Poll: Do you believe Biden is mentally fit for an additional 4-year term?

Do you believe Biden is mentally fit for an additional term?

  • Yes

  • No

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I believe the Biden team is mentally fit for an addition 4 year team, but I didn't read the question correctly so I voted no. I'd like to change my vote to yes, but there is no option for changing your vote.
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Won’t happen
And that’s a major problem. The decision makers on the left know it would be very bad for Biden to be involved in debate, they’ll decline any offers citing they won’t engage in Trump’s extremism. The American people literally wouldn’t get to see candidates discuss issues before they place votes, just crazy politics has gotten this bad.
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I believe the Biden team is mentally fit for an addition 4 year team, but I didn't read the question correctly so I voted no. I'd like to change my vote to yes, but there is no option for changing your vote.
It actually sounds like you read it correctly since you are adding “team.” This is specific to the Presidential candidate I believe.
If Biden were a potato he'd be more mentally fit for President than Trump and that's what these questions are really about.
I would say neither is fit, but definitely if that is the option, I hope Biden wins. But is it feasible to have a president with dementia? No 1 on 1 meetings with world leaders and a spokesperson does State of the Union addresses?
I would say neither is fit, but definitely if that is the option, I hope Biden wins. But is it feasible to have a president with dementia? No 1 on 1 meetings with world leaders and a spokesperson does State of the Union addresses?
I don't think Biden has dementia, I watched my mom sink into dementia and it's much worse than memory loss or confusion. For her it was a total change in personality from a sweet people pleaser to a person that was just the opposite.
I don't think Biden has dementia, I watched my mom sink into dementia and it's much worse than memory loss or confusion. For her it was a total change in personality from a sweet people pleaser to a person that was just the opposite.
You could be right. Maybe more memory loss and aging. Sorry about you Mom. I had the same with my dad and MIL and my mom is currently in early stages and BIL has early onset frontal lobe dementia. He can hold a very intelligent conversation and tell doctors what he knows they want to hear, but does not remember seeing a specialist a week earlier. We are trying to keep him in his home as long as possible.
Because of too many idiots.
Was Iowa full of idiots in '08 & '12? No, email lady was unlikeable, despised and a known liar going into the election. She called half the electorate " despicable " before the election. Not smart. She tried to smear Obama back in the primaries. Trump wasn't a better choice, just less the time...
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Was Iowa full of idiots in '08 & '12? No, email lady was unlikeable, despised and a known liar going into the election. She called half the electorate " despicable " before the election. Not smart. She tried to smear Obama back in the primaries. Trump wasn't a better choice, just less the time...
Was Iowa full of idiots in '08 & '12? No, email lady was unlikeable, despised and a known liar going into the election. She called half the electorate " despicable " before the election. Not smart. She tried to smear Obama back in the primaries. Trump wasn't a better choice, just less the time...
Email lady was an embarrassment and is a horrible person. Kamala is very close to being as bad.
When Gavin becomes the nominee it's going to be hilarious how quickly you guys throw Biden under the bus.
I didn’t read though this thread, so I don’t know if this was posted.

I don’t think Biden is in charge presently. There is something or a group of people running the show. Biden is just a figurehead.
I don't think Biden has dementia, I watched my mom sink into dementia and it's much worse than memory loss or confusion. For her it was a total change in personality from a sweet people pleaser to a person that was just the opposite.
We might be going through with my MIL. We’ve seen a dramatic change in her over the last 12-18 months. She’s was a nice, kind person. Over the last year or so, she’s become very mean. She’s intentionally trying to break the family apart. We used to be a close family. My wife’s brother already won’t speak to her. My wife and her used to be very close, but now she’s pushing her away. She’s become extremely outspoken and combative. She’s never wrong, never sorry for her actions. She sends manic, long texts, random shit and her thoughts are all over the place. Lately she’s become an embarrassment in public. She’s obsessed with my youngest son’s JV basketball. She thinks she knows everything about the sport, despite never playing, coaching or reffing. She yells at the officials the entire game, loud enough that people on the opposing side react to her. She’s gotten into verbal, direct confrontations with players and refs. She left Thursday’s night game at the half, then came back for the start of the third quarter. We found out she was walking the halls looking for the refs to give them a piece of her mind. Later in the 2nd half, she cursed at the refs twice.

