Roger Stone Trial Updates:

It's an actual impeachment.
Wrong. Even the language of the inquiry vote was wiggly enough for red state Dems to try to deny that they are impeaching, to their constituents. It most certainly is NOT an impeachment.
Mueller didn’t “try to find a crime for two years.” That’s lunacy. He was barred from even suggesting specific charges. As for specific charges, for starters U.S. Code § 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States. He could also be charged soliciting and accepting foreign campaign contributions/assistance.

Like you said, there are other conspiracy or obstruction charges that could apply.

It's not lunacy. Mueller found crimes on multiple Trump associates.

I'm glad someone finally made an attempt to cite a statute. Now let's see some actual evidence rather than parsing of words. If there's evidence, it should be easy to show, and easy to impeach and convict.
It's not lunacy. Mueller found crimes on multiple Trump associates.

I'm glad someone finally made an attempt to cite a statute. Now let's see some actual evidence rather than parsing of words. If there's evidence, it should be easy to show, and easy to impeach and convict.

You are proving my point for me. OLC has said a sitting president cannot be indicted in any form while he is in office. Impeachment is a political function and not a trial of fact so even if there is evidence then Trump could survive if Republicans want him to.
Go through your little motions, payback for the Dems is gonna be a bitch.

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You are proving my point for me. OLC has said a sitting president cannot be indicted in any form while he is in office. Impeachment is a political function and not a trial of fact so even if there is evidence then Trump could survive if Republicans want him to.

You are incorrect. Impeachment is a trial of fact, even if it is a political function. I'm not sure why you would think otherwise.

As far as the opinion that a sitting POTUS can't be indicted, there's no basis for that in the Constitution. A POTUS can be charged criminally, and also be impeached. Impeachment is the mechanism to remove him from office.
I find it comical that all you guys are ever able to produce vs. Trump is partisan hearsay. No recordings, no documents, no videos. Hearsay. Comical.

The Democrat party has devolved into a poorly written comic book series. Have fun with it.

Pretty easy to find a recording of him ADMITTING to sexually assaulting women. That doesn’t bother ya’ll though.
You are incorrect. Impeachment is a trial of fact, even if it is a political function. I'm not sure why you would think otherwise.

As far as the opinion that a sitting POTUS can't be indicted, there's no basis for that in the Constitution. A POTUS can be charged criminally, and also be impeached. Impeachment is the mechanism to remove him from office.

There is no constitutional basis but Mueller was bound to the OLC decision as an employee of the Justice Department.

As for impeachment being a trial of fact, that is false. Impeachment is built on facts but even if one side proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt (which isn’t the standard), the other side is not obligated to remove him from office. If it were indeed a true trial of fact, they would be obligated to remove him if the facts are confirmed.
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I whole-heartedly agree with your first paragraph. Despite how Trump has embarrassed the office he holds, there should be no pleasure in him being impeached. It should actually be distasteful for everyone because of what it means for the image of The United States.

I think people who take glee in this process are just as bad as the most ardent Trump supporters.
Distasteful was electing and then defending him. Removing him will restore some honor to the country.
Pick one.

Gates testimony, i.e., the words Gates said, is a matter of record and not hearsay. What IS hearsay however, is what Gates is saying Trump. It's textbook hearsay.

FUNFACT: Hearsay evidence is admissable under many legal circumstances.
FUNFACT: Hearsay evidence is admissable under many legal circumstances.
Do you read a lot of "for dummies" books? I notice you do a lot of FUN FACTS and PRO TIPS.

I agree with you btw. Hearsay is admissible under many legal circumstances. But it remains hearsay.
Pretty easy to find a recording of him ADMITTING to sexually assaulting women. That doesn’t bother ya’ll though.
Actually no, it's not. But you're welcome to keep right on spinning until you're dizzy.

You guys should start planning for 2024. 2020 is gone.
Anti-American is opinion. I'll play on the illegal part. Please provide a specific example of exactly what Trump did that was illegal, and the specific statute that applies.

I watched CNN this morning and saw Durbin being interviewed. All he did was mention abuse of power. The Constitution requires a high crime or misdemeanor. I'm still waiting for the crime and applicable statute.

Could be bribery. Could be some kind of conspiracy to commit a crime. Robert Mueller tried to find such a crime for 2 years. Couldn't do it. I'm ready to move forward with impeachment. I want to see the evidence. I'm really tired of all the partisan know-it-alls who make crap up. Time to put up or shut up. Let's hope it's soon.

Extortion - obtaining personal benefit through coercion - is a crime in all fifty states.

Trump withheld aid to The Ukraine, contrary to US foreign policy, and asked Zalesky to make a public announcement that an investigation was being made into Hunter Biden.

It doesn’t get much more clear cut than that.
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So, then you're admitting your point is irrelevant here. Because following a discussion at the bench, the judge ALLOWED that evidence to be presented.
You guys all need to get on the same page. I only said it was hearsay. All your buds said it's not hearsay, except for @JohnBasedow who assured me it's not "heresay" and @dgordo assured me it was a line of questioning, but then decided it was the answers.

You are in fact the only person weighing in on this that agrees with me. I applaud that.
You guys all need to get on the same page. I only said it was hearsay. All your buds said it's not hearsay, except for @JohnBasedow who assured me it's not "heresay" and @dgordo assured me it was a line of questioning, but then decided it was the answers.

You are in fact the only person weighing in on this that agrees with me. I applaud that.

Why do I "need to get on the same page"?

Whether it is hearsay or not, is irrelevant.
The judge and lawyers have deemed it to be admissible in court, hearsay or not.
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I whole-heartedly agree with your first paragraph. Despite how Trump has embarrassed the office he holds, there should be no pleasure in him being impeached. It should actually be distasteful for everyone because of what it means for the image of The United States.

I think people who take glee in this process are just as bad as the most ardent Trump supporters.

The image of the US can only be redeemed if we remove him from office. Any sign this might happen is cause for joy.

Further, within the relatively private confines of HROT, Trump supporters have taken glee in every obnoxious thing he does despite the embarrassment that he has brought to out country, simply because they get joy when liberals are upset. To them I am very gleeful that their sick happiness might come to a disgraceful end.

Your tsk-tsks are misplaced and, I believe, insincere.
Why do I "need to get on the same page"?

Whether it is hearsay or not, is irrelevant.
The judge and lawyers have deemed it to be admissible in court, hearsay or not.
Just to be clear, you're saying that right or wrong, the judge admitted hearsay?
Actually no, it's not. But you're welcome to keep right on spinning until you're dizzy.

You guys should start planning for 2024. 2020 is gone.
See, even recordings don’t matter. Trump could be caught on recording confessing to murdering someone and you guys would find a way to shoot it down. It’s absolutely mind blowing how dumb of a cult following that moran has.
No; I'm saying whether it meets the legal definitions of hearsay or not, it is admissible.
But are you going to join your buds and deny that the testimony from one person, as to the words of another, is not hearsay?

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