She is cute, dumb as a box of rocks, but cute:

Oh so there baggage? Might as well not find compromise and do absolutely nothing. At least then useful idiots on the internet will blame Biden.
Wasn't it 4k a day still allowed?

Kick rocks.

Same as if the repubs said we will send a thousand bucks to Ukraine for each "asylum seaker" we send back. It isn't getting off the desk.
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Oh so there baggage? Might as well not find compromise and do absolutely nothing. At least then useful idiots on the internet will blame Biden.
You mean a solution like the one he used the minute he took office? You know, the executive orders to open up the border? That kind of solution? I mean, the man who used executive orders to open up the border could NEVER easily issue another one to quickly close it. Good Lord. :rolleyes:
You mean a solution like the one he used the minute he took office? You know, the executive orders to open up the border? That kind of solution? I mean, the man who used executive orders to open up the border could NEVER easily issue another one to quickly close it. Good Lord. :rolleyes:
Bitch that he used an executive order during a global pandemic. Bitch that he won't use an executive order when there is a bi-partisan border bill that can be voted on.
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You are smart enough to know the baggage of the bill is a non starter.
Tell us of this baggage. It was drafted by a Republican. There would be 500k fewer immigrants in this country right now if Johnson and the House GOP brought it up for a vote. (Because the votes are there for it - it contains what most Republicans have asked for for over a generation).

Now, tell us of this "baggage." How would it make the border worse than it is?
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If a bi-partisan bill passes a vote it's because the majority feels its not garbage. That's how it works. cmon whiskey.
immigration policy is set by those with the most extreme positions

the people who get elected by screaming about immigration have no incentive to actually solve immigration

and guess what? immigration hasn't seen any meaningful reform in many many years
Tell us of this baggage. It was drafted by a Republican. There would be 500k fewer immigrants in this country right now if Johnson and the House GOP brought it up for a vote. (Because the votes are there for it - it contains what most Republicans have asked for for over a generation).

Now, tell us of this "baggage." How would it make the border worse than it is?
Yeah so go ahead and read it. It was linked to Ukraine, that's bullshit. It allowed 5k a day, that's bullshit.
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You mean a solution like the one he used the minute he took office? You know, the executive orders to open up the border? That kind of solution? I mean, the man who used executive orders to open up the border could NEVER easily issue another one to quickly close it. Good Lord. :rolleyes:
Yeah the most powerful idiot on earth can’t close his zipper let alone protect our country.
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Back to the op..... she is just so bad at her job. She consistently looks unprepared, confused and constantly gets set up and steps in her own words. They need a total D1 badass in that role and they continue to roll out a NAIA walkon
Yeah so go ahead and read it. It was linked to Ukraine, that's bullshit. It allowed 5k a day, that's bullshit.
It's not linked to Ukraine because Ukraine already passed.

It allows 5k (actually 3.5k) a day BECAUSE it also increases our ability to PROCESS up to 3.5k a day by increases courts and detaining facilities (increase from 20k to 100k). So it only lets in at a rate we can detain, process, and deport.

It ALSO, for the first time, CAPS applicants AND provides the means to CLOSE the border. Not "for the rest of the day," but for up to *a week* once the 3.5k mark is hit to give the bc time to surge officers to the port of entry.

You are speaking from pure ignorance. It's a win for everyone, including Biden. Which is why you and Trump arw against it and want an open border.
It's not linked to Ukraine because Ukraine already passed.

It allows 5k (actually 3.5k) a day BECAUSE it also increases our ability to PROCESS up to 3.5k a day by increases courts and detaining facilities (increase from 20k to 100k). So it only lets in at a rate we can detain, process, and deport.

It ALSO, for the first time, CAPS applicants AND provides the means to CLOSE the border. Not "for the rest of the day," but for up to *a week* once the 3.5k mark is hit to give the bc time to surge officers to the port of entry.

You are speaking from pure ignorance. It's a win for everyone, including Biden. Which is why you and Trump arw against it and want an open border.
No, it was a "border bill" that sent money to Ukraine and aid to Gaza.

3.5k a day, non starter.
It was drafted by a Republican. There would be 500k fewer immigrants in this country right now if Johnson and the House GOP brought it up for a vote.

1. It was drafted by (3) idiots. A Republican idiot, a Democrat idiot, and an Independent idiot.
2. This bill never left the Senate, so Johnson and the House had nothing to vote on.
It's not linked to Ukraine because Ukraine already passed.

It allows 5k (actually 3.5k) a day BECAUSE it also increases our ability to PROCESS up to 3.5k a day by increases courts and detaining facilities (increase from 20k to 100k). So it only lets in at a rate we can detain, process, and deport.

It ALSO, for the first time, CAPS applicants AND provides the means to CLOSE the border. Not "for the rest of the day," but for up to *a week* once the 3.5k mark is hit to give the bc time to surge officers to the port of entry.

You are speaking from pure ignorance. It's a win for everyone, including Biden. Which is why you and Trump arw against it and want an open border.
this bill isn't acceptable to extremists

only bills acceptable to extremists are allowed to progress

no bills have been allowed to progress
No, it was a "border bill" that sent money to Ukraine and aid to Gaza.

3.5k a day, non starter.
All detained, processed, and 80% deported.

Vs. current 15k a day catch and release.

