Roger Stone Trial Updates:

He said they'll let you do it, not I did it. But you keep spinning, spinning spinning. #ProudOfYou
You dizzy yet?

Also: “I better use some tic tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pussy. You can do anything”
Trump is the most reprehensible person - by far - to ever serve as POTUS. He is a vile, disgusting, sorry excuse for a human being who has not a single redeeming quality.

Yes, I take joy in knowing that his character is being exposed. It should have happened years ago. It was obvious to anyone paying attention and should have prevented him from ever sniffing ANY elected office much less the presidency. And even with everything that is known about him - there are still people here who will defend him. Maybe you should take your shots at them.
Pick one.

Gates testimony, i.e., the words Gates said, is a matter of record and not hearsay. What IS hearsay however, is what Gates is saying Trump. It's textbook hearsay.

Text book hearsay is a statement made out of court that is offered for the truth of the matter asserted. Gates repeating what Trump said, i.e., "more will be coming," is not being offered as proof that more Wikileaks were going to be issued, but offered to prove Trump had notice of Stone and Wikileaks involvement with leaking the hacked emails.
Text book hearsay is a statement made out of court that is offered for the truth of the matter asserted. Gates repeating what Trump said, i.e., "more will be coming," is not being offered as proof that more Wikileaks were going to be issued, but offered to prove Trump had notice of Stone and Wikileaks involvement with leaking the hacked emails.

You are incorrect. Impeachment is a trial of fact, even if it is a political function. I'm not sure why you would think otherwise.

As far as the opinion that a sitting POTUS can't be indicted, there's no basis for that in the Constitution. A POTUS can be charged criminally, and also be impeached. Impeachment is the mechanism to remove him from office.

Actually, Article 1, section 3, clause 6-7 is the basis to support the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted for federal crimes. The article clearly outlines that the party (President) must be impeached, tried and convicted and if convicted, the party can never hold office of profit. But that is the only remedy against the President that Congress can seek-- however, he can be indicted, convicted and punished in accordance with the law thereafter.
Correct, that’s what we are all saying.

sounds like a present sense impression

No; present sense impression would be Gates testifying that Trump said "they were going really fast" or some other condition or statement of the event. For example, "Trump said: there was a fire in the kitchen."
No; present sense impression would be Gates testifying that Trump said "they were going really fast" or some other condition or statement of the event. For example, "Trump said: there was a fire in the kitchen."

it sounds like they asked gates how trump acted after the call
Text book hearsay is a statement made out of court that is offered for the truth of the matter asserted. Gates repeating what Trump said, i.e., "more will be coming," is not being offered as proof that more Wikileaks were going to be issued, but offered to prove Trump had notice of Stone and Wikileaks involvement with leaking the hacked emails.
You're obviously incapable of divesting the simple logic from the subject matter of "Orange Man Bad" here.

An account being hearsay doesn't mean it's false or dishonest. It simply means it's someone's second hand report of a second person's words or actions.

When I tell you about what I did or what I said, I might very well be lying, but it's a first hand account. That's NOT hearsay.

When I tell you what someone else said or did, I might actually be telling the truth, but it's still second hand. That IS hearsay.

Gate's testimony regarding what Trump told him is hearsay. Simple. If you want to be the mental contortionist who tries to join the non intellectual crowd spinning it the other way, be my guest.

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