She is cute, dumb as a box of rocks, but cute:

First....this is incorrect. Trump declared a national emergency to secure additional funding for the construction of a border wall along with additonal messures to limit the crossings at the southern border of the US on February 15, 2019...BEFORE the Pandemic.

Second, we already have laws in place that are being BROKEN with respect to the border. We do not need new legislation to stop this....we have laws in place.
according to this article, about 25X more people were expelled with title 42 (the covid restrictions) than remain in mexico

about 1.8 million vs 70K

First....this is incorrect. Trump declared a national emergency to secure additional funding for the construction of a border wall along with additonal messures to limit the crossings at the southern border of the US on February 15, 2019...BEFORE the Pandemic.

Second, we already have laws in place that are being BROKEN with respect to the border. We do not need new legislation to stop this....we have laws in place.
I wasn't referring to Trump’s pointless wall. Asylum seekers are walking up to our ports looking for agents to give themselves up to for catch and release. THAT'S the problem.

So you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT. We do not have laws adequate to limit asylum seekers, which are the entire problem right now. That's what the bill addresses, for the first time: a hard limit on asylum seekers according to what we can detain and process, along with first-time authority for total border closures:

"The key aspect of this, again, is, are we as Republicans going to have press conferences and complain the border is bad and then intentionally leave it open?” Lankford said on Fox News.

“Are we going to just complain about things, or are we actually going to address and change as many things as we can?”
Lankford has been steadily losing his mind over Republicans’ response to the bipartisan bill. In late January, he said on Fox News that he was just trying to give his party what they have been demanding: a more restrictive border policy.

“Now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year,’” he said.
No, it was a non starter. It was called a boarder bill and sent a shit ton of money to Ukraine and Gaza.
democrats wanted foreign aid, republicans wanted border security

so the bill was crafted to address both...and then gop killed the bill because it addressed both

btw - that foreign aid was eventually passed...with 100+ gop votes in the house and nothing related to border security
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We do not have laws adequate to limit asylum seekers, which are the entire problem right now.

Not true,.. Prior administrations have previously required asylum seekers to submit their claim at either the US embassy in their country of origin, or at a defined US port of entry,.. There is no need for us to be processing people who show up anytime they choose, anywhere they choose....
remain in mexico is not a long term was "supposed" (quotes used because it wasn't really meant to address anything) to address/discourage fraudulent asylum claims...what it did was just end them all together for people subject to the policy

the bipartisan legislation offered real reform to the asylum process, both making it harder to claim asylum and making it easier for claims to processed and resolved (re: deportation for those not qualifying)

but i get it...i've said it on here plenty...a lot of politicians get elected by screaming about immigration...and its those same politicians that are needed to actually pass meaningful legislative solutions...and we all see what happens
Can I ask you two things again. Do we not already have laws on the books that handle immigration? Second, why do you think Biden used an executive order to remove "Remain in Mexico"?
You mean a solution like the one he used the minute he took office? You know, the executive orders to open up the border? That kind of solution? I mean, the man who used executive orders to open up the border could NEVER easily issue another one to quickly close it. Good Lord. :rolleyes:
His other great move at the time was to remove the Houthi's from the terrorist list.
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I know what you’re getting at, and I agree, but in a sense she is right. There should be no reason why Congress can’t work together to pass a common sense bill for border security.
There is a reason. They don't want to.
They don't want to work together and they don't want to fix the border. Both sides want the chaos so they can use it to get re-elected. We've gotten to the point that solving problems is counter productive for Congresspeople. The bigger the problem, the less they want to fix it.
OP doesn’t like big government but wants Joe to use big government to do big government things
Why in the hell does anyone want to come to this shit stain country.

I know what you’re getting at, and I agree, but in a sense she is right. There should be no reason why Congress can’t work together to pass a common sense bill for border security.
You know I wish I could agree but we are so far past common sense I don't think any of those politicians get to speak of having it.

You don't write the most executive orders of any president in our history and get to play dumb on using one foe the border.
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"the baggage of the bill"

aka - taking away trump's key campaign issue
That is true and Johnson should have brought the bill to the house floor for debate. Make changes and vote.

Baggage? How about averaging up to 4,999 people a day to continue to cross the border illegally before the Biden administration is forced to shutdown the border, whatever that means. That’s just under 150,000 a month. That should be a non-starter.
according to this article, about 25X more people were expelled with title 42 (the covid restrictions) than remain in mexico

about 1.8 million vs 70K

I am sorry, but I agree with others on here. The fact remains that if he had NOT done his executive action and waited for a bill that he and his people claimed they have always wanted, then we would not be here and having this debate. There simply is no debating that.
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There is a reason. They don't want to.
They don't want to work together and they don't want to fix the border. Both sides want the chaos so they can use it to get re-elected. We've gotten to the point that solving problems is counter productive for Congresspeople. The bigger the problem, the less they want to fix it.

And that’s on the American people for continuing to elect the same idiots that serve decade after decade.

It’s time to demand term limits and start voting out incumbents who have been there forever and aren’t worth a ****.
You know I wish I could agree but we are so far past common sense I don't think any of those politicians get to speak of having it.

