One way or the other millions of people in this country are insane…

Does it ever make you question your sanity?

This game has already been played in the US. Just look back to the gilded age and the roaring 20s. Power concentration and income inequality was atrocious back then. Life expectancy for workers was atrocious. Trump even talks about the good old days back in 1890. Now we have technology to keep us in line. Larry Ellison the CEO of Oracle and US oligarch has publicly said they want to use AI to spy on people and keep them in line. There is no scenario where being on the same side as that type of thinking is the correct side to be on. I also don't think there has ever been a far right government that has been the good guys.
Social media has already destroyed the Republican party, and it will be the downfall of this country, if not human kind.

What die hard Trumpers are fed algorithmically is akin to eating McDs for breakfast/lunch/dinner and being surprised you're fat. Then denying your fat, and changing the 'facts' to claim McD is good for you and your not fat after all.

It's junk food that makes them feel good in the moment, it's cheap, it's easy, and no thought is required.
In favor of.

But the baby in their womb is not their body. It's the baby's body.

And "my body my choice" didn't seem to be a thing when I didn't want a vaxx.
Fail. The government telling a person what to do with their body is the most invasive thing the government can do. So when the cons complain about big government or the system, they can get bent.
People aren't blind. Lots of us Trump voters realize he is a flawed man. To be honest, I voted for him knowing this, but I also know that his win is largely of the Democrats doing at the end of the day.

Had they been normal no chance Trump wins.

Quickly, these things were a turn off to many.
Men in womens sports
Identity over accomplishment
Unfettered illegal immigration
Most importantly, the sense of many was that the entirety of government was turned loose on Trump after his win in 2016. Many saw this as an assault on them personally.

Had Biden and the democrats simply left Trump alone after 2016 and controlled the border like is happening now, Trump would have lost or not run at all. He felt so wronged and prosecuted, literally and figuratively, that he had to run again to change the historical narrative from 1 termer to the greatest comeback in political history.

So, I know this isn't a comfortable thing to consider but Trump didn't win because people are crazy and worship him (not enough to win anyway) Trump won because the Democrats went crazy. This is the key to getting back the presidency for Democrats. What is even crazier is that they seem to have learned absolutely nothing. They continue to fight in the courts. They continue to do crazy shit at the speech before Congress.

Trump would not be President if the Democrat party had actual normal leadership and direction. That is my opinion and you may not like it or agree but I think the analysis is pretty accurate.
So much wrong here, but this is the Right-wing propaganda machine at work.

But I do want to point out *all* Trump prosecutions - for Dec. 6, for having nuclear weapon and spies secrets in a bathroom with a copy machine at his club - all came AFTER he declared his candidacy on Nov. 15, 2022:

"On November 15 2022, Trump formally announced his 2024 presidential campaign. Three days following Trump's announcement, Garland appointed Smith as special counsel to head the investigations. A report published in July 2023 said he had spent $5.4 million to date on the investigations."

If Trump would have retired, no one would have gone after him.
Either Trump is this larger-than-life superhero politician leading America into unprecedented prosperity and prestige that only insane people are impervious to, or Trump is the lying, demented, narcissistic, train wreck con artist who is driving this country into catastrophe that only MAGAs are blind to.

It’s one or the other.

Think about it. Given the lines that have been drawn there is practically no in-between.

So, with that said, who among us are insane—MAGAs or MAGA naysayers? Again, it’s one or the other. And given the unwavering commitment millions have to the idea Trump is the GOAT of politicians—a position they have neither floundered nor budged an inch on—does it at least give any Trump naysayers pause as to question their own sanity? As long as the Trump hype has persisted implacably, yeah, I sometimes wonder what I am missing.

Thank Rupert Murdoch!
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It's interesting for certain. It's easy to scoff at most of the resident MAGAs and the charactures we see on TV interviews, but I work with so many Trump voters and they are kind, intelligent, well educated people. It blows my mind because they don't fit the narrative, aside from who we voted for, our commonalities are so parallel. It's very hard to wrap my head around it.
Does it ever make you question your sanity? What do others see in Trump that your are completely blind to?