We’ve tried to intervene, but it’s us, not her that is the problem. We have been begging for my FIL to get her to a psych, but she’s managed to talk her way out and has cancelled her last 3 appointments. We’ve come to the conclusion that he’s scared of her. She won’t let him have his cell phone. If we call or text him, she intercepts. They’ve been married over 50 years. He’s scared, but I also think he’s having a hard time accepting that he’s losing his wife and best friend.

At first we thought she was bipolar, but now we are leaning dementia. She does mix in a few good days, but lately they are few and far between.
We might be going through with my MIL. We’ve seen a dramatic change in her over the last 12-18 months. She’s was a nice, kind person. Over the last year or so, she’s become very mean. She’s intentionally trying to break the family apart. We used to be a close family. My wife’s brother already won’t speak to her. My wife and her used to be very close, but now she’s pushing her away. She’s become extremely outspoken and combative. She’s never wrong, never sorry for her actions. She sends manic, long texts, random shit and her thoughts are all over the place. Lately she’s become an embarrassment in public. She’s obsessed with my youngest son’s JV basketball. She thinks she knows everything about the sport, despite never playing, coaching or reffing. She yells at the officials the entire game, loud enough that people on the opposing side react to her. She’s gotten into verbal, direct confrontations with players and refs. She left Thursday’s night game at the half, then came back for the start of the third quarter. We found out she was walking the halls looking for the refs to give them a piece of her mind. Later in the 2nd half, she cursed at the refs twice.

We’ve tried to intervene, but it’s us, not her that is the problem. We have been begging for my FIL to get her to a psych, but she’s managed to talk her way out and has cancelled her last 3 appointments. We’ve come to the conclusion that he’s scared of her. She won’t let him have his cell phone. If we call or text him, she intercepts. They’ve been married over 50 years. He’s scared, but I also think he’s having a hard time accepting that he’s losing his wife and best friend.

At first we thought she was bipolar, but now we are leaning dementia. She does mix in a few good days, but lately they are few and far between.
Sure sounds like she might have dementia. Mom's started out with crazy thoughts like people were trying to kill her family, my cousin trying to steal the farm, my brother and I keeping some guy tied up upstairs in my her house, etc. She moved on from the crazy thoughts or quit voicing them to us. When friends or family would come to visit she'd tell them to go home or talk about them in front of them. When in the hospital for health problems she would be yelling for the nurses at the top of her lungs at all times of the day. In the past, she had been one to never sit down always busy then she became a person who laid around all day. The thing is her memory didn't really fade. If there was something I couldn't find in her house she could tell me right where it was.

Dementia is an awful disease that impacts the whole family. I feel for your family. Try to remember the good person your MIL really is. I hope you are able to find her some help to ease some of the symptoms.
I do have one funny story for my mom's dementia experience. She also developed this habit of opening the car door when it was going down the highway like she was going to jump out. For that reason, whenever she had a doctor's appointment my brother and I would take her together. We made her sit in the backseat so she couldn't unlock the door. Anyway we took her to the urologist and had to sit in the waiting room for a long time. She was getting very impatient. A nurse came to the door and called for James. No answer from James, so mom says "I'm James."
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Email lady was an embarrassment and is a horrible person. Kamala is very close to being as bad.

I see you got a laugh out of my post 148, now how about replying to my 147 nd 148 and tell us how what you think makes Hillary and Kamala horrible people.
Biden is already reduced to babbling nonsense 20% of the time. He may not make it thru the rest of this term. Anyone who thinks he deserves to be reelected is ignoring reality.
Dems are desperate to get him to step down.

Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL​

According to the poll, conducted using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel, 86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. That figure includes 59% of Americans who think both he and former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old and 27% who think only Biden is too old.


