School vouchers scam update

Two points, and I fully recognize that I am unlikely to change any opinions, but:
1. $1.3 million is 0.67% of the proposed budget for the district.
2. Do we know how much their student population changed as a result of the ESA? Johnson County had 572 approved ESA applications. The Iowa City school district has roughly 14,000 students. If we assume that half of the county's ESA applications were for students in the Iowa City school district, that would be a roughly 2% decline in their student population. You would expect some decline in expenses if you are responsible for educating several hundred fewer students than the previous year.
Costs to run districts don't decline.
Stay dumb. I’m not paying for public schools if my kids have never been in one. I’ll take my tax money back. Sucks for the failing public schools. Maybe do better.
i'll support this as soon as those of us without kids are exempted from any school-related taxes
Costs to run districts don't decline.
The most costly expenses in a district are likely personnel and facilities and these won't be affected much by a small decline in students. I can't turn off the heat because 35 students left my school this year. I cost to maintain the facilities won't be changed at all unless I can close schools. If the students are distributed throughout different grades and classes I probably can't consolidate the classes in order to reduce staff.
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The most costly expenses in a district are likely personnel and facilities and these won't be affected much by a small decline in students. I can't turn off the heat because 35 students left my school this year. I cost to maintain the facilities won't be changed at all unless I can close schools. If the students are distributed throughout different grades and classes I probably can't consolidate the classes in order to reduce staff.
So yes, costs don't decline. Less money to the district to pay for increased costs of basically everything. So what happens? Cuts to adults. Adults who benefit the kids directly. Buildings run on bare bones as far as staffing which impacts children negatively. We need to be hiring more adults not cutting.

Again, thanks Kim for damaging public schools in favor of schools that mostly impact well to do white people.
The real tough part about the choice to start diverting funds to a new source while potentially raising the cost of hiring and maintaining teacher salaries in public districts is that it's coming during a time of declining enrollment across the state.

If/when the financial issues become too big to ignore, they'll come on like a freight train.
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I went to private school growing up (K-7th) and my middle class parents worked their arses off, sacrificing a lot, for that opportunity. There were no vouchers, it was a choice.

My wife and daughter are public school educators. We support public schools. If you want to attend a private school, I'm sorry, but you need to readjust your budget and pay for it. And the schools will have to set their tuition rates to pay for facilities, salaries, etc. I don't support diverting public school funds. They struggle enough and teachers are still under paid.
You're saying that this family is receiving a voucher based on income based need?
It is only looking at income and not resources. I personally know of some families in Iowa City that go to private school worth several million dollars that may qualify for this as their actual income probably is below the threshold. They come from extreme wealth or have sold businesses for generational wealth.
It is only looking at income and not resources. I personally know of some families in Iowa City that go to private school worth several million dollars that may qualify for this as their actual income probably is below the threshold. They come from extreme wealth or have sold businesses for generational wealth.
The income thing can be easy to circumvent.

Iowa's farmers can easily manipulate their annual income with a decent tax attorney. Multi millionaire farmers.

So non farmers can also do the same.

Just another scam for Iowans.
Aww, seems the one's butthurt the most are the teachers at the public schools. The vouchers are for families that don't like the public-school systems and choose to enter their kids in a different school. So, the money isn't going to a public school, it's instead given to a school of the parent's choosing. This is how America works, if you aren't providing the proper service to the liking of the public, then you change how you do things and not continue to force people to have to live by something they don't want. That's just life of being in the public.
Two points, and I fully recognize that I am unlikely to change any opinions, but:
1. $1.3 million is 0.67% of the proposed budget for the district.
2. Do we know how much their student population changed as a result of the ESA? Johnson County had 572 approved ESA applications. The Iowa City school district has roughly 14,000 students. If we assume that half of the county's ESA applications were for students in the Iowa City school district, that would be a roughly 2% decline in their student population. You would expect some decline in expenses if you are responsible for educating several hundred fewer students than the previous year.
But would you though? Many of the costs are relatively fixed. If you’re removing a few students per school do your costs go down that much? I’m going out on a limb and saying 75% of the disteict costs are labor. How many employees does the elimination of that many students make redundant.
The income thing can be easy to circumvent.

