Poll: Do you believe Biden is mentally fit for an additional 4-year term?

Do you believe Biden is mentally fit for an additional term?

  • Yes

  • No

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Ah, yes, the "in comparison" method. Good grief. So the real answer is no. Let's just face it, we're going to have someone not mentally up to the task for the next 4 years, one with seemingly good intentions and one without.

Sarcastic Season 9 GIF by The Office
He's done well so far, no reason to think that will change.
If he takes a real turn for the worst we'll be fine, we were when Reagan did.
If he takes a real turn for the worst we'll be fine, we were when Reagan did.
You know, I always assumed Reagan must have been showing signs there towards the end, so I googled it just this morning. This was my google search phrase, "Did Reagan's administration cover up his Alzheimer's?" This is what I found:

He had to have been showing at least the occasional sign, though, right?
Can you elaborate on this line of thinking? Do you think he has the mental capacity to be making day to day decisions as a president? Do you trust Biden to sit down with Iran, Russia, or China to negotiate on behalf of the usa?
I trust the people around Biden to help see the best options and make a rational decision in any agreements to be made. Trump surrounds himself with a legion of spineless "Yes" men that can't help reign in the Orange A*hole.

Biden had his wtf senility moments, but those don't even compare to the dangerous crap Don shoots off.
I chose yes because with Biden it’s apparent he’s surrounded himself with a good team. I think the buck stops with him, but he has experienced people in his administration.

The only other person who matters in this discussion - Trump - listens only to whoever is kissing his ass this second, and had no agenda beyond what Fox and Friends said that morning.

So for those of you shitting on Biden, I’d ask if you’re mentally fit to cast a vote this November.
These are literally the choices. Down the middle bland bureaucracy or set the world on fire.
Stepstool ON one!
People can't even vote yes without qualifying it being about Trump. The dems are losing a prime opportunity to nominate someone who could lead the party for the next 8+ years which is really quite sad. Whoever is steering the admin clearly doesn't want to give it up and has a lot of power over the dnc.
I think he honestly believes what he writes and thinks he's making intelligent arguments.

Either that or he's the best troll on this board.
You guys are defending a guy who clearly is not able to put together his own coherent thoughts and you support him being president. You and your buddies have lost all credibility.

You all criticize and name call because you know what I say is the truth but don't want to admit you have been wrong.
You guys are defending a guy who clearly is not able to put together his own coherent thoughts and you support him being president. You and your buddies have lost all credibility.

You all criticize and name call because you know what I say is the truth but don't want to admit you have been wrong.
Lol you are the endless joke. Keep it coming.
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I'm good with concluding that he's not fit for another term. That's more so that the expectations for the presidency should be high, rather than that I think Biden is too weak physically or diminished mentally. He's old, he definitely is weaker physically and diminished mentally, but the presidency isn't a one man show, so I'm not all that concerned about another Biden term. But we should expect a lot more from the president, but we don't.

Said another way, he's unfit in terms of what we should expect in a president but fit in terms of meeting the minimum requirements to keep the show going.
That’s a pretty reasonable take.
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You guys are defending a guy who clearly is not able to put together his own coherent thoughts and you support him being president. You and your buddies have lost all credibility.

You all criticize and name call because you know what I say is the truth but don't want to admit you have been wrong.
You're a magat. Talk about lack of self awareness. Geez, get a grip.
I think he is fit, because we have already had a president who shows us what it actually looks like to be unfit.
The question is stupid. Millah answered it correctly and the people who say he didn't are the problem. With our stupid system we have 2 options. The other option besides Biden is an absolute 100% under no circumstances option. My line of thinking is you cannot under any circumstances let that man anywhere near the white house again... you can't give up the incumbency advantage so Biden is the best bet to keep him out. And if he actually does have to step down Harris is still infinitely a better option than trump. Just get us to 28 and then hopefully by then God willing we can have at least 1 decent option. It sucks but it is what it is.
I chose yes because with Biden it’s apparent he’s surrounded himself with a good team. I think the buck stops with him, but he has experienced people in his administration.

The only other person who matters in this discussion - Trump - listens only to whoever is kissing his ass this second, and had no agenda beyond what Fox and Friends said that morning.

So for those of you shitting on Biden, I’d ask if you’re mentally fit to cast a vote this November.
These are literally the choices. Down the middle bland bureaucracy or set the world on fire.

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You know, I always assumed Reagan must have been showing signs there towards the end, so I googled it just this morning. This was my google search phrase, "Did Reagan's administration cover up his Alzheimer's?" This is what I found:

He had to have been showing at least the occasional sign, though, right?

60 Minutes reporter interviewed Reagan in 1986 and he had no idea where he was. She sat on the story.

The question is stupid.
Why is the question stupid? He didn't ask, "Is Biden better than Trump?" or "Would you vote for Biden over Trump?" He asked, "Do you believe biden is mentally fit for an additional 4-year term?" I believe the answer is no. So then that prompts the follow-up question. Do you believe a mentally unfit person is better than Trump (another mentally unfit person)?

Many on here have admitted they don't think Biden is the best person for the job, BUT since they think a corpse is better than Trump, they have no issues casting their vote for Joe (but they wish there was a better candidate). I can appreciate those folks.

Others on here, however, think Joe Biden is the best president since Lincoln...clinging to Dark Brandon like he's Zoro or some other Folk Hero. It's pretty sad. I'm waiting for those people to craft their own golden statue like the MAGAts have for Trump.
Why is the question stupid? He didn't ask, "Is Biden better than Trump?" or "Would you vote for Biden over Trump?" He asked, "Do you believe biden is mentally fit for an additional 4-year term?" I believe the answer is no. So then that prompts the follow-up question. Do you believe a mentally unfit person is better than Trump (another mentally unfit person)?

