Shock Poll Reveals Massive Voter Fraud

Only commenting about you saying people don't understand mail-in ballots.

The process is different in every state. Georgia's ballot system in 2020 wasn't even strictly legal - it was only allowed by judicial order because of the COVID emergency. Some of the ballot drops in 2020 were hastily planned.

I don't know how much fraud there was in Georgia. I do know that 18 people have been charged and prosecuted related to the 2020 election.

All that said, it's beating a dead horse. Georgia has tightened up their election laws and what's done is done. There will always be ways to commit election fraud whether you choose to believe it or not.

As an aside, when my mom was in a nursing home, she was eligible to vote, but wouldn't have been able to sign her name the way it appeared on her registration. I'm pretty sure there are exceptions to your process. There have been problems in the Tampa area in Florida where nursing home residents have had their votes harvested. There's very little way to prevent or detect that. You have trouble with critical thinking sometimes.
No, you kind of made my point. Absentee and mail in ballots are two different critters.
I've read news reports of postal workers stating they have delivered hundreds of mail in ballots to one single address. Mail in voting is just one big fraud.
Wasn't there a claim of some semi-trailer too? I know they never proved anything, but I remember hearing about it.

Ishmael, your boy.. er girl? Just got arrested for cramming her? "Girlcock" into unconsenting children.

Actually, a lot of posters here say voter fraud doesn't happen. The posters who admit to it are much like you, and say it's not widespread.

Bush won the 2000 election by 537 votes. No way to prove it, but my guess is more than 537 people in Palm Beach County voted in Florida and some other state as well. That's the type of fraud that is most difficult to prove.

You mentioned a few days ago in a different thread that only a small percentage of illegal immigrants of the last 5 years are employed. I, along with a few others asked for a link or some proof or article referencing that and I haven't seen you reply yet. Maybe I missed it.
Huh? Absentee ballot is not the same as mail in ballot. Absentee ballot you have to explain why you can't vote in person. Mail in ballots, they mailed the ballots to people who had once registered at an address could have been 10 years prior. That person may not be still living there, dead or not even in the state anymore. So, who knows if the person mailing in the ballot was even the person.

They both operate via mail. Which is the key part to both.
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Mail in ballots, they mailed the ballots to people who had once registered at an address could have been 10 years prior.
Uh, no.

Unless you voted in the last couple elections, you no longer get any automatic ballots. You are de-listed in that precinct.

Precincts update/clear voter rolls every cycle.

And when you register somewhere else, you are required to provide your last address, so the new precinct verifies with your former one, to erase you from their rolls.
Uh, no.

Unless you voted in the last couple elections, you no longer get any automatic ballots. You are de-listed in that precinct.

Precincts update/clear voter rolls every cycle.

And when you register somewhere else, you are required to provide your last address, so the new precinct verifies with your former one, to erase you from their rolls.
They both operate via mail. Which is the key part to both.
One is a registered voter asking for a vote because they wouldn't be able to vote in person. The other is a ballot sent out that isn't validated as the person voting is really the registered voter. Huge difference.
Uh, no.

Unless you voted in the last couple elections, you no longer get any automatic ballots. You are de-listed in that precinct.

Precincts update/clear voter rolls every cycle.

And when you register somewhere else, you are required to provide your last address, so the new precinct verifies with your former one, to erase you from their rolls.
In theory that's the way it's supposed to work. This is where seeds of doubts come into play. I've stated before I know of multiple ballots being sent out to one home.
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Provide a direct answer to ruby freeman repeatedly scanning the same batch of ballots specifically. If you can't do this you're lying outright. ROI redacted.pdf

Here's the Georgia Elections Commission report:


Teams of investigators from the FBI, GBI, and Georgia SOS conducted independent and simultaneous interviews of Fulton County employees who were involved in the processing and scanning of absentee ballots at State Farm Arena on election night
in November 2020. All employees interviewed provided a consistent account regarding how absentee ballots were processed and scanned that evening. Additionally, no one had any knowledge of observers, poll watchers, or the media being told they had to leave. Two poll watchers who identified themselves as members of the Georgia Republican Party had submitted affidavits as to what they observed on election night. Much of what they reported was consistent with what was reported by the Fulton County elections employees. Additionally, the Fulton County elections employees’ accounts were consistent with the actions observed on the video surveillance footage. Both poll watchers confirmed that no one was told or instructed to leave State Farm Arena. Furthermore, Investigators from three law enforcement agencies reviewed the entire unedited video footage of the events in question surrounding Freeman and Moss at State Farm Arena. There was no evidence of any type of fraud as alleged. Fulton County Board of Elections and Registration put specific processes in place to store ballot boxes underneath tables and to have them in a certain order to monitor and track ballots during the tabulation process so election workers would know where to begin the next day. No evidence was provided to show that Freeman or Moss deviated from that established process. The initial tabulation, the statewide audit involving a manual hand count of every ballot, and the machine recount reveal there was no evidence to suggest fraudulent ballots were scanned and counted in the final tabulated results for the November 2020 General Election in Fulton County. Lastly, the FBI identified and interviewed the true creator of the Instagram account that reportedly contained a post by Freeman admitting she conspired to adversely affect the November 2020 election. The account creator admitted he created the fake account and confirmed the content that was posted on the account was fake. All allegations made against Freeman and Moss were unsubstantiated and found to have no merit.