Iowa's farmers can easily manipulate their annual income with a decent tax attorney. Multi millionaire farmers.

So non farmers can also do the same.

Just another scam for Iowans.
So, tell me how non farmers can manipulate our income.
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Aww, seems the one's butthurt the most are the teachers at the public schools. The vouchers are for families that don't like the public-school systems and choose to enter their kids in a different school. So, the money isn't going to a public school, it's instead given to a school of the parent's choosing. This is how America works, if you aren't providing the proper service to the liking of the public, then you change how you do things and not continue to force people to have to live by something they don't want. That's just life of being in the public.
I have no kids. Why should I pay property taxes to support the education of other adults children? The answer is that a well educated society makes it better for everyone. I have a societal interest in children being able to read.

Your post mentioned the word choice. It’s the parents choice. As a taxpayer I am funding a school for children. Why should I subsidize two schools because a parent wants a private school for their child?
All basis of need is phased out in 2 more years, correct?
No accountability, no provisions to protect special needs students, or, shall we say less attractive students, and no real auditing. That’s what happens when out of state think tanks find some rube legislators and a religious zealot governor.
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All basis of need is phased out in 2 more years, correct?
No accountability, no provisions to protect special needs students, or, shall we say less attractive students, and no real auditing. That’s what happens when out of state think tanks find some rube legislators and a religious zealot governor and a short sighted "own de libs" obsessed state populace. Derp.

Just waiting for Northen to unload the clever zinger he thinks he’s been baiting some posters over.
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So, tell me how non farmers can manipulate our income.

All legal stuff like maximizing retirement contributions, HSAs, etc.
Claiming losses on investments...

Again, perfectly legal. But, as I said, there are many ways to lower taxable income to qualify for the voucher scam.
So if these things you mention are all legal I would suggest that they are not lowering taxable income, but actually allowing a more accurate assessment of taxable income...
Aww, seems the one's butthurt the most are the teachers at the public schools. The vouchers are for families that don't like the public-school systems and choose to enter their kids in a different school. So, the money isn't going to a public school, it's instead given to a school of the parent's choosing. This is how America works, if you aren't providing the proper service to the liking of the public, then you change how you do things and not continue to force people to have to live by something they don't want. That's just life of being in the public.
LOL wut? Parents are welcome to pay for a private school if they are unhappy with their public options, no?
All basis of need is phased out in 2 more years, correct?
No accountability, no provisions to protect special needs students, or, shall we say less attractive students, and no real auditing. That’s what happens when out of state think tanks find some rube legislators and a religious zealot governor.
What benefit education wise would it be for a special needs student to attend a private school where the other students excel at academics?
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Aww, seems the one's butthurt the most are the teachers at the public schools. The vouchers are for families that don't like the public-school systems and choose to enter their kids in a different school. So, the money isn't going to a public school, it's instead given to a school of the parent's choosing. This is how America works, if you aren't providing the proper service to the liking of the public, then you change how you do things and not continue to force people to have to live by something they don't want. That's just life of being in the public.
Just because you are too stupid to figure out the grift here, doesn't mean public school teachers should bend over and accept it.
Just because you are too stupid to figure out the grift here, doesn't mean public school teachers should bend over and accept it.
If the overpaid underworked Iowa public school teachers gave a shit about their jobs they would do a better job at educating our children.

When you underperform at your profession the consequences are real!
I have no kids. Why should I pay property taxes to support the education of other adults children? The answer is that a well educated society makes it better for everyone. I have a societal interest in children being able to read.

Your post mentioned the word choice. It’s the parents choice. As a taxpayer I am funding a school for children. Why should I subsidize two schools because a parent wants a private school for their child?
Same reason you pay taxes for everything. I don't like paying taxes for people who are capable of working. But instead push out babies with different baby daddies left and right. This is the world we live in. I don't feel having the parents right to choose their child's education is a bad thing, considering the absolute waste of taxes we use on other worthless projects.
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Because you and others have it wrong. You aren't subsidizing 'schools', you are subsidizing 'children's education'.
The obligation is to all of our kids. Actual people. Not to a building, institution or system.
Dilution of funding. It’s cheaper and more efficient to find one school instead of two. If the private school wants to bid a contract to take over a school district I’d be for that.
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