Shooter is a registered REPUBLICAN

Ok. Sounds like a piece of the puzzle.

I 100% agree.

Maybe the guy was neither. Why are we so desperate to assign a single person's insane actions to an entire group, party, religion, etc.? Why is there this urge to do so? Huey said the guy was raised very conservative? How do we know this? What will that matter? Per the FBI, his parents were registered as a Democrat and Libertarian. Does that really mean anything?

I was raised very conservative and have zero desire to physically harm anyone, much less kill.
It's just push back. The GOP and the board in general are pushing the idea that some radical democrat tried to kill him.'s not looking that way is it?
Shit, old bat crap crazy marge is out there screaming that it's all out war with the dems. So pointing out it wasn't a dem might be relevant.
You are the guy hanging onto a thread of "he is a republican" when you know he

1. Was in a state you have to register to vote for a party and there were multiple accounts of people registering as a republican to vote for a Democrat posing as a republican candidate. One such example happened in our own Dallas county Iowa.

2. He never voted.

3. He gave money to the dems.

Trump is easily the most polarizing Presidential candidate in modern history.

One could EASILY surmise he's got almost as many haters as Vladimir Putin.

Shot by a registered Republican.
You guys keep saying this. Registration doesn't equal ideals. Heck, as I've already posted 2x, his parents were registered as a Democrat and Libertarian. That does NOT mean they are either of those. Heck, I'm an Independent, but I bet I'm still registered as a Republican...can't recall if I ever actually took the time to change it.

This place is so darn nutzo! It's no different than any mass shooter or crazy loon who drives through a parade. First question isn't, "Is everyone okay!" Nope. It's, "Who did the person vote for" in an attempt to tie them as a representative of an entire group of people.

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And gave money to the dems the day Biden was picked.
Donald Trump has contributed to Democratic Party causes in the past. Before his political career as a Republican, Trump had a history of donating to various Democratic candidates and causes.

Contributions to Democratic Candidates and Causes

  1. Hillary Clinton: Trump and his family donated to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaigns in 2002, 2005, and 2006. He also contributed to the Clinton Foundation.
  2. Chuck Schumer: Trump donated to Senator Chuck Schumer's campaigns multiple times.
  3. Other Democrats: Trump has made contributions to several other Democratic politicians, including Senator John Kerry and Congressman Charlie Rangel.
Donald Trump has contributed to Democratic Party causes in the past. Before his political career as a Republican, Trump had a history of donating to various Democratic candidates and causes.

Contributions to Democratic Candidates and Causes

  1. Hillary Clinton: Trump and his family donated to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaigns in 2002, 2005, and 2006. He also contributed to the Clinton Foundation.
  2. Chuck Schumer: Trump donated to Senator Chuck Schumer's campaigns multiple times.
  3. Other Democrats: Trump has made contributions to several other Democratic politicians, including Senator John Kerry and Congressman Charlie Rangel.
But, but, but...that's different!
Donald Trump has contributed to Democratic Party causes in the past. Before his political career as a Republican, Trump had a history of donating to various Democratic candidates and causes.

Contributions to Democratic Candidates and Causes

  1. Hillary Clinton: Trump and his family donated to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaigns in 2002, 2005, and 2006. He also contributed to the Clinton Foundation.
  2. Chuck Schumer: Trump donated to Senator Chuck Schumer's campaigns multiple times.
  3. Other Democrats: Trump has made contributions to several other Democratic politicians, including Senator John Kerry and Congressman Charlie Rangel.
Furthering the point.
It's just push back. The GOP and the board in general are pushing the idea that some radical democrat tried to kill him.'s not looking that way is it?
Shit, old bat crap crazy marge is out there screaming that it's all out war with the dems. So pointing out it wasn't a dem might be relevant.
I'm of the opinion some radical (or clearly radicalized) 20 year old tried to kill him and the FBI is struggling to figure out why. Reminds me of the Vegas shooter. I don't recall us ever finding out why.

MTG needs to shut her pie hole.
I'm of the opinion some radical (or clearly radicalized) 20 year old tried to kill him and the FBI is struggling to figure out why. Reminds me of the Vegas shooter. I don't recall us ever finding out why.

MTG needs to shut her pie hole.
My guess is an isolated loner. That lost touch with reality. Maybe he just read Catcher in the Rye.
Best advice be nice to weird loners and try not to make them feel worse.
You are the guy hanging onto a thread of "he is a republican" when you know he

1. Was in a state you have to register to vote for a party and there were multiple accounts of people registering as a republican to vote for a Democrat posing as a republican candidate. One such example happened in our own Dallas county Iowa.

2. He never voted.

3. He gave money to the dems.

If 2 is true, what’s the value of 1?
I'm of the opinion some radical (or clearly radicalized) 20 year old tried to kill him and the FBI is struggling to figure out why. Reminds me of the Vegas shooter. I don't recall us ever finding out why.

MTG needs to shut her pie hole.
Which would be fine, if half the GOP wasn't polishing it's guns and looking hard at anyone who voted dem right about now.
I was a registered republican at 18 (my family was) and didn't bother to change it for a decade or so. Even after I had moved on from republicans.