Many on here have admitted they don't think Biden is the best person for the job, BUT since they think a corpse is better than Trump, they have no issues casting their vote for Joe (but they wish there was a better candidate). I can appreciate those folks.

Others on here, however, think Joe Biden is the best president since Lincoln...clinging to Dark Brandon like he's Zoro or some other Folk Hero. It's pretty sad. I'm waiting for those people to craft their own golden statue like the MAGAts have for Trump.
I think you blow the number of those that are Biden fans here out of proportion. Some are more vocal than others.
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Why is the question stupid? He didn't ask, "Is Biden better than Trump?" or "Would you vote for Biden over Trump?" He asked, "Do you believe biden is mentally fit for an additional 4-year term?" I believe the answer is no. So then that prompts the follow-up question. Do you believe a mentally unfit person is better than Trump (another mentally unfit person)?

Many on here have admitted they don't think Biden is the best person for the job, BUT since they think a corpse is better than Trump, they have no issues casting their vote for Joe (but they wish there was a better candidate). I can appreciate those folks.

Others on here, however, think Joe Biden is the best president since Lincoln...clinging to Dark Brandon like he's Zoro or some other Folk Hero. It's pretty sad. I'm waiting for those people to craft their own golden statue like the MAGAts have for Trump.
Because the question doesn't take the whole picture into account. I'm with you I wish there was a better option and that option was better than what we currently have as far as keeping trump out. But I don't think there is an option out there like that. Maybe I'm wrong... maybe a Newsome or a Whitmer could still beat trump but I don't think so personally I think Biden is our best shot. We can survive an old man for 4 years we cannot survive trump. It's that simple. Hopefully in 28 we have at least 1 decent option and preferably 2. It would be really nice to not have to vote for the least worse option for once.
I think you blow the number of those that are Biden fans here out of proportion. Some are more vocal than others.
For sure. I'm not a "fan" of any politician. I think he's done a decent job with a tough hand dealt to him but I don't think he's perfect and really wish we had a younger candidate. Besides a few I think most that people would consider Biden "fans" are like me. No one is worshiping him like Trump supporters worship him. That's strictly a right wing thing
If Biden is such a pudding brained, dementia riddled, senile old man who cant remember anything or know what time it is, i dont want to hear republicans bitch anymore about biden doing this or that. Hard to be with it enough to destroy the country when he obviously is not capable of anything more than mumbling and stumbling all over
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For sure. I'm not a "fan" of any politician. I think he's done a decent job with a tough hand dealt to him but I don't think he's perfect and really wish we had a younger candidate. Besides a few I think most that people would consider Biden "fans" are like me. No one is worshiping him like Trump supporters worship him. That's strictly a right wing thing
I actually wasn't speak of you.
Do any of you remember the revolving door and character and chaos and turnover of the trump administration? Now compare that with the Biden administration, stability and people qualified to lead this country. As far as I know Kamala Harris will continue as VP and that also suits me just fine. Stefanic and Vance are runnig for trump's VP and they both have said, they would not have done what Pence did. So, think about that for awhile. What kind of country do you wish to live in?
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Do any of you remember the revolving door and character and chaos and turnover of the trump administration? Now compare that with the Biden administration, stability and people qualified to lead this country. As far as I know Kamala Harris will no continue as VP and that also suits me just fine. Stefanic and Vance are runnig for trump's VP and they both have said, they would not have done what Pence did. So, think about that for awhile. What kind of country do you wish to live in?
Amen. This still isn't a hard choice, at all. The pos Special Prosecutor did that intentionally to try and sway the election similar to what Comey did. Don't fall for it.
You guys are defending a guy who clearly is not able to put together his own coherent thoughts and you support him being president. You and your buddies have lost all credibility.

You all criticize and name call because you know what I say is the truth but don't want to admit you have been wrong.
I think he honestly believes what he writes and thinks he's making intelligent arguments.

Either that or he's the best troll on this board.
I was really hoping for the second option but it looks like sadly, the first is accurate. It's a cult.
You guys are defending a guy who clearly is not able to put together his own coherent thoughts and you support him being president. You and your buddies have lost all credibility.

You all criticize and name call because you know what I say is the truth but don't want to admit you have been wrong.
And Trump is coherent? Raving like a madman about conspiracy theories, promising to be a dictator for ONLY a day?, and no real policies.
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I thought OP phrased the question pretty straight forward....then thread turned into "but trump"
Par for the course, much like Biden even his supporters can’t master a Yes or No question…they turn it into an essay. If the current version of Joe is a guy you want leading your country, then I don’t care to share a country with you. How many examples do you need to see…or what exactly does he need to do before you will objectively assess him. If he was dead they would still say better than Trump.
Par for the course, much like Biden even his supporters can’t master a Yes or No question…they turn it into an essay. If the current version of Joe is a guy you want leading your country, then I don’t care to share a country with you. How many examples do you need to see…or what exactly does he need to do before you will objectively assess him. If he was dead they would still say better than Trump.
Don't blame me I voted for the email lady because I knew how terrible Trump was. Thanks
Because the question doesn't take the whole picture into account. I'm with you I wish there was a better option and that option was better than what we currently have as far as keeping trump out. But I don't think there is an option out there like that. Maybe I'm wrong... maybe a Newsome or a Whitmer could still beat trump but I don't think so personally I think Biden is our best shot. We can survive an old man for 4 years we cannot survive trump. It's that simple. Hopefully in 28 we have at least 1 decent option and preferably 2. It would be really nice to not have to vote for the least worse option for once.
Why can’t we survive Trump, what are you scared of?

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