Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

You're just not paying attention. There have been movements to ban handguns as well - for decades now. The more recent carnage and absolute non-necessity of an assault weapon has overshadowed it, unfortunately.
And if people won’t even consider assault rifle bans or restrictions, what is the point of wasting time talking about handguns. Just more nonsense and deflection from the gun nuts.
Physics are physics.

Rifle rounds tend to move faster than pistol rounds due to the larger amounts of propellant and the longer barrel. By Rifle standards the .223 is a small round.
And that makes use of the .223 no big deal.
You cannot be serious.
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Texas government taking action…

They would be better off in Texas is the 3rd graders made the laws over Republicans.
I'm sure stuff like this goes over well at companies moving to Texas from Lib states. Your company gets a nice tax break, but your kid gets to be trained in trauma care.
Lots of libtards on here thinking guns have minds of their own. You guys do know murder is illegal don't you?
Lots of rethuglicans on here thinking guns have nothing to do with murder. You guys know murder is happening with guns don’t you?