Point is, this afiliation isn't that meaningful.
True, but he was only 20 so it's more likely his views hadn't changed that much in 2 years.
It's just push back. The GOP and the board in general are pushing the idea that some radical democrat tried to kill him.'s not looking that way is it?
Shit, old bat crap crazy marge is out there screaming that it's all out war with the dems. So pointing out it wasn't a dem might be relevant.
Facts haven't mattered to them for a REALLY long time. They are in their own reality and nothing can crack it.
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Facts haven't mattered to them for a REALLY long time. They are in their own reality and nothing can crack it.
I'm aware, I was talking with family yesterday and my aunt was insisting that Trump wasn't a slimeball. All those ladies were lying. And lots of powerful men cheat on their third wife...with a porn star.
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If you go around in life with people saying you’re worthless. Get rejected by your interests. Constantly get bullied. Then add in the Incel thing. That’s an awfully painful existence. Especially for someone without experience or wisdom.
Not excusing what these individuals do. But them being in emotional pain. Is why they do it. And also why the rules of taking out the shooter is standard. It’s not going to end.
If you go around in life with people saying you’re worthless. Get rejected by your interests. Constantly get bullied. Then add in the Incel thing. That’s an awfully painful existence. Especially for someone without experience or wisdom.
Not excusing what these individuals do. But them being in emotional pain. Is why they do it. And also why the rules of taking out the shooter is standard. It’s not going to end.
I hear ya, I'm over giving these 20 year olds a pass to kill people because they have zero ability to function in society and seem to want to blame everything on high school.

Frankly, we as a society need to get much more aggressive about calling out shitty parenting.

I don't give a shit how good they are at sports, I don't give a shit what grades they got in school, I don't give a shit how many organizations they belong to, if youe kid doesn't have the emotional intelligence to deal with society and failure you fuc.king failed as a parent.
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I hear ya, I'm over giving these 20 year olds a pass to kill people because they have zero ability to function in society and seem to want to blame everything on high school.

Frankly, we as a society need to get much more aggressive about calling out shitty parenting.

I don't give a shit how good they are at sports, I don't give a shit what grades they got in school, I don't give a shit how many organizations they belong to, if youe kid doesn't have the emotional intelligence to deal with society and failure you fuc.king failed as a parent.
Hear you. But the only thing we can do is hold the parents accountable post incident. Unfortunately the damage is already done. See Columbine or most recently the Michigan couple that gave their mentally ill son a 9 mm instead of a puppy.
Personally look at what can I do to make things a little better.
If you go around in life with people saying you’re worthless. Get rejected by your interests. Constantly get bullied. Then add in the Incel thing. That’s an awfully painful existence. Especially for someone without experience or wisdom.
Not excusing what these individuals do. But them being in emotional pain. Is why they do it. And also why the rules of taking out the shooter is standard. It’s not going to end.
I know I am the worst teacher on the planet according to Republicans here but I swear I try to point this stuff out to kids. My best one, when I see it is when one student raises his voice at or criticizes the "target kid". I ask why he never yells at (name of class alpha) when they make a mistake. Why do they feel like it's okay to yell at target kid when they wouldn't dare yell at alpha? It makes them stop and think.

We have to start being allowed to be real with kids and get them to understand that monsters get created when they are beaten down through childhood. Just my opinion.
You think lamenting that Trump didn't die is appropriate?
For the health of our country we will all be better when he dies. I prefer not to see his brains splattered everywhere from an assassination. But when he does eventually go a lot of this tension will go with him.
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If you go around in life with people saying you’re worthless. Get rejected by your interests. Constantly get bullied. Then add in the Incel thing. That’s an awfully painful existence. Especially for someone without experience or wisdom.
Not excusing what these individuals do. But them being in emotional pain. Is why they do it. And also why the rules of taking out the shooter is standard. It’s not going to end.
We, as a society, need to start looking at people through the lens of "what happened to them" rather than "what's wrong with them" or "why did they do that", etc.
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We, as a society, need to start looking at people through the lens of "what happened to them" rather than "what's wrong with them" or "why did they do that", etc.
Hard pass.

I'm over stopping to have to ask "what could be going on in that guys life that he has had to deal with?" As some dude is passed out in a pool of piss downtown Des Moines as I try to take my wife for a dinner.

We need to get back to "life's a bitch", no more expectation shit is easy and things are soft and friendly. You want soft, work for luxuries.
Hard pass.

I'm over stopping to have to ask "what could be going on in that guys life that he has had to deal with?" As some dude is passed out in a pool of piss downtown Des Moines as I try to take my wife for a dinner.

We need to get back to "life's a bitch", no more expectation shit is easy and things are soft and friendly. You want soft, work for luxuries.
Not sure how that translates to expectations and shit is easy. Life IS hard, no need to be an ass about it, though. We're quick to judge a person's entire existence by potentially their worst moment. Society doesn't offer much grace, but heaping piles of judgement and ridicule; half the time stemming from one's own trauma and/or insecurities. Nowhere did Christ say, "suck it up, buttercup."