Sharia Law Update: Louisiana Requires 10 Commandment In Schools - NOW with POLL

What will SCOTUS Do?

  • Strike down this law and somewhat weaken separation of church and state.

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OP equated that to sharia law? Let me know when they start enslaving non believers and stoning women for adultery

There's a fvck documentary of a religious institution that parents send their gay kids to for "conversion", since they're minors they can't leave and what they go through is FVCKED up.

That's worse than enslaving nonbelievers, that's enslaving someone for something they had no control over....being born gay. And it gets even worse, it's the parents that are responsible for it
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A waste of time, and money when Louisiana has to pay the attorneys fees of the challengers.
Maybe not an arrest

No, it'd be illegal under Christian Sharia Law, buddy.
It's a pretty clear "commandment".

Know what isn't? Having sex with pre-teen girls.
In Biblical times, those were known as "concubines", and to protect the Religious Rulers, that would have to be redefined as "legal" under "religious laws"....
No, it'd be illegal under Christian Sharia Law, buddy.
It's a pretty clear "commandment".

Know what isn't? Having sex with pre-teen girls.
In Biblical times, those were known as "concubines", and to protect the Religious Rulers, that would have to be redefined as "legal" under "religious laws"....
i too sometimes wish i could live in a world where i could just define everything the way i wanted to
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I'll never understand why the left detests Christianity so much but falls all over themselves to support and lobby for a religion so much more restrictive and in many cases evil. Ask you local Jew if they appreciate the left's fervent support of Islam.
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I particularly love the "no other gods before me" part. Which would be totally unnecessary if He was the only god - and should therefor be seen as an admission that there were, in fact, other gods.

Are there still other gods?

Which ones?

Or did God commit, um, divinicide? Deicide?
Is he a narcissist? Why does he need all the attention? Why choose certain people when responsible for every creature on the planet? Why burn non believers in hell for eternity?
Not merely a narcissist but an insecure narcissist.

Sort of like our once and future President.
No Way GIF
I'll never understand why the left detests Christianity so much but falls all over themselves to support and lobby for a religion so much more restrictive and in many cases evil. Ask you local Jew if they appreciate the left's fervent support of Islam.
As usual, you're too stupid to understand any sort of nuance. Let me try to explain it to you using simple words.

No one detests Christianity. They detest Christianity's need to shove its indoctrination forcefully down our throats.

No one fervently supports the evil members of Islam. They support its worshipers' rights to peacefully exist on equal footing as Christians without their children exploding.

If I had my way, everyone would have the critical thinking skills to realize that there is no invisible magic sky person. As it is, all I can do is hope that those who do are treated fairly and treat others fairly.
As usual, you're too stupid to understand any sort of nuance. Let me try to explain it to you using simple words.

No one detests Christianity. They detest Christianity's need to shove its indoctrination forcefully down our throats.

No one fervently supports the evil members of Islam. They support its worshipers' rights to peacefully exist on equal footing as Christians without their children exploding.

If I had my way, everyone would have the critical thinking skills to realize that there is no invisible magic sky person. As it is, all I can do is hope that those who do are treated fairly and treat others fairly.
So why does the left not support Israel's right to protect themselves? Hamas killed thousands of innocent Israel's and the tolerant left sides with the murderers. The left has no moral compass, and makes excuses for nonsensical stances.
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So why does the left not support Israel's right to protect themselves?
They do support Israels right to protect themselves.

What they do not approve of today is the mass starvation and genocide of the Palestinian people - missiles fired on camps where Israel relocated those refugees into, then shot bombs into those camps killing innocent civilians.
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I attended public school in first grade-was wait listed at the Catholic school and didn’t make it - but they had a daily prayer and a Bible quote (King James)
Back then there weren’t any Muslims or Jewish kids at the school who might have had parents object, but somehow no one grew up to be a mass shooter or anything.
I understand that maybe it doesn’t belong in a public school in 2024 though.
Maybe stressing to the student body in some form that the Golden Rule is important and leave it at that.
Take off 1-4 and put up 5-10 and that's something everyone should be fine with. If not, you're probably a sh!tty person.

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall make no idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.

NEWFLASH: If you live in Louisiana, you will now legally be able to kill both Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels.

I didn't make the rules here...

EDIT: You can also legally kill:

Bill Clinton
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Lauren Bobert
Matt Gaetz
....and the Moms For Liberty couple in FL

....among many, many others
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They do support Israels right to protect themselves.

What they do not approve of today is the mass starvation and genocide of the Palestinian people - missiles fired on camps where Israel relocated those refugees into, then shot bombs into those camps killing innocent civilians.
So, now you are getting you war updates from Hamas. War is hell but when the Palestinian population helps Hamas kill innocent people, they they get what they deserve.
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I attended public school in first grade-was wait listed at the Catholic school and didn’t make it - but they had a daily prayer and a Bible quote (King James)
Back then there weren’t any Muslims or Jewish kids at the school who might have had parents object, but somehow no one grew up to be a mass shooter or anything.
I understand that maybe it doesn’t belong in a public school in 2024 though.
Maybe stressing to the student body in some form that the Golden Rule is important and leave it at that.
I know you think I suck but I swear to you I preach your last sentence to the kids constantly. There is very little breaking that rule around me and the kids know that.
So, now you are getting you war updates from Hamas. War is hell but when the Palestinian population helps Hamas kill innocent people, they they get what they deserve.
So it is your belief that there are no innocent Palestinians being killed by Israel?

If there are innocent Palestinians being killed by Israel, how is that justified?
They detest religious indoctrination.

'Member how you learned about the Pilgrims coming to America? Go Google up why they left England in the first place.
And came right over and set up their own rules prohibiting other religions you mean?
I know you think I suck but I swear to you I preach your last sentence to the kids constantly. There is very little breaking that rule around me and the kids know that.
I wish it was repeated a lot more often and I’m glad you preach it.
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Eh, 5 could be left off. There's a whooooole lot of people out there with shitty parents that don't deserve a damn thing from their kids.
No; I'm getting my war updates from news media sources.

And Israel has bombed civilians, intentionally.
If your definition of civilian is the same as Hamas' definition of civilian which is members of Hamas wearing civilian clothing, then I agree with you 100%.
So why does the left not support Israel's right to protect themselves? Hamas killed thousands of innocent Israel's and the tolerant left sides with the murderers. The left has no moral compass, and makes excuses for nonsensical stances.
Yep, that's exactly what I said, you absolute douche canoe. People like you are why there can't be any normal conversation with MAGAs. Please use birth control.

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