Poll: Should the IOWA vs. ISU series be continued?

Should this game be continued as an annual match-up?

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Of course it should, because discontinuing it might hurt Iowa State's feelings. They might not like us, and gosh, they might even think that Gary Barta isn't a super swell guy anymore. These are far, far more important considerations than the UI doing what's best for the Hawkeye football program.
No, but the only way it will go away is if the Big XII falls apart if Texas and Texas A&M bolt for the Pac 12 and we have the 4 superconference scenario. If ISU goes Mountain West, it may go bye bye. Otherwise, its here to stay sadly.

Its great for them, terrible or us. I wont ever see them as a rival like I do Wiscy or Minny. They just aren't.
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With advent of nine conference games it really limits the ability to schedule other non-conference games. The conference may also want to start conference games the second and third week of the season.
Play 2 years on 2 years off. The casual fan likes this series. No matter who their team is. This allows both schools more flexibility in scheduling P5 schools. There is a movement to have good non conference matchups. Playing this game handicaps both scools with 9 conference games.
Except for I4cy, the vast majority of cyclown fans want to keep this as their SuperBowl game. I say dump iswho and play a team out of the region that will expand Iowa's recruiting base.
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Doesn't do anything for the Hawks.
No help for the 'clones unless Hawks are in the top 25 consistently again. Doubt that will happen.
I'd just as soon see it go away.
No, but the only way it will go away is if the Big XII falls apart if Texas and Texas A&M bolt for the Pac 12 and we have the 4 superconference scenario. If ISU goes Mountain West, it may go bye bye. Otherwise, its here to stay sadly.

Its great for them, terrible or us. I wont ever see them as a rival like I do Wiscy or Minny. They just aren't.
LOL! aTm will bolt to the P12. Sharp folks around here....
Except for I4cy, the vast majority of cyclown fans want to keep this as their SuperBowl game. I say dump iswho and play a team out of the region that will expand Iowa's recruiting base.
Are you 10 years old? I do agree that this game needs to go in the trash bin.
already on record
dump the hawks

This is the equivalent of the "I am rubber, you are glue" counterpoint.

While there are a half-dozen legitimate reasons for Iowa to consider dumping the series based on what's best for the Hawkeye program, what reason could Clone fans possibly have for wanting to end it? Petulance?

So, no--nobody's buying what you're selling about wanting to end the series, because your Cyclones have absolutely nothing to gain by ending it and plenty to lose. You can try to save face by claiming otherwise, but you know it. Because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want us on that schedule. You need us on that schedule.
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This is the equivalent of the "I am rubber, you are glue" counterpoint.

While there are a half-dozen legitimate reasons for Iowa to consider dumping the series based on what's best for the Hawkeye program, what reason could Clone fans possibly have for wanting to end it? Petulance?

So, no--nobody's buying what you're selling about wanting to end the series, because your Cyclones have absolutely nothing to gain by ending it and plenty to lose. You can try to save face by claiming otherwise, but you know it. Because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want us on that schedule. You need us on that schedule.
ah no
Interesting seeing all the posters posting how much they want it gone...but the yays winning the poll.

I think that tends to show the loudmouths don't want it, the reasonable fans do and don't need to announce it to the world.
Interesting seeing all the posters posting how much they want it gone...but the yays winning the poll.

I think that tends to show the loudmouths don't want it, the reasonable fans do and don't need to announce it to the world.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is, genius. Because these polls are so scientific and stuff.
If the majority of people in the state of Iowa and associated with the two universities wanted this game gone I have a hard time believing it wouldn't already be gone. I think the fact that the game has remained in place since 1977 speaks volumes to what the majority want.

However, I did read a few days ago that people complaining on this message board is how we got CJ as a starter. So a few more votes and this game is gone. :)
I do notice that Dolph and others sometimes feel a need to defend the series. I heard him do it before the game last week when he talked to Barta.
It's a game against a team that will never be good and will never matter.

What's the upside of being locked into it?
Except for I4cy, the vast majority of cyclown fans want to keep this as their SuperBowl game. I say dump iswho and play a team out of the region that will expand Iowa's recruiting base.
I agree. Who else does ISU have as a rival, UNI? Is there any team in the XII?
And the people have spoken. 41 votes says keep the series....and the other 47 don't count in this reality. Oh in their own reality, sure I have no doubt that they believe it counts for something.

But the better poll question should be 'should we keep asking about getting rid of the Iowa - Iowa State Series even though it's not going away'?

Now THAT is a poll question worth posing.....
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But the better poll question should be 'should we keep asking about getting rid of the Iowa - Iowa State Series even though it's not going away'?

Now THAT is a poll question worth posing.....


No reason really whatsoever to keep it going for IOWA. Almost zero benefit for us as we could schedule another P5 team in a recruiting area that would help us.
It's not going away. If Iowa were to dump the ISU game you can pretty well count on the legislature, the governor and the regents getting involved in unpleasant ways.
What about all the games against crap opponents we're forced to play because they're in our conference? Kick them out of the conference?

It's a good and rather unique rivalry, embrace it.
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I think most people would miss this game. It's an event in the state and it's got a big following. So yes, it should stay. Anyone speaking against it IMO, is just being a sissy, and scared of losing to ISU. There, I said it.
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No reason really whatsoever to keep it going for IOWA. Almost zero benefit for us as we could schedule another P5 team in a recruiting area that would help us.
It does a lot more good than the cupcake FCS/MAC teams we schedule. There is nothing stopping Iowa from scheduling some tougher games. Michigan has already played 2 PAC-12 schools. Wisconsin put Bama on the schedule and LSU on there last year.

The ISU-IOWA game only makes sense, especially as ISU's resources continue to grow. They get a good coach, and some decent recruiting and look out.

I see lots of fear from my fellow Hawks, and it's troubling.

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