Oliver Martin Updates: Dec 27: Will not play (Shoulder injury). Is 5th on Depth Chart.

well... you gotta put all the papers in a folder... they want the whole process documented... so you make sure everything is spelled correctly... then you gotta have sub folders... in case you want to go back and look at it.... its a long process boys... just hold your horses
i just wish they'd hurry the F up!

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If Oliver were declared eligible today, he would be a back up right now....agree? I think he would be.

I wonder how far behind the current starters he is; he has to master the playbook, get the trust of the coaches, get timing down, etc.

I was addressing something different but I agree he would be a back up initially. I would guess he has a solid understanding of the playbook by now, he is a sharp kid. Timing? Not sure.
do you think he is as good or better as the current starters?

That part remains to be seen. People fit differently into different systems. The Iowa offense continues to evolve and there may be more emphasis on receivers this year with the changes at TE. The guy got playing time at Michigan so that is solid. But Michigan doesn’t throw the ball as much as Iowa.
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That part remains to be seen. People fit differently into different systems. The Iowa offense continues to evolve and there may be more emphasis on receivers this year with the changes at TE. The guy got playing time at Michigan so that is solid. But Michigan doesn’t throw the ball as much as Iowa.
That will change this year. New OC and MI is going to open things up.
TL DR all of the thread, but is it possible that the NCAA has already ruled and either Iowa and/or Team Martin won't say anything until around Game 1 if at all? I talked to Morehouse personally and he tossed out this theory..interesting...
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Hey, NCAA...

Is there that many waiver applications that the NCAA has to take so long the kids and schools don’t get a decision from these guys until after official practice starts?!?
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Is there that many waiver applications that the NCAA has to take so long the kids and schools don’t get a decision from these guys until after official practice starts?!?

What makes this so maddening, is these teams and kids are all in camp now. Would it be so hard to have a decision to them BEFORE the beginning of camp in all fairness to the kids and teams?
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Is there that many waiver applications that the NCAA has to take so long the kids and schools don’t get a decision from these guys until after official practice starts?!?
What makes this so maddening, is these teams and kids are all in camp now. Would it be so hard to have a decision to them BEFORE the beginning of camp in all fairness to the kids and teams?
they must be processing the basketball and wrestling ones first ;)
OM has 2 years left to play...which ever way the NCAA rules. So...would it be better to have him in 20 and 21 with a new QB? Or do you want him now?
OM has 2 years left to play...which ever way the NCAA rules. So...would it be better to have him in 20 and 21 with a new QB? Or do you want him now?

I think he has three years if he plays this year and two years if he sits. Would much rather have him now.
The players boycotted demanding the university president resign because they thought his response to claims of racism on the campus were inadequate. It was covered by nearly every media outlet in the country at the time.
And in fact, he was forced to resign. Pretty funny how the worm turns at good ole, Mizzou. In the not to distant past the Black president or provost, (don't remember) was forced out because of some comments his wife was caught on a recording, talking about "them crackers be shakin", in the Ricky Clemmons mess. Just shows that racism is not limited to any one ethnic group.....:eek:
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This sentence tells you all you need to know.

"The typical decision turnaround time for waivers is 21 days. Transfer waiver requests are never considered urgent"

So the typical turnaround time is 21 days but the last sentence basically says "whenever the hell we feel like it" Guess ya gotta cover all your bases.

Being so close to the start of the season, I'd be willing to bet Iowa doesn't appeal a denial. Wouldn't make a lot of sense.
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This sentence tells you all you need to know.

"The typical decision turnaround time for waivers is 21 days. Transfer waiver requests are never considered urgent"

So the typical turnaround time is 21 days but the last sentence basically says "whenever the hell we feel like it" Guess ya gotta cover all your bases.

Being so close to the start of the season, I'd be willing to bet Iowa doesn't appeal a denial. Wouldn't make a lot of sense.

It is summer time man, there are pina coladas that ain't gonna drink themselves.
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Redshirt 2017 season. Played 2018. He has three years left. He is a redshirt sophomore as we speak.

So if he’s eligible this year he can play 3 years here, right? But if not, he just loses this year and can only play 2 here, correct? On radio today they seemed to think he only had 2 years no matter what, and it was just a question of whether those 2 years would be 19 & 20 or 20 & 21
So if he’s eligible this year he can play 3 years here, right? But if not, he just loses this year and can only play 2 here, correct? On radio today they seemed to think he only had 2 years no matter what, and it was just a question of whether those 2 years would be 19 & 20 or 20 & 21
He’s a redshirt sophomore. He’s burned his redshirt. Has three years to play, one burns if he’s ineligible this year, which would leave him with two years to play. He’s guaranteed 20/21 with Iowa unless he goes pro early or gets injured.
So if he’s eligible this year he can play 3 years here, right? But if not, he just loses this year and can only play 2 here, correct? On radio today they seemed to think he only had 2 years no matter what, and it was just a question of whether those 2 years would be 19 & 20 or 20 & 21

He has three years. He is a redshirt sophomore. Not sure why they are confused.
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