hey, OSU needs an excuse for us to justify a waiver, can you make something up so we can grant it to them?"
Fields left UGA because Fromm established himself as the starter and Fields wasn't going to beat him out. Period.
Gut feeling: Oliver will be on the field this fall ...

He should. The NCAA is a joke, and I hope they don't screw you guys. I still shake my head at how they handled the Ott kid. Imo, they need to make it black and white either way and get rid of the case by case basis bullsh$%. For example, if they deny Oliver, but let Fields and others be immediately eligible. SMDH
Somewhere last week I saw where Morehouse tweeted that he believed that 'positive' news was coming on this soon...:)

Are you referring to his post 20 hours ago where he guessed that the longer this drags out the better the odds? His guess is as good as yours at this point.
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Are you referring to his post 20 hours ago where he guessed that the longer this drags out the better the odds? His guess is as good as yours at this point.
Weren't people saying the same thing as it related to how Ott's petition was dragged out too? I simply don't trust how these decisions are made.
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Weren't people saying the same thing as it related to how Ott's petition was dragged out too? I simply don't trust how these decisions are made.

I could see a denial within 2 weeks before the season starts to make an appeal process almost a waste of time.

They'd hear to the appeal sometime around November.
Weren't people saying the same thing as it related to how Ott's petition was dragged out too? I simply don't trust how these decisions are made.
Most people wanted it to happen and in their opinion should. But based on it at the time it didn't. They've become more lenient though that's about to change.
Are you referring to his post 20 hours ago where he guessed that the longer this drags out the better the odds? His guess is as good as yours at this point.
No it was longer ago than that, thinking some point last week but don't have the exact timeline...
I agree with many here that an athlete should get a one time transfer opportunity, no reason needed or given, and be eligible immediately, no questions asked. If an athlete opts to transfer a second time they would have to sit a year and lose that year's eligibility, again regardless of the circumstances or reasons for transferring. The NCAA shouldn't have the control to decide all of these subjective scenarios and kids won't have to disclose their reasons or simply make stuff up to get to where they want to be.
If that was legit, every player of color on any of Georgia's teams should be transferring. That or they could stage a boycott like Missouri's players did a few years ago because there were racists in Columbia. I would bet a week's paycheck there are racists in Columbus and even Iowa City. It was honestly the lamest excuse I ever heard for a player getting a waiver. It was like the NCAA said "hey, OSU needs an excuse for us to justify a waiver, can you make something up so we can grant it to them?"
Fields left UGA because Fromm established himself as the starter and Fields wasn't going to beat him out. Period.

Racists exist everywhere. The boycott was not because racists exist in Columbia, they do, btw. It was in support of a grad student who didn't like a new policy the University enacted.
Racists exist everywhere. The boycott was not because racists exist in Columbia, they do, btw. It was in support of a grad student who didn't like a new policy the University enacted.

The players boycotted demanding the university president resign because they thought his response to claims of racism on the campus were inadequate. It was covered by nearly every media outlet in the country at the time.
The players boycotted demanding the university president resign because they thought his response to claims of racism on the campus were inadequate. It was covered by nearly every media outlet in the country at the time.

And the MU allegations turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by the alleged victims in which no photographed or other documented evidence were ever produced.
Did Oliver Martin ever get the ruling from The NCAA? Can he play this year. Sorry if it was said somewhere else and I missed it
Did Oliver Martin ever get the ruling from The NCAA? Can he play this year. Sorry if it was said somewhere else and I missed it
No ruling. I’m guessing that when the ruling comes out, this board will be choking on threads about the decision. You won’t have to ask.;)
No ruling. I’m guessing that when the ruling comes out, this board will be choking on threads about the decision. You won’t have to ask.;)
Thank you I kind of figured that but was hoping they had ruled in favor of him playing this year and I just missed it
Thank you I kind of figured that but was hoping they had ruled in favor of him playing this year and I just missed it
In your defense, if he is ruled eligible, the news will die pretty quickly. If he is denied, fire and brimstone, Sodom and Gomorrah, fire Ferentz, bench Stanley, Lynch Barta. The threads will outlive plastic in the landfill.
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These situations are never apples to apples, but another Michigan transfer was denied their waiver request a few days ago:

Interesting comments about mental health, and Harbaugh pointing out that depression is being used as a loophole for immediate playing time, but it's bad for the player long-term if the depression isn't real.

And what about the vast depression of Hawkeye fans that will spread if
Oliver decision is similar? Is that being weighed in?

I'm thrilled that Oliver Martin, will 'sooner or later' be an
IOWA HAWKEYE of Football Saturdays! Hope it's sooner.
Basically a month from gameday and OM is still waiting to see if he will even be allowed to play.

BUT all these transfers are because the ncaa cares about the kids! LMFAO

He is still working out with the team, learning plays, practicing, etc. Not like he is sitting at home waiting. He will be in fall camp that starts Friday.
Not sure why being depressed should make you immediately eligible. If anything, I would say maybe you should sit out a year and go to counseling and figure out what is causing your depression.
He is still working out with the team, learning plays, practicing, etc. Not like he is sitting at home waiting. He will be in fall camp that starts Friday.

This. He is on the team, has been since he enrolled at Iowa. Just might have to sit a year but will practice just like any other "redshirt" player. No doubt the coaching staff has had the mentality Oliver won't be available this year as they should.
Not sure why being depressed should make you immediately eligible. If anything, I would say maybe you should sit out a year and go to counseling and figure out what is causing your depression.

My guess (and just a guess) is that the argument is to be closer to family for a support system.