Sharia Law Update: Louisiana Requires 10 Commandment In Schools - NOW with POLL

What will SCOTUS Do?

  • Strike down this law and somewhat weaken separation of church and state.

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Wut? Can you clarify the point you are trying to make?
We already have laws against plenty of sins. We need more. But we need to be careful what we call a sin to avoid the slippery slope toward theocracy or autocracy.

A couple of sins I'd like to see addressed much more aggressively are gambling and harming the environment.

Both of those can be addressed in part through taxes: a speculation tax; and a carbon tax.

Another behavior I'd like to see labeled a sin is lying by the press. If the press lies, it should not be considered press under the constitution - and should lose that constitutional protection. Individuals could still lie, of course - because freedom of speech - but they could no longer hide behind freedom of press, and would have to accept personal responsibility for their lies.
We already have laws against plenty of sins. We need more. But we need to be careful what we call a sin to avoid the slippery slope toward theocracy or autocracy.

A couple of sins I'd like to see addressed much more aggressively are gambling and harming the environment.

Both of those can be addressed in part through taxes: a speculation tax; and a carbon tax.

Another behavior I'd like to see labeled a sin is lying by the press. If the press lies, it should not be considered press under the constitution - and should lose that constitutional protection. Individuals could still lie, of course - because freedom of speech - but they could no longer hide behind freedom of press, and would have to accept personal responsibility for their lies.
Uhhh….does our current legal system currently apply “sin” level status to any crimes or misdemeanors?
Ol’ Abby was correct stating freedom from religion is not in the BoR. The government cannot establish a religion or favor one over another (that is OF religion).

You do have the right to stand in a park and discuss satan worship while others walk by. You do have the right to put a giant “Jesus Saves” sign on private property facing a highway where thousands drive by each day. I have the right to tell you that Jesus loves you on an Internet forum.

So, to complete this 5th grade lesson, the Constitution uses the word “of” and not “from.” Basic stuff here.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Making no law respecting an establishment of religion IS freedom FROM religion. SMFH
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Making no law respecting an establishment of religion IS freedom FROM religion. SMFH

Indeed. It is freedom from the State assigning a religion that you have to abide by. Exactly why religious arguments against abortion have no legal merit or value. Your religion may be against them; but you have no right to impose those "religious rules or morals" onto others who have different views - e.g. Jewish faith believes life begins at the first breath of air, not in utero. That's their belief.
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Making no law respecting an establishment of religion IS freedom FROM religion. SMFH
There is a fundamental difference with use of the words “of” and “from.” Because the 1st amendment doesn’t use the word “from” means I can put my religion on display and you can put your, uh, belief system on display. I can DM you Psalms & prayers on HORT and you can DM me your nonsense as well.

Government cannot establish, promote, or compel but government cannot stop you from being bombarded with religion every day.
And the law establishes BOTH.
Government cannot keep you “from” religion Joe.

I have the right to put up a billboard near your house that espouses my faith. Even if my faith calls out your constant need to argue as a sin.

If your city allows zoning for a church (that you dislike) to be built near your home, you cannot avoid it using the 1st amendment.

HORT cannot stop @LuteHawk’s righteous but oddly written religious messaging.

These are well established facts that do not require you to further argue.
OP equated that to sharia law? Let me know when they start enslaving non believers and stoning women for adultery

Sharia law. MAGA mental dribble.

Isn't this Christian hypocritical ritual? Screw thy neighbor's wives, Priests molest the flock's young boys, ministers go for the teen girls, walk out of church and feel like god touched you on the shoulder.

Truth is, immorality is as prevalent, and possibly more prevalent in the religious community because it's "behind the curtain" of society. The reason the Catholic church was able to shuffle priests around for decades, or how much longer to avoid detection and to protect the priests from prosecution. After all, it's only the lives and mental health of how many thousands or maybe millions.

But, hey. It's religion. What could go wrong? Think of the Crusades. Become Christian or we'll destroy you.

Spoiler alert. Failure.
I have the right to put up a billboard near your house that espouses my faith.

Yes. You do. That is called "freedom of speech".

The government, however, cannot.
Nor can the government restrict which religions you can post on a billboard.

you seem to not understand the underlying points, and laws, here.
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
I never stated it.
*sigh* - once again, you misquoted the 1st amendment in post # 106 and used the word “from” and you even capitalized it. That single word changes the fundamental meaning of the right enshrined.

We agree government cannot establish or promote a religion but the moment you use the word “from” them you put a restriction on those who wish to practice their faith. The 1st amendment does not go that far.
*sigh* - once again, you misquoted the 1st amendment in post # 106 and used the word “from” and you even capitalized it. That single word changes the fundamental meaning of the right enshrined.

We agree government cannot establish or promote a religion but the moment you use the word “from” them you put a restriction on those who wish to practice their faith. The 1st amendment does not go that far.
He didn't quote anything.
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Judging people before they're even born. Smh
It's called reality and using logic. Your side judges them immediately after birth. Then does nothing to protect these unwanted or born into poverty kids. SMH.

You don't have the moral high ground on this argument like you think you do.
It's called reality and using logic. Your side judges them immediately after birth. Then does nothing to protect these unwanted or born into poverty kids. SMH.

You don't have the moral high ground on this argument like you think you do.
I beg to differ on both of your points but I am not going to have a pointless argument.

Have a good day.
There is a fundamental difference with use of the words “of” and “from.” Because the 1st amendment doesn’t use the word “from” means I can put my religion on display

Yes. You've had people acknowledge that you can display whatever you want. That has nothing do with the word "from" or "of".

That's not the issue here.
He didn't quote anything.

The dude doesn't seem to understand that the freedom we are talking about here, is freedom "from" a government sponsored or imposed religion.

Which has nothing to do with his right to post the 10 Commandments up on his private door, or private lawn.
  • Haha
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Fvck you and whatever made up religion you believe in. There is no god. You will die and go back to the earth just like every other living organism on this planet. Humans are not special! If you can’t deal with that, that’s on you. You brainwashed religious types have been getting groomed since you were born. WAKE THE FVCK UP!!!
Fvck you and whatever made up religion you believe in. There is no god. You will die and go back to the earth just like every other living organism on this planet. Humans are not special! If you can’t deal with that, that’s on you. You brainwashed religious types have been getting groomed since you were born. WAKE THE FVCK UP!!!
Breathe man, breathe.
Fvck you and whatever made up religion you believe in. There is no god. You will die and go back to the earth just like every other living organism on this planet. Humans are not special! If you can’t deal with that, that’s on you. You brainwashed religious types have been getting groomed since you were born. WAKE THE FVCK UP!!!

Yeah. But if you post the Ten Commandments, you can play-act as though your life on earth has meaning and you’ll be reunited with a sky fairy at the end.

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