Btw, I am glad you are on the mend. 😊
Sure. Surprisingly, I WAS a diehard conservative. I lived in that echo chamber since I was 18.
Followed Rush, enjoyed Levin, Graham Severin, Hannity et al. Simply adored Ann Coulter.
I was deeply embedded. Even after I had transitioned I was unwavering. Then I divested myself of all right wing media completely. I haven’t owned a TV in years either.
And then I awoke from the haze with a renewed clarity.

*I better see appropriate laughing emojis*
Social media has already destroyed the Republican party, and it will be the downfall of this country, if not human kind.

What die hard Trumpers are fed algorithmically is akin to eating McDs for breakfast/lunch/dinner and being surprised you're fat. Then denying your fat, and changing the 'facts' to claim McD is good for you and your not fat after all.

It's junk food that makes them feel good in the moment, it's cheap, it's easy, and no thought is required.
This is it. I truly believe this is it.
Sure. Surprisingly, I WAS a diehard conservative. I lived in that echo chamber since I was 18.
Followed Rush, enjoyed Levin, Graham Severin, Hannity et al. Simply adored Ann Coulter.
I was deeply embedded. Even after I had transitioned I was unwavering. Then I divested myself of all right wing media completely. I haven’t owned a TV in years either.
And then I awoke from the haze with a renewed clarity.

*I better see appropriate laughing emojis*
No laugh here. I have mad respect for anyone that can break that cycle. We saw it happen with you which is one reason I still interact with MAGA. I believe optimistically that people can change. The smart ones have. Just have to keep beating the drum and more will eventually see the light.
No laugh here. I have mad respect for anyone that can break that cycle. We saw it happen with you which is one reason I still interact with MAGA. I believe optimistically that people can change. The smart ones have. Just have to keep beating the drum and more will eventually see the light.
How many of you saw the light after the debate? If you watched….you witnessed how it felt having the JB administration, big tech and media sucker all of you. But it must not have been enough.
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I'm largely an independent observer. I think it's clear that there's some brainwashed people on both sides.

I grew up in a republican family. When I turned 18 (2007) I registered as a republican. I kept that designation until 2016.

During the 2016 primaries, I was very much against Bernie and Trump. I truly expected the republicans to be the “normal” party that nominate a normal candidate like Rubio or Kasich, and I expected the democrats to be the “crazy” ones to nominate a socialist candidate. But I was wrong, and I no longer recognize the republican party. Trump has flipped their views on free trade, isolationism, and even his “reluctant” supporters do not acknowledge how crazy Trump really is. They sane-wash whatever crazy shit he says and does.

I do often question my sanity. Trump seems like the equivalent of the dress that looked to be either black & blue or white & gold.

I fully understand pushback to democrats. I don’t support blanket student loan forgiveness. Men should not play women’s sports. I am pro-choice, but understand why people fundamentally disagree with it. We had weak border enforcement. But even on all those issues, I don’t think the democrats are “crazy”.

Men playing women’s sports, for example: democrats are not really saying that men should be able to play in women’s sports. I am not a scientist (I’m a tax attorney), but my understanding is that relevant governing bodies (e.g., the NCAA) set standards for measuring testosterone / other factors that would prevent biological males that have not undergone sufficient hormone therapy from competing. More simply put, Lia Thomas did not have a significant competitive advantage over other swimmers. I don’t understand the science, but I am willing to defer to experts, and that willingness to defer to experts is no longer welcome in the republican party.

I more fundamentally disagree with democrats on the student loan forgiveness issue. People agreed to pay for college education by taking out a loan. Unless they are then taking public service jobs where forgiveness is part of the agreement, it makes little sense to just cancel contractual obligations. I get the desire to make college more affordable, but loan forgiveness is an absolutely terrible way of trying to accomplish that. But even with my fundamental opposition to this policy, that does not mean I want to elect an ignorant bully just to piss off the people I disagree with. Moreover, the amount of student loan forgiveness is a very small part of overall government spending, and is far from a make or break issue for me.

Most of my family are republicans. Of those that have gone through similar amounts of introspection as I have, none have voted for Trump. Those that have not gone through that introspection have voted for Trump. I don’t think that everyone who voted for Trump is a bad person. At the same time, I don’t understand how any good person could vote for someone who is so vile, ignorant, and petty. I will never understand it.
How many of you saw the light after the debate? If you watched….you witnessed how it felt having the JB administration, big tech and media sucker all of you. But it must not have been enough.
I argued for years Biden should not run. Do a search and you will see me saying that was a major mistake prior to the debate. Hell I said it actively when he announced.

