Shooter is a registered REPUBLICAN

You sitting on the sidelines during the game and wanting to talk about the players on Monday morning is peak Riley.

Yeah bro, things get said correctly and incorrectly in the heat of the moment. A moment you have never met.
So you were completely wrong about that? Are you actually admitting it or are you too fragile to do so?

I wait for evidence before making judgements rather than jumping to conclusions. You're a rube.

Also wondering if you think Trump is on "team blue" since he donated to Democrats in the past.
So you were completely wrong about that? Are you actually admitting it or are you too fragile to do so?

I wait for evidence before making judgements rather than jumping to conclusions. You're a rube.

Also wondering if you think Trump is on "team blue" since he donated to Democrats in the past.
Yes Riley, that statement, amongst hundreds of statements I made that night, was incorrect.

And I've got the balls to participate live AND admit when I'm wrong. You on the other hand are a soy gargling ball baby. Much LOL.

Yeah dude super dem, you better tell chis. 😄 🤣 😂
Yes Riley, that statement, amongst hundreds of statements I made that night, was incorrect.

And I've got the balls to participate live AND admit when I'm wrong. You on the other hand are a soy gargling ball baby. Much LOL.

Yeah dude super dem, you better tell chis. 😄 🤣 😂
OT: I'm lactose intolerant and occasionally drink soy milk with my cereal. Is that a bad or good thing? Should I seek the advice of a physician? TIA
High visibility target and was in his geographical location. You read a lot of criminal case files and motives are often much more simple than what is espoused on social media.
He drove a hour to get there. He had access to plenty of people to shoot and try to live if that was his goal. He picked Trump. If that was for notoriety or pure politics, I don't know. But he picked Trump, which inherently makes it political on some level.
Yes Riley, that statement, amongst hundreds of statements I made that night, was incorrect.

And I've got the balls to participate live AND admit when I'm wrong. You on the other hand are a soy gargling ball baby. Much LOL.

Yeah dude super dem, you better tell chis. 😄 🤣 😂
You notice how he’s fixated on you but lets his buddies slide on the left that didn’t wait for facts and misspoke?
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Yes Riley, that statement, amongst hundreds of statements I made that night, was incorrect.

And I've got the balls to participate live AND admit when I'm wrong. You on the other hand are a soy gargling ball baby. Much LOL.

Yeah dude super dem, you better tell chis. 😄 🤣 😂
Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions after seeing your right wing propaganda you can hold off and not look so foolish. I doubt it though.

I participated - I just didn't make any definitive judgements other than to call out a couple posters for being completely inappropriate in their responses. I'm not one to have knee jerk reactions like you do.

It continues to be hilarious watching you flail and fail.
I called out Huey and Tom Paris for their inappropriate remarks.

You are a complete farce.
Nothing I've said has been inappropriate. Rs have a massive gun problem and the shooting proved it. Moreover while we might agree that an attempted assassination should have never have happened, we must also agree that Trump is bad for this country and has been fostering violence like this for a long time
Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions after seeing your right wing propaganda you can hold off and not look so foolish. I doubt it though.

I participated - I just didn't make any definitive judgements other than to call out a couple posters for being completely inappropriate in their responses. I'm not one to have knee jerk reactions like you do.

It continues to be hilarious watching you flail and fail.
🤣 no doubt you have a track record of well thought out and rational post.

Riley, there is nothing "flailing" about admitting you are wrong.

Take a moment with this:

Who do you think enjoys a better life, the elephant, who eats his own food and occasionally makes a mistake and might go hungry, or thr parasite that shifts through his shit looking for things he missed?
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You notice how he’s fixated on you but lets his buddies slide on the left that didn’t wait for facts and misspoke?
It's Riley, he will be wrong about 95% of thr topic at hand, find some random point, stick to it while ignoring the 100 additional things he is shown to be an idiot over, and then claim victory.

He picked one random post from 2 nights ago in this instance.
  • Haha
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Man, I feel sorry for those that are lactose intolerant. My son and I go through about 3 gallons a week
Fortunately, there are more and more lactose free options available. Breyers actually makes a good chocolate and vanilla lactose free icecream and this isn't bad milk:


I have to have a bowl of cereal around 10pm every night. ;)
Nothing I've said has been inappropriate. Rs have a massive gun problem and the shooting proved it. Moreover while we might agree that an attempted assassination should have never have happened, we must also agree that Trump is bad for this country and has been fostering violence like this for a long time
You think lamenting that Trump didn't die is appropriate?
Nothing I've said has been inappropriate. Rs have a massive gun problem and the shooting proved it. Moreover while we might agree that an attempted assassination should have never have happened, we must also agree that Trump is bad for this country and has been fostering violence like this for a long time
It was. Completely. Those types of responses are what we also see from the far right radicals. You hurt your cause with that nonsense. Be better.
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🤣 no doubt you have a track record of well thought out and rational post.

