But your post isn’t pro Brands and therefore you will be attacked. Thank you for sharing. I think most are aware of the cultural differences in the programs and I believe much of it to be true. Most kids, even diehard wrestlers, fit with PSU culture better. Brands attracts a certain type of kid and there are less and less of them out there. I’ve heard for years how PSU kids get a designated day off during the week to refresh the body and just be normal college kids and i’ve heard Brands views days off as a sign of weakness. PSU seniors seem to peak. Gable was ahead of the game in training. Others caught up. Cael has moved ahead, we need to catch up.
What you report fits the narrative I have heard. Iowa fans need to accept that a lot of it is true and stop denying it. I also think any difference in state talent obviously tips things even more in Carl’s favor.