Snopes fact check

Odd how no one has shared the rest of what was in her letter to the judge:

After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal.

I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. …

Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew—exactly as Ms. Harris intended—I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.

Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.
If nothing bad happened why is she reliving the trauma?
I do have kids.

So you shower with your young girls?
I had only sons, but yeah showering with your young kids is hardly pedophilic behavior. If I had raised daughters I’m sure there would have likely been occasions when it would have happened.

It’s strange to me that people get up in arms over nudity in front of their own children. That might partially explain why our culture is so whack in regards to sexuality. This shame game seems to be overcompensating for something else.
WTF is wrong with your reading? Something bad DID happen. She was victimized in her early 20s and developed PTSD as a result.

Then some shitheads stole her diary and some other shitheads are commenting on messageboards on a topic they know nothing about.
I know that Pops showered with her, via HER own words. WTF is wrong with YOU?
I had only sons, but yeah showering with your young kids is hardly pedophilic behavior. If I had raised daughters I’m sure there would have likely been occasions when it would have happened.

It’s strange to me that people get up in arms over nudity in front of their own children. That might partially explain why our culture is so whack in regards to sexuality. This shame game seems to be overcompensating for something else.
I’m honestly speechless
Has nothing to do with Biden. His conduct seems weird. But dads shower with their young daughters all the time. Especially until age 5 or so. Again, that is not what the diary says, I’m being general, like your example. You specifically say showering with a young daughter would be someone you wouldn’t associate with. Even if the daughter was 3?

You are sexualizing normal conduct.
However, it’s been said that Biden showered with his daughter when she was age 11.
I’m honestly speechless
I grew up with 3 siblings we were all within 7 years. We would intrude upon each other in the shower all the time. (Under 10ish) Including our parents at times. So I'm sure we showered with our parents at times.

So if she's just recalling something like that when she references ”probably inappropriate" then it's rather meh...

That's completely different than Biden seeking her out to shower with when she's 11 or whatever.

Again, context matters you idiots. Stop assuming. I'd say the same if it were Trump.
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I grew up with 3 siblings we were all within 7 years. We would intrude upon each other in the shower all the time. (Under 10ish) Including our parents at times. So I'm sure we showered with our parents at times.

So if she's just recalling something like that when she references ”probably inappropriate" then it's rather meh...

That's completely different than Biden seeking her out to shower with when she's 11 or whatever.

Again, context matters you idiots. Stop assuming. I'd say the same if it were Trump.
Care to comment on her molestation comment?
Then go find good evidence.
Her personal diary, that she probably never thought would be shared with others, isn't good enough for you folks? Don't need context so you can justify big balls Biden. Ask your significant others and tell them how you feel about it and please share with us their responses.
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You keep saying this. So question, in your mind what is worse, grabbing a 23 year olds vagina or a 8 year old girls?

You clearly don’t think it’s different
I think grabbing anyone's pussy without consent is gross. You're the one that seems to think there some sort of important distinction
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Her personal diary, that she probably never thought would be shared with others, isn't good enough for you folks? Don't need context so you can justify big balls Biden. Ask your significant others and tell them how you feel about it and please share with us their responses.
No. Is the reference to being 11 while showering actually in there?

We've already had claims attributed to the diary that were not in the diary in this thread.

This isn't hard.
It's not normal to shower with children who are old enough to understand sexuality.

She wasn't old enough to understand sexuality, bro.

And she has made no public statements backing up what was allegedly in the journal.
The part about showering late at night when her dad won't come in isn't in the diary. Only the line "shower with my dad (probably inappropriate)" is in the diary.

He's too dumb to understand this.

Rightwing media feeds him his programming, and that's all he can run with.