Anything I know about Lee tells me he was stuck in a southern system he did not morally agree with, but was not willing to go to kill his neighbors to break from it. It was an era of state before country.
The man ordered his plantation overseer to salt the wounds of slaves after they were lashed. He was also the only slave owner in his area to break up families.
If it was true, obviously unforgivable.
Are you going to trust any testimony from one person, who could not write, about one of the most hated people in the north, 6 years after it happened and very shortly after the war ended?
Wesley Norris could have very well been telling the truth. Never met the guy. Wasn't there.
One does need to hold judgement on that story based on the circumstances it is the only known testimony that Lee did such things. I will say that there is compelling evidence that the lashings took place....but not for salt.
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