Realignment rumors

Related to a previous discussion in this thread:
The AAU invited six new members today

George Washington University
University of South Florida
University of Notre Dame
University of Miami
University of California-Riverside
Arizona State University

A couple of surprises there.
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Germain to a previous discussion in this thread:
The AAU invited six new members today

George Washington University
University of South Florida
University of Notre Dame
University of Miami
University of California-Riverside
Arizona State University

A couple of surprises there.
No FSU is also interesting. Admittedly, I don't know much about the process, so that may not be a surprise.
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Then I guess Notre Dame is off the table.
they should never been on the table in the 1st place. don't get the infatuation with ND, most arrogant school out there.

god help us if they ever join the BT, the concessions that they will demand of the BT will shock even the most hardened BT fans.

the ACC was bent over and got it real bad. picking which teams they play and which ones they won't all in the name of protecting rivalries.

the BT already has Michigan and OSU they sure as hell don't need ND.

ND is in the ACC so let the ACC have them.
Related to a previous discussion in this thread:
The AAU invited six new members today

George Washington University
University of South Florida
University of Notre Dame
University of Miami
University of California-Riverside
Arizona State University

A couple of surprises there.
Where in Western PA ?? So if you are looking for AAU members that can give you bang for the buck. And if the BIG wants to expand then Da U is where you go. Big market , fertile recruiting area, and Miami fits the BIG. If you could get ND and Miami man that would be awesome for us historians
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North of Pittsburgh for 20 years, now back in Midwest. Not sure the B1G presidents are ready or willing to take on the outlaw reputation of Miami, AAU status or not. ND, as you note, is still the belle of the ball. I have been surprised of late by several national reporters saying USC/UCLA do not want Oregon and Washington as late tag-alongs. They want the west coast all to themselves. If that is the case, I think the Big Ten holds until 1) NBC declines pay the Irish the $70 million a year for 6/7 games they want and the network kinda/sorta moves ND into their BIG deal to get Swarbrick the big bucks he is looking for. And or 2) the ACC breaks apart and the Big Ten and SEC do financial battle over INC and to a lesser extent, UVA.

Looking at the TV game lineups for the coming season, I have to think NBC and CBS are concerned about the quality depth of the weekly matchups the B1G can provide for the three time slots. (Fox with first dibs does not share that worry.) The addition next year of the LA schools will help, but adding ND to the conference would make those networks happier. I hope the conference doesn’t make a mistake with the school invited to join with Notre Dame if that comes to pass.
North of Pittsburgh for 20 years, now back in Midwest. Not sure the B1G presidents are ready or willing to take on the outlaw reputation of Miami, AAU status or not. ND, as you note, is still the belle of the ball. I have been surprised of late by several national reporters saying USC/UCLA do not want Oregon and Washington as late tag-alongs. They want the west coast all to themselves. If that is the case, I think the Big Ten holds until 1) NBC declines pay the Irish the $70 million a year for 6/7 games they want and the network kinda/sorta moves ND into their BIG deal to get Swarbrick the big bucks he is looking for. And or 2) the ACC breaks apart and the Big Ten and SEC do financial battle over INC and to a lesser extent, UVA.

Looking at the TV game lineups for the coming season, I have to think NBC and CBS are concerned about the quality depth of the weekly matchups the B1G can provide for the three time slots. (Fox with first dibs does not share that worry.) The addition next year of the LA schools will help, but adding ND to the conference would make those networks happier. I hope the conference doesn’t make a mistake with the school invited to join with Notre Dame if that comes to pass.
I am from South of Pittsburgh. Went to Cal U of PA. I think that the ACC will crumble first then the BIG will pick from that lot
da CUP!
(Sorry, couldn’t resist)

That whole Pennsylvania system of state colleges is in deep dodo. Too many small towns are dependent on those schools for their local economies but the real and potential student numbers now and in the future auger against most of those schools being around.
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they should never been on the table in the 1st place. don't get the infatuation with ND, most arrogant school out there.

god help us if they ever join the BT, the concessions that they will demand of the BT will shock even the most hardened BT fans.

the ACC was bent over and got it real bad. picking which teams they play and which ones they won't all in the name of protecting rivalries.

the BT already has Michigan and OSU they sure as hell don't need ND.