Having said that I have eaten my share of crow for thinking Harris had a decent shot to win at the end. I was taken aback by just how many people preferred to sit on the couch. I didn’t realize how much apathy the occasional voters had towards Trump and how much the active voters were worried about inflation. I figured he was more polarizing and people would actively vote against him. Instead many boycotted the election or believed Trump’s price BS which surprised me.
Either Trump is this larger-than-life superhero politician leading America into unprecedented prosperity and prestige that only insane people are impervious to, or Trump is the lying, demented, narcissistic, train wreck con artist who is driving this country into catastrophe that only MAGAs are blind to.

It’s one or the other.

Think about it. Given the lines that have been drawn there is practically no in-between.

So, with that said, who among us are insane—MAGAs or MAGA naysayers? Again, it’s one or the other. And given the unwavering commitment millions have to the idea Trump is the GOAT of politicians—a position they have neither floundered nor budged an inch on—does it at least give any Trump naysayers pause as to question their own sanity? As long as the Trump hype has persisted implacably, yeah, I sometimes wonder what I am missing.

It's not the players, it's the 'system', i.e., the government that is the problem. Trump - the man who took a hundred million dollar donation from Israel (via Miriam Adelson) just attacked Thomas Massie (R - KY) the only congressman who hasn't accepted one DIME on their behalf. The SOLE, fiscally responsible Republican getting a new asshole ripped by this buffoon should be enough to wake up the GOP...but it won't. 🤡🤡🤡

Follow the money to find the corrupting influences. People who worship Trump are no different than those who loathe him. He's an actor playing a role for our real overlords, who must keep us divided so the show can go on.

"Congressman Thomas Massie, of beautiful Kentucky, is an automatic 'NO' vote on just about everything, despite the fact that he has always voted for Continuing Resolutions in the past. HE SHOULD BE PRIMARIED, and I will lead the charge against him. He's just another GRANDSTANDER, who's too much trouble, and not worth the fight. He reminds me of Liz Cheney before her historic, record-breaking fall (loss!). The people of Kentucky won't stand for it, just watch. DO I HAVE ANY TAKERS???"

Meaning what exactly? Angels and demons are fighting to win people over to Donald Trump?

I didn't believe demons.

Donald Trump changed my mind.

I seriously am 50 percent convinced Trump is either a literal demon or under some kind of demonic guidance.

In a way, even the MAGAs sense this, but they say he is anointed by God or God is working through him. His survival of the assassination attempt is viewed as evidence of his divine sponsorship.
MAGA types have always been around. The problem is due to our winner-take-all system where the candidate who wins 50.1 percent of the vote gets 100 percent of the power.
There are a lot of conservatives in this country.

An awful lot of conservatives, me for instance, would not have chosen Trump as the conservative nominee, if it were up to me. Unfortunately, it was not up to me.

The way democrat and republican nominees come to be the nominee, is not as grass-roots as you liberals naively believe. The oligarchs own the media. They'll let us know which candidates really have a chance.

Nobody gets to be president, or even the democrat or republican nominee, unless some very, very wealthy and very, very powerful oligarchs are OK with it. As I said, the oligarchs will let us know via their media who they have pre-approved. They have a way of weeding out grass-roots candidates that they don't own. Ignoring them is their preferred method.

So, having said all that... the oligarchs gave us Harris and Trump as the 2 candidates who legitimately had a chance to win.

In this situation, do you think any conservative is going to vote for the awful, awful, liberal candidate Kamala Harris???

I hope you get my point.

What I have just stated is something you libs don't seem to understand, but need to.
I am not a liberal. I am a left leaning moderate and a registered independent.

I have no data, but I believe moderates make up the majority of the electorate. Lots of Democrats and Republicans are moderates. However, no moderate candidate can get the nomination because they are seen as boring. Things like D's & R's working together to solve problems make folks fall asleep, even if that's what we desperately need.

You ended your point with "you libs ....". Conservatives believe that everyone not aligned with conservative values is a liberal. True liberals believe that all Trump voters are MAGA. Neither is true.

It's not complicated. We have a truly uninformed electorate. This country generally votes for the person they like better, then make up reasons why they made the right choice.

