Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

So? Have stated it multiple times for different details related to this topic. The attempt at moving the goal posts would be funny, if it weren’t so pathetic.
So when asked to provide examples your one the thread where the original al comment took place.

Change your ****ing pants bud.

Those racist ideologies the news said he had, are we good to call him a brown supremacist?
  • Haha
Reactions: RileyHawk
If this was a thread on the football board talking about last week's game:

Whiskey: Petras probably threw for a few hundred yards, few touchdowns and looked pretty sharp. Running game was great but the defense let us down.

I bet you that the defense let up too many points, the punting was shit and the tackling was poor.

Board: What the hell?

Whiskey: What? I didn't watch the game.

Board: Why the fvck are you commenting about it?

Whiskey: I said I didn't know, nice life bud, piss pants.

Board: WTF?

Whiskey: I said I didn't watch the game.
So when asked to provide examples your one the thread where the original al comment took place.

Change your ****ing pants bud.

Those racist ideologies the news said he had, are we good to call him a brown supremacist?
You asked for examples, multiple examples were provided. Have your care giver change your pants after they finish spoon feeding you your jello, spud.

You’ve been exposed, we have all had a good laugh at your expense. F***ing deal with it.
You asked for examples, multiple examples were provided. Have your care giver change your pants after they finish spoon feeding you your jello, spud.

You’ve been exposed, we have all had a good laugh at your expense. F***ing deal with it.
You all? You need to make imaginary people to feel confident in your stance?

I asked for examples and you provided the example in this thread, as if it was some consistency.

Keep foe for thr brown supremacist card though, it's going super well.
  • Haha
Reactions: RileyHawk
You all? You need to make imaginary people to feel confident in your stance?

I asked for examples and you provided the example in this thread, as if it was some consistency.

Keep foe for thr brown supremacist card though, it's going super well.
Other board members/posters. Check the reactions and posts. This is an act, right? You aren’t truly this stupid, are you?

“Keep foe for thr brown supremacist card though, it's going super well.”

When have I played this card? Spelling/grammar aside, you really are dumb AF.
He left a message on social media where he expressed skepticism that any psychologist could have effectively addressed his issues.
The Army dismissed him in under three months without him completing basic training.
One investigator called the information gathered thus far on media reflected a “mish mash” of the killer’s activity.
So your one example is from this thread..... thanks for proving my point.

You dumb asses think a Mexican, whose parents needed interpretation, was a right wing nationalist because.... the news said so..... you are now going for the brown white Supremcist because it's the only rationalization in your brain. Brown white supremacist shoots white people....
You've never heard of that infamous, white-supremecist hate group from Mexico called the Que Que Que?
Shooter was a big fan of the Libs of Tik Tok. Huh.

Many of the posts addressed his Hispanic heritage, which some commentators previously cited when expressing doubts about his neo-Nazi leanings.

In one recent post, he mused about the Latino people being white, and cited Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist with Hispanic heritage.

“Hell Nick Fuentes said something like that while he was on the pearl show,” he wrote. “I think I even read in the news Hispanics could be the new white supremist [sic]. Just the other day this black dude told me the line is blurring. He can't tell the difference anymore. Someone would look white but their [sic] actually Hispanic.”

Other posts include photos of weapons and ammunition, and espouse bigotry toward women, Jewish people, and racial minorities. Among them are photos of men and women giving Nazi salutes, with the caption, “My kind of people.” “Pinochet did nothing wrong,” reads a line of text beneath a picture of brutal Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. In a handwritten notebook entry dated July 11, 2022 and posted to the account, Garcia says somebody told him he looks “like the type to walk into a crowd and start shooting.”
So we're what, shocked this guy was a nut job? THEY ALL ARE.
These mass shooters are either a. violent criminals with gang affiliations and a criminal history OR b. Individuals with a history of mental illnesss beyond just garden variety anxiety or depression.
Additional gun laws targeting individuals outside these two groups are purely political and will frankly prevent any real fixes being made.
If our political parties truly cared about fixing this problem, they'd come together and figure out a way to keep guns out of the hands of these two groups of people. But they won't bc they don't.
So if your racist, and kill white people, one can only assume you are racist against white people right?

What does "held racist" mean? Like didn't like white people? Asians? Blacks?
Killers come in all colors. Those that use guns cross all color lines, but all use guns.
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That’s a great question for your friends, since that hardly ever gets talked about on here and if you mention Chicago watch out
You're just not paying attention. There have been movements to ban handguns as well - for decades now. The more recent carnage and absolute non-necessity of an assault weapon has overshadowed it, unfortunately.