Riley, there is nothing "flailing" about admitting you are wrong.

Take a moment with this:

Who do you think enjoys a better life, the elephant, who eats his own food and occasionally makes a mistake and might go hungry, or thr parasite that shifts through his shit looking for things he missed?
Your "admission" was pulled out of you. You didn't admit the mistake on your own. Your insecurity wouldn't allow that.

Maybe you can show us another picture of your small hand. That might make you feel more competent. For some reason.

And WTF? That's not just flailing, that's frantically flailing.
Your "admission" was pulled out of you. You didn't admit the mistake on your own. Your insecurity wouldn't allow that.

Maybe you can show us another picture of your small hand. That might make you feel more competent. For some reason.

And WTF? That's not just flailing, that's frantically flailing.
Hahaha... Riley the only thing you pull is yourself.
It's Riley, he will be wrong about 95% of thr topic at hand, find some random point, stick to it while ignoring the 100 additional things he is shown to be an idiot over, and then claim victory.

He picked one random post from 2 nights ago in this instance.
It wasn't random. It was your stance. I asked you to support it and you couldn't. As usual.

Now we have the spinning and dancing and flailing that you are widely known for.
The shooter was a Republican and won't be changing Party affiliation again

Again...Trump was shot by a member of his own Party.
You guys keep saying this. Registration doesn't equal ideals. Heck, as I've already posted 2x, his parents were registered as a Democrat and Libertarian. That does NOT mean they are either of those. Heck, I'm an Independent, but I bet I'm still registered as a Republican...can't recall if I ever actually took the time to change it.

This place is so darn nutzo! It's no different than any mass shooter or crazy loon who drives through a parade. First question isn't, "Is everyone okay!" Nope. It's, "Who did the person vote for" in an attempt to tie them as a representative of an entire group of people.

Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy
I was a registered republican at 18 (my family was) and didn't bother to change it for a decade or so. Even after I had moved on from republicans.

Point is, this afiliation isn't that meaningful.
Then neither is the pocket change he gave to a progressive cause.
I was a registered republican at 18 (my family was) and didn't bother to change it for a decade or so. Even after I had moved on from republicans.

Point is, this afiliation isn't that meaningful.
Correct. ^^ FWIW, as of this minute I am a registered Dem...because I wanted to vote FOR a particular candidate in a recent county race, a Dem primary. In and of itself, it really doesn't mean anything.
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$15 to some progressive cause.


You're not very good at this, are you?

Be better.
You are the guy hanging onto a thread of "he is a republican" when you know he

1. Was in a state you have to register to vote for a party and there were multiple accounts of people registering as a republican to vote for a Democrat posing as a republican candidate. One such example happened in our own Dallas county Iowa.

2. He never voted.

3. He gave money to the dems.

You guys keep saying this. Registration doesn't equal ideals. Heck, as I've already posted 2x, his parents were registered as a Democrat and Libertarian. That does NOT mean they are either of those. Heck, I'm an Independent, but I bet I'm still registered as a Republican...can't recall if I ever actually took the time to change it.

This place is so darn nutzo! It's no different than any mass shooter or crazy loon who drives through a parade. First question isn't, "Is everyone okay!" Nope. It's, "Who did the person vote for" in an attempt to tie them as a representative of an entire group of people.

Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy
Story out says that classmates say he always too the conservative position in debates in class.
Not everyone who hates trump is a democrat.
Especially those that are gun nuts.
Story out says that classmates say he always too the conservative position in debates in class.
Ok. Sounds like a piece of the puzzle.
Not everyone who hates trump is a democrat.
I 100% agree.

Maybe the guy was neither. Why are we so desperate to assign a single person's insane actions to an entire group, party, religion, etc.? Why is there this urge to do so? Huey said the guy was raised very conservative? How do we know this? What will that matter? Per the FBI, his parents were registered as a Democrat and Libertarian. Does that really mean anything?

I was raised very conservative and have zero desire to physically harm anyone, much less kill.
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It's as if people think they'll get some special award by being the first to identify the shooter's motive -- even with scant evidence. (hint hint: that's just called getting a lucky guess, you've accomplished nothing)

A lot of times in these situations I've noticed the shooter doesn't end up being terribly political at all, at least not in a way we'd imagine.