So the dilbert comic dude is a racist

First, didn't ask you. But since you volunteered - do you not think the things Scott Adams said are racist? Is that why you don't think his comic strip should be removed?

I think the things he said are whack-a-doodle crap but that shouldn't cause his strip to be cancelled.
Because what he says in real life doesn't have anything to do with the art he creates.

Hell, look at all the outrageous lefty artists with all their causes and protestations.

Who gets to decide what the sacred cows are?
So you don't see what he said as anything but conservative viewpoints?

Do you think racism should be condemned?
Yeah, but that's not what happened here.
You wouldn't fire one of your nurses for posting blatantly racist comments on Facebook?

I'm not surprised, I guess, given you're calling racist comments simple conservative viewpoints. SMFH.

You did let Hawkedoff off the hook. He was smart enough not to answer.
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You agree that what Scott says was batshit wrong

You agree that people can be fired for off work activities.

Yet you can't agree that Scott's employers should have the right to fire him for blatant racism.

Square this for me

What other sacred cows shall not be discussed, regardless of the setting, at the risk of being fired?

Where does that end?
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No, I see it as crazy ramblings.

But if we're going to institute a "speech police" then all sorts of bad things will come from that.
So you don't think blatantly racist speech should be condemned or have any consequences. That figures.
What other sacred cows shall not be discussed, regardless of the setting, at the risk of being fired?

Where does that end?
So anyone can say anything they want, at any time, in any place without any repercussions?

You are a piece of work.
So you don't think blatantly racist speech should be condemned or have any consequences. That figures.

Condemned? Sure.

Consequences? Yeah, other people can issue a full-throated refutation.

But "cancelling" people sets a bad precedent. It's a slippery slope, and not compatible with the right of freedom of speech.

If you can be cancelled for saying racist things then you can be cancelled for whatever might be the disfavored topic of the day. Like being a vaccine sceptic. Or maybe someday soon, an abortion advocate.

Be careful what you wish for....
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I mostly agree with Trad here. People shouldn't, in general, be fired for divisive political opinion made away from their place of work. If word gets out and the commentary is so divisive that it hinders productivity at work, I could see making a move.

But no, generally, I wouldn't fire anybody for the mere existence of X commentary. Be it in support of ISIS or saying something that could be construed as racist.

The real world should be more like this message board, where you're able to make any range of dumb political commentary, but aren't driven out of society so long as maintain yourself as a law abiding citizen and can perform your job according to its demands.

Should you be able to sell your music on Spotify even if you hate jews? Yeah, sure. I just don't see the problem.

Spotify can do what they want -- but what they should do is play it the way I say.
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I mostly agree with Trad here. People shouldn't, in general, be fired for divisive political opinion made away from their place of work. If word gets out and the commentary is so divisive that it hinders productivity at work, I could see making a move.

But no, generally, I wouldn't fire anybody for the mere existence of X commentary. Be it in support of ISIS or saying something that could be construed as racist.

The real world should be more like this message board, where you're able to make any range of dumb political commentary, but aren't driven out of society so long as maintain yourself as a law abiding citizen and can perform your job according to its demands.

Should you be able to sell your music on Spotify even if you hate jews? Yeah, sure. I just don't see the problem.

Spotify can do what they want -- but what they should do is play it the way I say.
This wasn't political speech. It could be considered discrimination and harassment which are absolutely covered under employment laws even outside the workplace.
2015-2023 Scott Adams is basically an internet troll who gets a thrill out of saying controversial crap on Twitter. He doesn't care about the collateral damage he causes and he probably enjoys it.

Whenever people try to engage him on his volatile statements he always gaslights and goes right to the "you clearly didn't understand the second part of what I said" type of response.

This is a good reminder to stay away from damaged people like him in every aspect of life. They can't reconcile their own personal issues, so they are always looking to harm others.

This just feels like another one of his sociopathic thought experiments he's known to play around with because he's a bored rich guy who thinks he's so smart.

But like any mad scientist, sooner or later you miscalculate and one of the experiments will blow up in your face.

It's over Scott. Once upon a time Dilbert was great, and you had a good run in the 90's and 00's. I hope you enjoyed burning it to the ground!
Goodbye GIF