You don't write the most executive orders of any president in our history and get to play dumb on using one foe the border.
That’s why I said I agree with what you’re getting at. Biden should do the right thing, but he won’t.

When it comes to the federal government, I am ready to vote out every incumbent. I would so love to vote out Biden but I cannot bring myself to vote for Trump.

It’s whatever at this point. If Trump wins in November, it’s not going to break my heart. I’ll smh at it, then go to work and continue on with my life.
The executive order Trump used to "fix it" only was legal due to the pandemic "for health reasons." Once the pandemic ended, the order had to as well.

So the President can't put a new order in place. Anyway, why would you want that? He or the next guy can end it whenever they want. A law is way more restrictive, and is is way harder to loosen up or repeal in the future. are just wrong. Biden didn't wait until the end of the pandemic to end Trumps policies with his executive order.

President Joe Biden began reversing several of former President Donald Trump's border policies almost immediately upon taking office on January 20, 2021. Some key actions and dates include:
  1. January 20, 2021: On his first day in office, President Biden signed several executive orders that reversed some of Trump's immigration policies. This included halting construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it.
  2. June 1, 2021: The Biden administration formally ended the "Remain in Mexico" policy (officially known as the Migrant Protection Protocols, or MPP), which had required asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their claims were processed in the U.S.
  3. August 24, 2021: The Supreme Court ordered the Biden administration to reinstate the "Remain in Mexico" policy after a lower court found the administration's attempt to end it unlawful. However, the Biden administration continued to seek ways to terminate the program and eventually managed to end it again in December 2022 after negotiating with the Mexican government and addressing the court’s concerns.
One more time...without Biden's actions none of this is happening. Why is this so hard for some of you partisans to admit?
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That’s why I said I agree with what you’re getting at. Biden should do the right thing, but he won’t.

When it comes to the federal government, I am ready to vote out every incumbent. I would so love to vote out Biden but I cannot bring myself to vote for Trump.

It’s whatever at this point. If Trump wins in November, it’s not going to break my heart. I’ll smh at it, then go to work and continue on with my life.
I agree with this...except I cannot vote for either one of these idiots.
I wasn't referring to Trump’s pointless wall. Asylum seekers are walking up to our ports looking for agents to give themselves up to for catch and release. THAT'S the problem.

So you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT. We do not have laws adequate to limit asylum seekers, which are the entire problem right now. That's what the bill addresses, for the first time: a hard limit on asylum seekers according to what we can detain and process, along with first-time authority for total border closures:

"The key aspect of this, again, is, are we as Republicans going to have press conferences and complain the border is bad and then intentionally leave it open?” Lankford said on Fox News.

“Are we going to just complain about things, or are we actually going to address and change as many things as we can?”
Lankford has been steadily losing his mind over Republicans’ response to the bipartisan bill. In late January, he said on Fox News that he was just trying to give his party what they have been demanding: a more restrictive border policy.

“Now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year,’” he said.
I wasn't referring to Trump’s pointless wall. Asylum seekers are walking up to our ports looking for agents to give themselves up to for catch and release. THAT'S the problem.

So you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT. We do not have laws adequate to limit asylum seekers, which are the entire problem right now. That's what the bill addresses, for the first time: a hard limit on asylum seekers according to what we can detain and process, along with first-time authority for total border closures:

"The key aspect of this, again, is, are we as Republicans going to have press conferences and complain the border is bad and then intentionally leave it open?” Lankford said on Fox News.

“Are we going to just complain about things, or are we actually going to address and change as many things as we can?”
Lankford has been steadily losing his mind over Republicans’ response to the bipartisan bill. In late January, he said on Fox News that he was just trying to give his party what they have been demanding: a more restrictive border policy.

“Now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year,’” he said.
I hate to put this back on you again......but there was absolutly NO PROBLEM with Asylum seekers until Biden came in...and you know it. Our laws were working just fine before Biden came in, used his executive orders and told migrants to COME ON UP! So no, I cannot call you COMPLETELY IGNORANT, you are simply lying. And, speaking of interesting....isn't it interesting that right after he opens the borders.....Biden and the Dems can't seem to push any bill on reform (crappy as it is), until 4 years later in an election time. It almost like he is grifting votes, just like he is is doing with his illegal transfer of student debt to the rest of us. :rolleyes:
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That is true and Johnson should have brought the bill to the house floor for debate. Make changes and vote.

Baggage? How about averaging up to 4,999 people a day to continue to cross the border illegally before the Biden administration is forced to shutdown the border, whatever that means. That’s just under 150,000 a month. That should be a non-starter.
and this is why it's hard to actually have this conversation

because wherever you feel the number should be, it's not like everyone is prohibited from doing anything related to immigration enforcement or processing...the proposed bill provided funding and administrative capacity to significantly increase both

the "border shutdown" is a fail safe (and one that doesn't currently exist)...i realize that people who want to kill this - and every other non-hardline immigration proposal - want to focus solely on that specific provision, but there's a lot more in the proposed legislation than that

but again, like i said earlier in the thread, immigration extremists drive the immigration discussion. that's why this provision is the sole focus of the discourse and that's why no comprimise/bipartisan immigration bill has been able to get traction in decades
Dems don't see the chief executive position as a job, they don't see that Congress passes law which create work for the executive branch
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