Good god
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Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL​

Sun, February 11, 2024 at 8:00 AM CST·4 min read

How Biden's age concerns will impact presidential race

An overwhelming majority of Americans think President Joe Biden is too old to serve another term, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.

According to the poll, conducted using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel, 86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. That figure includes 59% of Americans who think both he and former

President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old and 27% who think only Biden is too old.
PHOTO: President Joe Biden delivers remarks in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 6, 2024. (Michael Reynolds/EPA via Shutterstock)

Sixty-two percent of Americans think Trump, who is 77, is too old to serve as president. There is a large difference in how partisans view their respective nominees -- 73% of Democrats think Biden is too old to serve but only 35% of Republicans think Trump is too old to serve. Ninety-one percent of independents think Biden is too old to serve, and 71% say the same about Trump.

Concerns about both candidates' ages have increased since September when an ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 74% of Americans thought Biden -- the oldest commander in chief in U.S. history -- was too old to serve another term as president, and 49% said the same about Trump.

The new poll comes on the heels of last week's report from special counsel Robert Hur, which recommended that Biden should not face charges over his handling of classified documents while out of office but did cast doubt on his mental fitness. Vice President Kamala Harris called the report "politically motivated."

With the report on Biden's handling of classified documents just being released this past Thursday, 38% of Americans think Biden should have been charged with a crime, while 34% say he should not have been and another 28% are undecided, according to the poll. There are clear divides by party :68% of Democrats say he shouldn't have been charged while 73% of Republicans say he should have been.

Trump has been indicted on federal charges in relation to his handling of classified information while out of office -- one of four indictments the former president currently faces while campaigning for reelection.
He denies all wrongdoing and has pleaded not guilty.

A June 2023 ABC News/Ipsos poll found that more Americans thought Trump should have been charged with a crime for his handling of classified documents, 48%, whereas 35% thought he should not have been and 17% said they did not know.

Hur highlighted the differences between the two cases in his report, noting that Trump allegedly refused to return the documents for several months, despite being given multiple chances, and "obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it."

"In contrast," the report said, "Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview and in other ways cooperated with the investigation."

Despite these distinctions, when asked who they trust to do a better job of handling classified documents, more Americans said neither (41%), followed by Biden (33%) and then Trump (23%).
PHOTO: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at the National Rifle Association's Presidential Forum, in Harrisburg, Pa.,on Feb. 9, 2024.  (Matt Rourke/AP)

Amid Trump's legal battles, an overwhelming number of Americans (66%) think the former president should not be immune to criminal prosecution for actions he took while president, according to the poll. That includes 45% of Republicans and 83% of Democrats. Independents fall in between at 66%.

The poll also comes days after the Senate failed to advance a bipartisan foreign aid bill with major new border provisions.

Americans find there is blame to go around on Congress' failure to pass legislation intended to decrease the number of illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border -- with about the same number blaming the Republicans in Congress (53%), the Democrats (51%) and Biden (49%). Fewer, 39%, blame Trump.

More Americans trust that Trump would do a better job of handling immigration and the situation at the border than Biden -- 44%-26% -- according to the poll.

More Americans also trust Trump over Biden on the handling of crime (41%-28%), the economy (43%-31%) and inflation (41%-31%).

On another key issue, Biden has an edge when it comes to abortion, with 37% of Americans saying they trust he would do a better job versus 28% saying Trump. More Americans also trust Biden more on health care (38%-28%) and climate change (39%-22%) than Trump.

METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted using the probability-based Ipsos KnowledgePanel® February 9-10, 2024, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 528 U.S. adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 4.5 points, including the design effect, for the full sample. Sampling error is not the only source of differences in polls. Partisan divisions are 25-25-41 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents. See the poll's topline results and details on the methodology here.
ABC News' Dan Merkle and Ken Goldstein contributed to this report.

I didn’t read though this thread, so I don’t know if this was posted.

I don’t think Biden is in charge presently. There is something or a group of people running the show. Biden is just a figurehead.
Based on what evidence?

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