POTENTIAL VIOLATION(S):The investigation did not uncover any violations.

None of this is evidence. You're now a confirmed liar.
Wait? The Secretary of State's investigation into the very claim you are discussing is not evidence? You truly are a MAGA dream. Holy shit.

Here she is, repeatedly scanning the same ballots again and again and again. Not remotely addressed in the nonsense links that leftist are supplying in an impressive cope session despite them not even reading the material themselves before posting.

Here she is, repeatedly scanning the same ballots again and again and again. Not remotely addressed in the nonsense links that leftist are supplying in an impressive cope session despite them not even reading the material themselves before posting.

First of all, OAN?! 🤣🤣🤣

Next, you have to just be in denial. The evidence against your pathetic conspiracy is overwhelming.

"And those double-counted ballots? It’s standard procedure to rescan entire batches of ballots when a scanner misses some of them. The workers press a button to delete the incomplete batches before rescanning them. Investigators determined the ballots were only counted once."

First of all, OAN?! 🤣🤣🤣

Next, you have to just be in denial. The evidence against your pathetic conspiracy is overwhelming.

"And those double-counted ballots? It’s standard procedure to rescan entire batches of ballots when a scanner misses some of them. The workers press a button to delete the incomplete batches before rescanning them. Investigators determined the ballots were only counted once."

You provided nothing because that's all you can understand. Because you're legitimately stupid and don't know what a woman is and can only provide links to essays about girl cock being real and that you're not gay to suck on it as a man. I get that you're coping. I really do. But you're still nothing but an idiot who can't define the word woman without someone holding your hand at best.
Wow, scruffy, you got something weird going on there with you and little girls and women and all your worrying about them. Something deep and dark rising to the surface?

Ishmael, your boy.. er girl? Just got arrested for cramming her? "Girlcock" into unconsenting children.
There you go again scruffy, wow, you're getting weirder and weirder.


If you do not vote in consecutive elections, MOST states will cancel or suspend your voter registration. Check you own state for their specific policies. I'm unaware of any that go "10 years" w/o cancelling the registration.

The acts of both "registering" and "voting" are also public record, so anyone who actually commits voting fraud leaves that paper trail in perpetuity. Despite that FACT, the Heritage Foundation has only identified around a few hundred of formal General Election fraud since 2020. MOST of the cases they pushed out for you are LOCAL elections, which is easily seen by looking at their actual database.
The other is a ballot sent out that isn't validated

It IS "validated".

They are typically sent with bar-coded envelopes unique to the actual voter.
That voter must send the ballot in, in a SIGNED envelope. If your precinct determines the signature on the envelope is not a close enough match to the actual voter's signature on file, it is set aside as "provisional" and the voter is notified to correct the issue. If the issue goes unverified, the vote is NOT COUNTED.

This is SIMPLE SIMPLE stuff.
And by the way, for everybody involved in this thread, it's absolutely meaningless. Joe Biden got elected in 2020 by a landslide. None of the whining and crying is ever going to change anything. None of the saying it was a big fake is going to change anything. None of the election fraud crybabies is going to change anything. Joe Biden got elected. President of the United states. And there he is. Cry all you want. Too bad. ROI redacted.pdf

Wait? The Secretary of State's investigation into the very claim you are discussing is not evidence? You truly are a MAGA dream. Holy shit.

They're fully in the GOP/Fox/Newsmax "cult".

No amount of independent evidence will convince them of anything contrary to what the cult told them. Quite literally the main quote from 1984:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984.
And by the way, for everybody involved in this thread, it's absolutely meaningless. Joe Biden got elected in 2020 by a landslide. None of the whining and crying is ever going to change anything. None of the saying it was a big fake is going to change anything. None of the election fraud crybabies is going to change anything. Joe Biden got elected. President of the United states. And there he is. Cry all you want. Too bad.
That's not my issue @sabula, we just need better system going forward so we don't have questions with fraud going forward.
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Honestly not surprising. I know two people who cast mail in votes for relatives who died prior to the election in 2020. Both biden voters, of course. The left had convinced them both they were doing the right thing so long as they got trump out of office. Sad place for the US to be.
If you believe anything that Jesse Watters says, I know your an idiot. That guy shovels bull shit for a living.
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They're fully in the GOP/Fox/Newsmax "cult".

No amount of independent evidence will convince them of anything contrary to what the cult told them. Quite literally the main quote from 1984:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984.
I knew I had to walk away when the Secretary of State's investigation was not evidence but a YouTube video was definitive proof.
2016 election says what?
Trump continually called out voter fraud in 2016 president election BEFORE the election even was held. He was preparing his butt hurt ego saving excuse for his perceived loss to Hillary. That's well, well documented. He even established a sham investigation committee once in office that didnt meet and disbanded immediately because of zero evidence, no voter fraud. . All well documented. I am suprised all that has slipped your mind.
Trump continually called out voter fraud in 2016 president election BEFORE the election even was held. He was preparing his butt hurt ego saving excuse for his perceived loss to Hillary. That's well, well documented. He even established a sham investigation committee once in office that didnt meet and disbanded immediately because of zero evidence, no voter fraud. . All well documented. I am suprised all that has slipped your mind.
Massive cope is massive.
So a tweet as more of your "evidence"?? SOME TWEET?? Hilarious... nice job!! 🤣 what's wrong... you run out of YouTube videos?? 🤣 Signed, Joe Biden, President of the United States.
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