You are pro-illegal. Want them all in. It's Ok. I get it. We need grass trimmers, cooks, laborers, cleaners and elder care, too.
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Bitch that he used an executive order during a global pandemic. Bitch that he won't use an executive order when there is a bi-partisan border bill that can be voted on.
LOL!! What are you even trying to argue? That during a global pandemic, I should have been HAPPY that he used an executive order to open the border to MILLIONS of people? That is INSANE!!

And, that "bi-partisan" bill you speak of is a joke. Again, he used an executive order to cause this use one to fix it. Simple as that for petes sake. Some of you extreme partisan people are amazing with your "tow the line " nonsense. And, for the record, I can't STAND Trump! I feel like many others who have no hope for this election.
1. It was drafted by (3) idiots. A Republican idiot, a Democrat idiot, and an Independent idiot.
2. This bill never left the Senate, so Johnson and the House had nothing to vote on.
I get it. "No fix is better than an 80% fix."

Keep 'em coming, full stop. It only would have stopped another 1 million illegals from coming in by election day. Not good enough. I see why you and Trump want to keep 'em coming. How else will we fix this tight labor market and depress wages, right? Republicans always thinking about the needs of their Big Business masters.
Back to the op..... she is just so bad at her job. She consistently looks unprepared, confused and constantly gets set up and steps in her own words. They need a total D1 badass in that role and they continue to roll out a NAIA walkon

She's far better than the governor of Arkansas
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All detained, processed, and 80% deported.

Vs. current 15k a day catch and release.

You are pro-illegal. Want them all in. It's Ok. I get it. We need grass trimmers, cooks, laborers, cleaners and elder care, too.
I'm pro immigration, of course, that bill was a non starter.
LOL!! What are you even trying to argue? That during a global pandemic, I should have been HAPPY that he used an executive order to open the border to MILLIONS of people? That is INSANE!!

And, that "bi-partisan" bill you speak of is a joke. Again, he used an executive order to cause this use one to fix it. Simple as that for petes sake. Some of you extreme partisan people are amazing with your "tow the line " nonsense. And, for the record, I can't STAND Trump! I feel like many others who have no hope for this election.
The executive order Trump used to "fix it" only was legal due to the pandemic "for health reasons." Once the pandemic ended, the order had to as well.

So the President can't put a new order in place. Anyway, why would you want that? He or the next guy can end it whenever they want. A law is way more restrictive, and is is way harder to loosen up or repeal in the future.
I get it. "No fix is better than an 80% fix."

This bill was not an 80% fix,.. This bill provided far too much administrative wiggle room, and with Biden still in charge, conditions at the border would become worse than they are now. We need a real fix.
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I'm pro immigration, of course, that bill was a non starter.
Non starter for whom, other than shadow-president Trump?

Immigration is necessary, and bill would have put the first new controls on it in almost 40 years. Guarantees that asylum applicants can't game the system and bs their way in.

If you are actually a republican in favor of strong border and immigration controls YOU SHOULD BE PISSED LIKE HELL that Trump order Johnson and the GOP to kill the bill just to help him avoid prison and get back in the Whitehouse.
Why would the GOP House want to pass meaningful legislation?

They haven't done squat since Pelosi was Speaker.
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I’ll a
You are smart enough to know the baggage of the bill is a non starter.
I’ll ask again… are we back to Executive Orders are good? And, are you saying the items in that border security bill wouldn’t have improved things? I understand it’s not all that you’d want, but isn’t anything added getting you closer to that goal that you could easily implement if you sweep the elections this fall?
The executive order Trump used to "fix it" only was legal due to the pandemic "for health reasons." Once the pandemic ended, the order had to as well.

So the President can't put a new order in place. Anyway, why would you want that? He or the next guy can end it whenever they want. A law is way more restrictive, and is is way harder to loosen up or repeal in the future.
First....this is incorrect. Trump declared a national emergency to secure additional funding for the construction of a border wall along with additonal messures to limit the crossings at the southern border of the US on February 15, 2019...BEFORE the Pandemic.

Second, we already have laws in place that are being BROKEN with respect to the border. We do not need new legislation to stop this....we have laws in place.
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LOL!! What are you even trying to argue? That during a global pandemic, I should have been HAPPY that he used an executive order to open the border to MILLIONS of people? That is INSANE!!

And, that "bi-partisan" bill you speak of is a joke. Again, he used an executive order to cause this use one to fix it. Simple as that for petes sake. Some of you extreme partisan people are amazing with your "tow the line " nonsense. And, for the record, I can't STAND Trump! I feel like many others who have no hope for this election.
remain in mexico is not a long term was "supposed" (quotes used because it wasn't really meant to address anything) to address/discourage fraudulent asylum claims...what it did was just end them all together for people subject to the policy

the bipartisan legislation offered real reform to the asylum process, both making it harder to claim asylum and making it easier for claims to processed and resolved (re: deportation for those not qualifying)

but i get it...i've said it on here plenty...a lot of politicians get elected by screaming about immigration...and its those same politicians that are needed to actually pass meaningful legislative solutions...and we all see what happens
I’ll a

I’ll ask again… are we back to Executive Orders are good? And, are you saying the items in that border security bill wouldn’t have improved things? I understand it’s not all that you’d want, but isn’t anything added getting you closer to that goal that you could easily implement if you sweep the elections this fall?
No, it was a non starter. It was called a boarder bill and sent a shit ton of money to Ukraine and Gaza.

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