Rs aren't even hiding their plans to steal the election.

Platform the Rs are using to remove voters from rolls:

"It was founded by a retired physician, Dr. John W. “Rick” Richards Jr., and rolled out last year to a group of conservative election activists in the Election Integrity Network. That group was founded by former Trump election lawyer Cleta Mitchell, who was a central figure in efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Last year, a special Georgia grand jury unanimously recommended that she be indicted for her role in trying to overturn the 2020 election in that state. (She has not been indicted in the case.)"
Using platforms created by conservative nutjobs, supported by people grand juries have greenlit for election prosecution to remove what will likely be Dems from the rolls. This isn't even hidden anymore.

How do they expect to get away with that?
How do they expect to get away with that?
It's a mystery.
So, they send these names for possible review. They then review them to see if they are a qualified voter.

If everything is legit, there is nothing to worry about. Not sure why you are making it into a "thing"? Funny that you are mad at this but I am sure oppose voter ID and are cool with drop boxes.
It's a virtual lock that only democrats will be targeted
Maybe when some of the same people who tried to steal the 2020 election are involved, it should give one pause about whether the motive is election integrity or something else.

Did they try to steal it though or did they try to claim it was stolen from them? It certainly led to a lot of investigations, didn't it? Maybe those investigations would happen again if allegations of voter fraud surfaced in November? Dunno. Just a thought.
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So you think that Florida using a system created by right-wing whackjobs and connected to people who grand juries think may have committed election fraud is fair and unbiased?
Someone is just now realizing the legal wars have started in America. Look no further than NY D9 and Trump and then talk about fair and unbiased.
How do they expect to get away with that?

Lol, look into the 2020 election with respect to felons in Florida...iffy website, but it's true

Lol, look into the 2020 election with respect to felons in Florida...iffy website, but it's true

What are we going to do about it?