ND is in the ACC so let the ACC have them.
ND won't get concessions. We know 100% they aren't going to the SEC because the upper crust there doesn't want to be in with a bunch of southerners. They got nowhere to go but the Big Ten. The ACC is gonna implode spectacularly.
da CUP!
(Sorry, couldn’t resist)

That whole Pennsylvania system of state colleges is in deep dodo. Too many small towns are dependent on those schools for their local economies but the real and potential student numbers now and in the future auger against most of those schools being around.
Yea and it's a shame. They are already combining schools. The population of Western PA is declining so that makes sense the enrollment to these schools would decline as well
ND won't get concessions. We know 100% they aren't going to the SEC because the upper crust there doesn't want to be in with a bunch of southerners. They got nowhere to go but the Big Ten. The ACC is gonna implode spectacularly.
If you had told me a year ago that the ACC & Pac12 were on the skids, AND that the Big XII was solid, I would have laughed hysterically. Who'd have thought the Big XII would be the one appearing to survive?!
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ND is like a fish you have on the line and its hooked with 3 treble hooks and you got 100 lb test. It may think its getting away, but they won't. We just set the old drag and reel in when they get tired.
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Many suspected but few realized the totality of the clusterf*** that was Larry Scott’s tenure as PAC leader. Larry liked to roll first class, made crappy decisions and the conference presidents allowed it all to happen. The final straw was George K’s inability to make USC happy. The conference death march picked up its pace when USC/UCLA said goodbye.
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I think that the ACC will crumble first then the BIG will pick from that lot

It was determined that their GoR is too strong and no one is going anywhere until the current TV-contract expires.

The Pac is imploding first, no doubt about it.
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If you had told me a year ago that the ACC & Pac12 were on the skids, AND that the Big XII was solid, I would have laughed hysterically. Who'd have thought the Big XII would be the one appearing to survive?!

If you would have told me that adding four G5 schools would convince people that the B12 was "solid", you could have knocked me over with a feather.

I don't think the B12 is any more or less solid than ACC or P12. The media dollars across the three conferences are going to be similar.

It was determined that their GoR is too strong and no one is going anywhere until the current TV-contract expires.

The Pac is imploding first, no doubt about it.
I think that this revenue sharing is going to blow up in a few years and the Mag 7 will turn into the Mag 8 which will end the ACC. So UNC, NCst, UVA , VT, Miami, FSU , Clemson all were talking about getting out of the ACC. Schools like NC St, Vtech , Miami would not have done that unless they knew they had a landing spot, and they do the SEC. The ACC will be divided up between the BIG, SEC, Big12. The AAC will probably get what's left over. The PAC will get the best the MTN West has to offer and target the Texas teams in the AAC to get into that time zone. Now this is a theory but I see the AAC becoming more East coast and the PAC picking up schools in Texas like SMU, UTSA even Rice from the AAC. So it will be interesting
If you would have told me that adding four G5 schools would convince people that the B12 was "solid", you could have knocked me over with a feather.

I don't think the B12 is any more or less solid than ACC or P12. The media dollars across the three conferences are going to be similar.
Big 12 is solid as a second tier conference. It will never be in the same level as the Big Ten or SEC. Once we get into the next series of contracts the disparity will be much worse.
Many suspected but few realized the totality of the clusterf*** that was Larry Scott’s tenure as PAC leader. Larry liked to roll first class, made crappy decisions and the conference presidents allowed it all to happen. The final straw was George K’s inability to make USC happy. The conference death march picked up its pace when USC/UCLA said goodbye.
Asleep at the wheel like Bowlsby was with Texas and Oklahoma.
It really doesn't behoove the B1G to expand much more beyond the current 16, although if ND is pressed to join a conference then the B1G makes the most sense and it does move the dial from a $media$ perspective.

