Fran had CMac, Sandfoet, Dix and Perkins in, and you are saying he needed ANOTHER guy in to shoot 3’s…?
your asserting Fran needed 5 guys to shoot 3’s…?
please review the rotations of every big ten team, at any point in the game, ans tell me the total % of minutes when the Coach has 5 guards in the game , at the same time?
answer. It never happens , never.
look, again, for the record, I’m glad IOWA has Fran, he’s good for IOWA basketball, bit his in game coaching skills and several tenets of his dogma are clearly open for for critical review , and subbing little used Kingsbury for Rebraca, to make a lineup of 5 perimter players is clealry a coaching blunder that directly led to the pivitol 9-0 run that led directly to IOWAs defeat
that should be apparent to even the most ardent Fan Fran , like me