Americans didn't like Biden and the things that happened during his term. So, they voted for Trump.

I guess we'll see how that works out.
Either Trump is this larger-than-life superhero politician leading America into unprecedented prosperity and prestige that only insane people are impervious to, or Trump is the lying, demented, narcissistic, train wreck con artist who is driving this country into catastrophe that only MAGAs are blind to.

It’s one or the other.

Think about it. Given the lines that have been drawn there is practically no in-between.

So, with that said, who among us are insane—MAGAs or MAGA naysayers? Again, it’s one or the other. And given the unwavering commitment millions have to the idea Trump is the GOAT of politicians—a position they have neither floundered nor budged an inch on—does it at least give any Trump naysayers pause as to question their own sanity? As long as the Trump hype has persisted implacably, yeah, I sometimes wonder what I am missing.

Meh. Disagree with ya, there is an in between. They just don’t get worked up bout everthin. The ones you are talkin bout don’t have a life outside politics. It’s to bad the in between people don’t rally and let all the others know how crazy they are.
It's interesting for certain. It's easy to scoff at most of the resident MAGAs and the caricatures we see on TV interviews, but I work with so many Trump voters and they are kind, intelligent, well educated people. It blows my mind because they don't fit the narrative, aside from who we voted for, our commonalities are so parallel. It's very hard to wrap my head around it.
This has been my experience with both Dems and Repubs. You could say the same thing above and insert liberals. The ugly stereotypes don't match the people. I have friends, family, business acquaintances etc from all over the spectrum. The vast majority do not fit the simplistic cliches of either group. But the extremes are what we're constantly bombarded with.

We are being systematically divided. It didn't start with Trump though he certainly exacerbated it. Until/Unless people realize that...we're fvcked. If this board is any indication, it's not promising. Snark, arrogance and name-calling are the order of the day. Find a way to agree on something? Naw. That might actually work and be productive.
There are a lot of conservatives in this country.

An awful lot of conservatives, me for instance, would not have chosen Trump as the conservative nominee, if it were up to me. Unfortunately, it was not up to me.

The way democrat and republican nominees come to be the nominee, is not as grass-roots as you liberals naively believe. The oligarchs own the media. They'll let us know which candidates really have a chance.

Nobody gets to be president, or even the democrat or republican nominee, unless some very, very wealthy and very, very powerful oligarchs are OK with it. As I said, the oligarchs will let us know via their media who they have pre-approved. They have a way of weeding out grass-roots candidates that they don't own. Ignoring them is their preferred method.

So, having said all that... the oligarchs gave us Harris and Trump as the 2 candidates who legitimately had a chance to win.

In this situation, do you think any conservative is going to vote for the awful, awful, liberal candidate Kamala Harris???

I hope you get my point.

What I have just stated is something you libs don't seem to understand, but need to.
Again, the OP has nothing to do with Kamala being good or palatable to conservatives. The question is to the rabid, insane idolizing of Trump or the rabid acrimony, hatred, and unwavering belief Trump is destroying the country.

Yes, there are Americans who are not immersed in either category, but there are in fact millions of Americans who do indeed fall into one or the other in that dichotomy. Hence the OP—millions are insane, one way or the other.

I only point this out to save you in the future from writing a bunch of inane drivel and corny cliches that have absolutely nothing to do with the OP.
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It's interesting for certain. It's easy to scoff at most of the resident MAGAs and the charactures we see on TV interviews, but I work with so many Trump voters and they are kind, intelligent, well educated people. It blows my mind because they don't fit the narrative, aside from who we voted for, our commonalities are so parallel. It's very hard to wrap my head around it.
You think you and I might be able to hang out and have a good time?

The powers to be got their power by making us argue over padanitic shit to make us forget most of us want the same thing, a good place to raise children and live life.
Either Trump is this larger-than-life superhero politician leading America into unprecedented prosperity and prestige that only insane people are impervious to, or Trump is the lying, demented, narcissistic, train wreck con artist who is driving this country into catastrophe that only MAGAs are blind to.

It’s one or the other.

Think about it. Given the lines that have been drawn there is practically no in-between.