Yes, I could understand adding at least 2 more west coast teams for anchoring that part of the country and for travel partner UO/UW would be the apparent targets. You then would need 1 more addition to level out the conference at 20 ...(imo that would be a school like Stanford due to it's rivalry with ND and it's academics/research)... but then I think they stand pat.

Yeah, if/when the ACC implodes you can talk about getting a footprint into Florida by adding Miami....but then you'd almost definitely need at least one more southern school to act as travel-partner. Who would that be? FSU? Clemson? GaTech? None of them really move the dial, although I guess GaTech and the Atlanta market could possibly make them viable. The real gem for any future ACC poaching is UNC. They have everything the B1G is looking for, but I doubt they would be as interested unless you also bring in one of their historic rivals like Duke or Virginia.

Lots to speculate about for sure.
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If you would have told me that adding four G5 schools would convince people that the B12 was "solid", you could have knocked me over with a feather.

I don't think the B12 is any more or less solid than ACC or P12. The media dollars across the three conferences are going to be similar.
The B12 is a solid conference, but the ACC and P12 are attempting to not become them. If the Big XII had an attractive school, they would be anything but solid.

I doubt the ACC wants to be a solid conference that trades UNC, Clemson, FSU, UVA and Miami for ECU, Louisiana Lafayette, FGCU, UCONN and Colorado State.

If they can ever get out of/wait out their GoR, they are still a great conference. The numbers are similar to the Big XII because of the panicked deal they made during turmoil.

The Big XII ADs put on a good face, but I doubt they are too jazzed about selling 10k fewer tickets at half the price when UCF and Cincinnati are coming to town in place of OU and Texas. That bill hasn’t been sent yet, and a lot of ADs/coaches will be gone when it comes due.
Texas and Oklahoma couldn't get out of the GoR to go to the SEC. The ACC schools are stuck for another 12 years or whatever.

There are very very very few schools that are financially additive to the B1G or SEC. The ACC getting carved up would mean adding schools that reduce the overall conference average. I do not see that happening. It is the same reason that Oregon and Washington are not in the B1G. They don't bring the necessary value.
You won't find one. Iowa is not a land grant school. Iowa State is.
Not one notarized document with the raised seal of both the federal government and the state of Iowa has been produced proving either of these things!!!!!!!
You won't find one. Iowa is not a land grant school. Iowa State is.
This is correct.

The State University of Iowa is established on February 25, 1847—59 days after Iowa became a state—as the second official act of the General Assembly of Iowa. Land Grant schools were a by product of the Morrill act from 1862.
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This blog pretty much sums up how I see it as well, but I still say they stop at 20 members ...anything beyond that is no longer a conference - it becomes an "association" or a "confederacy" for the SEC 😉

When next round of expansion hits, which schools bolt to Big Ten?

#1 - UNC --will be heavily contested with SEC; gut tells me they'll choose SEC
#2/#3 - UO/UW --no brainer, these schools are next up and will accept
#4/#5 - ND/Stanford --another 'combo add' once ND is forced to give up IND

GA Tech

Tier 3
Washington/Oregon vs Virginia/North Carolina. I'm going with Virginia/North Carolina and if we have to wait a while we wait. If USC/UCLA want to be the only B1G schools in the west just wait for eventual ACC crumble.
Part of me thinks the B1G will add Washington and Oregon in order to provide USC/UCLA with West Coast teams to partner with to alleviate travel.

However, I've yet to see any metric that puts the value of Washington and Oregon anywhere near the $$ per school needed to not dilute the pool. In fact, other than ND, I don't think there's any reasonable potential school out there that doesn't dilute the pool.
Part of me thinks the B1G will add Washington and Oregon in order to provide USC/UCLA with West Coast teams to partner with to alleviate travel.

However, I've yet to see any metric that puts the value of Washington and Oregon anywhere near the $$ per school needed to not dilute the pool. In fact, other than ND, I don't think there's any reasonable potential school out there that doesn't dilute the pool.

Too bad we can't shove out Rutgers.

Looking back, they absolutely lucked out by joining the B10. With all the other realignment, there is a very very real possibility that they would be relegated to the AAC right now if not for the B10
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