Senior Nationals

McKenna was up 8-0, looking real good. Eierman pulls a big 4 defending a McKenna single to close gap. 8-4 at break.

C+1 on McKenna, 8-5 130 left. Td McKenna, 10-5. Another C+1, 10-6. Exposure 10-8. 12 sec left

McKenna wins 10-8.
Kind of surprised McKenna kept shooting on Eierman. Only chance Eierman had to come back.
Desanto v Alirez mat 1

Td into 3 laces for Alirez, 8-0. Alirez td, gets the 1st period tf
Damn watching this on the Roku app...every few mo.ents tgey flip to some burger commercial in the middle of the matches
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Marinelli in the hole on mat 1.

Rose Cassioppi vs Deede in the hole mat 3.

Lot of PSU guys - some still in HS.
So Marinelli’s win get him to the semis. Worst he can do is 6th. How many get automatically qualified for the Olympic trials - 6?

Did that win qualify him for the trials?
Connor Mirosola takes out Max Dean 9-6. He was trailing 5-6 with about 20 seconds left and Dean just let up completely and gave up the 2+2 to lose.
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Warner v Aiello mat 1 now

No score 1/2 way through 1st. Td Aiello, stepout Aiello 3-0. 2 more for Aiello at break

5-2 130 left. Td Aiello 7-2. Td, lace 7-6. Time runs out. Aiello wins 7-6
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Tiny T v Schultz mat 2 now

2-0 Cass at break

Td, gut 6-0 Cass. Td Schultz 6-2. Td, stepout and 4ptr for Schultz. 9-6 Schultz.

Schultz wins 11-6
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