So, with that said, who among us are insane—MAGAs or MAGA naysayers? Again, it’s one or the other. And given the unwavering commitment millions have to the idea Trump is the GOAT of politicians—a position they have neither floundered nor budged an inch on—does it at least give any Trump naysayers pause as to question their own sanity? As long as the Trump hype has persisted implacably, yeah, I sometimes wonder what I am missing.

The Trump hype ( and its hype, no real substance) has persisted because his lemmings in the cult are ignorant and insane. You hit the nail on the head.
You think you and I might be able to hang out and have a good time?

The powers to be got their power by making us argue over padanitic shit to make us forget most of us want the same thing, a good place to raise children and live life.
Of course. Most people on here would be able to. Don't ask someone about their politics and folks tend to get along.
Either Trump is this larger-than-life superhero politician leading America into unprecedented prosperity and prestige that only insane people are impervious to, or Trump is the lying, demented, narcissistic, train wreck con artist who is driving this country into catastrophe that only MAGAs are blind to.

It’s one or the other.

Think about it. Given the lines that have been drawn there is practically no in-between.

So, with that said, who among us are insane—MAGAs or MAGA naysayers? Again, it’s one or the other. And given the unwavering commitment millions have to the idea Trump is the GOAT of politicians—a position they have neither floundered nor budged an inch on—does it at least give any Trump naysayers pause as to question their own sanity? As long as the Trump hype has persisted implacably, yeah, I sometimes wonder what I am missing.

Well, your title is at least accurate.

Millions of people in this country ARE in fact insane, one way or "another"..............

The problem is we can't begin to quantify how many millions, and no, blanketing who people voted for ("one way or the other") isn't concrete proof.

Hope that helps! :D
Well, your title is at least accurate.

Millions of people in this country ARE in fact insane, one way or "another"..............

The problem is we can't begin to quantify how many millions, and no, blanketing who people voted for ("one way or the other") isn't concrete proof.

Hope that helps! :D
I understand “**** Wisconsin!” and that’s about it.
Either Trump is this larger-than-life superhero politician leading America into unprecedented prosperity and prestige that only insane people are impervious to, or Trump is the lying, demented, narcissistic, train wreck con artist who is driving this country into catastrophe that only MAGAs are blind to.

It’s one or the other.

Think about it. Given the lines that have been drawn there is practically no in-between.

So, with that said, who among us are insane—MAGAs or MAGA naysayers? Again, it’s one or the other. And given the unwavering commitment millions have to the idea Trump is the GOAT of politicians—a position they have neither floundered nor budged an inch on—does it at least give any Trump naysayers pause as to question their own sanity? As long as the Trump hype has persisted implacably, yeah, I sometimes wonder what I am missing.

I think people can be both insane and right in the end. E.g.

1. It's insane to believe everything Trump does is going to turn out great. It won't. As with investing, you just want most of it to.

2. It's insane/inhuman to stay seated and not clap for a 13 year old cancer survivor because you don't like the guy that told you about him. Those people might also be right about Trump's presidency ultimately being a failure.

It's the media that's erased the middle ground and created a divide. But Clinton Democrats and Bush Republicans alike realize this could turn out just fine for America. It's not necessarily going to be an amazing success OR an unmitigated disaster. Nonetheless the media must paint it that way because for them, it's ultimately about convincing the wing nuts who believe what they say to vote for the media outlets chosen party.
I think people can be both insane and right in the end. E.g.

1. It's insane to believe everything Trump does is going to turn out great. It won't. As with investing, you just want most of it to.

2. It's insane/inhuman to stay seated and not clap for a 13 year old cancer survivor because you don't like the guy that told you about him. Those people might also be right about Trump's presidency ultimately being a failure.

It's the media that's erased the middle ground and created a divide. But Clinton Democrats and Bush Republicans alike realize this could turn out just fine for America. It's not necessarily going to be an amazing success OR an unmitigated disaster. Nonetheless the media must paint it that way because for them, it's ultimately about convincing the wing nuts who believe what they say to vote for the media outlets chosen party.
I 100% agree with 1 and 2.
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This is why I think the next decade will be very interesting. Half of America has very little in common with the other half.

And it’s not even split somewhat cleanly via south and north.

If the economy tanks, watch out, this whole situation is a tinderbox
Maybe politically. We had a get together with some age old friends Saturday evening, two of which are die hard Fox News watching Drumpers. Politics was never brought up and we all had a great time and laughed our asses off…