I'm not Jon Snow sucka, I know something. Go make a post somewhere about Jenner in a negative light, and see what sort of responses you get. You think the liberals as a whole are going to say something negative about Jenner? It completely demeans hugely significant and important part of their platform. Hill death, led her to nothing but just that, death. She's not alive anymore, and as a young lady, she knew this was coming. She knew that she was going to die, and suffer greatly before doing so.
The only person to know her pain truly was herself and herself alone. It lead to nowhere. Suffering, and knowing that every bit of that suffering is only leading to death, but still taking the time to do something good before she died, which likely required a lot of effort on her part, IS courage.
A boob job, some hormones, a makeover, etc. doesn't exactly compare Natural. His support leads to a 'free life'. Her support no matter how strong couldn't lead her to anywhere by her early demise.
We may be BFF's, but you are not going to be part of my council when winter comes. I need a Tyrion, not a Cersei.