ADVERTISEMENT theres some ugly stuff floating around about Mark Perry

Coaching is not a professional relationship in the same way a manager-subordinate relationship is, the relationships are much more personal and vulnerable than that, by design almost. The only time I think you could possibly morally defend it is if the romantic relationship predated the Coaching relationship, and even then, only if the coach is their individual coach rather than a team coach.
I don’t believe anyone here “morally” defended it. I sure didn’t. Even if I question the level of punishment, the guy made a very dumb decision and he comes out of this looking like an asshole no matter how it ends…
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Certainly not. But just as certainly it determines whether one is an effective communicator, as well as the likelihood of their posts being read (let alone comprehended as intended). So from that standpoint, it contributes to an L on this forum judge's card.
I am in shock. You really did believe what you posted. MSU158 stated his claim concisely and as clear as a bell. If a post is too long, I often don't bother to read it because it is usually full of blah, blah, blah that I don't care about nor have time for unless I am suffering from insomnia and need a little help falling asleep.

Another Fact: He lost a WFL O/U bet to me on the 2022-23 NCAAs where I largely let him set the line... but yeah, there's no possibility he's wrong when I engage him.

Apparently the guys over on Intermat, who had frequented themat, appreciate he's not yet made an appearance there. They also wish who I understand was his old true nemesis, someone who went by TBar, would engage him here. I can only image what those exchanges might've read like.
Don’t say TBar’s name 3 times or the End Days shall come
Funny how a network that at least tries to be somewhat balanced is always brought up - never CNN or MSNBC or quite frankly the major networks. I guess they all tell the truth all the time because you know why? You agree with their biased coverage. You disagree with conservative commentators so of course they must be lying. And by only bringing up FOX, you simply answered the question of which side owns the media.
FOX is a propaganda network, owned by Rupert Murdoch, a right wing billionaire, and run for many years by HW Bush's former campaign strategist, Roger Ailes. Ailes was forced out after numerous law suits by female employees (including big name prime time FOX stars) of sexual harassment.

FOX lies about Dominion voting machines in 2020 election ended up with FOX being sued for spreading misinformation, and they paid out nearly a billion dollars to Dominion and fired Tucker Carlson.

Emails and text messages shown in the pretrial hearings revealed that Rupert Murdoch, Hannity, Carlson and others knew they were spreading lies and offered candid opinions of Trump, some Trump supporters and even their viewers.

Tucker wrote of Trump, "I hate him" and called him a "demonic force" and a "destroyer." He called Trump's presidency "a disaster." Giuliani, MyPillow Guy, and others were savaged as well.

These unfiltered candid opinions by Tucker, Hannity, and Murdoch were pretty much polar opposite to what they said on air.

Of course if you never read or listen to anything other than FOX, you wouldn't know this.
Oh, make no mistake, I own when I am wrong. I didn’t hide when I lost that bet did I? I quickly stepped up and paid my debt. I simply didn’t see Van Ness scoring near what he did. He was your ace in the hole that I simply didn’t account for.

Mind you, I openly admit I have been wrong quite a bit in my time and will certainly be quite a bit more before I make my permanent departure.

As far as Intermat forums go, I wasn’t following simply because of Willie’s involvement. I am sure there are a few that miss me as well. But, as I am sure most on here can tell, I don’t post like someone looking to make friends. In my 47 years on this Earth I have made enough of them. If I am lucky enough to make more, AWESOME. But it won’t be because I was actively looking and most certainly not looking on anonymous internet wrestling forums…
what are you trying to say? Get to the point.
What a dumb thread. We know nothing other than post from a clearly upset parent and yet we’ve speculated, name called, and rule booked our way into an 8 page thread.
We have posters in this thread confirming that Perry was openly sleeping with at least one athlete.
FOX is only the "worst" because you don't like their talking heads and their viewpoints. That network is no worse or better than MSNBC or CNN. Just a different take.
Not directing this specifically to you, but herein lies the problem.... continuing to want to blame the media, the "government", the "system", or whatever. The problem is "We the (idiot/biased/tribal/selfish) friggin people", who the media just caters to since we're apparently brain-less idiots, who elect politicians incapable of independent, researched, honest, selfless thought, who lack self awareness, who lack the desire or ability to compromise, who prefer simple groupthink or labeling to complex objective thought, who love to talk and hate to listen, who want to judge instead of understand or empathize, and on and on. If we want to identify the 'enemy', look in the mirror and do something about it. Much harder but far more productive than digging in and trying to blame something/someone else or focusing on 'winning'.

Now, back to the Perry debate..... without knowing all the facts yet. Have politicians or the media weighed in yet so we can blame them? Anyone know if Perry is a Republican or Democrat (either way, it must also be at blame here)?
I think a coach having a consensual relationship with his athlete doesn’t even move the needle.
To be clear, what's the meter measuring?... Someone's opinion of moral turpitude or the adherence to existing rules/laws?

What does it say about a society or an organization when its members' opinions substantially deviate from what their society/organization has established?

When faced with this, I suppose some members freely choose to become outlaws or pariahs. Still, others endeavor to change their tribe or find a new one. What does that choice say about them? Regardless of of their chosen path, I chalk it up to some facet of human nature.
To be clear, what's the meter measuring?... Someone's opinion of moral turpitude or the adherence to existing rules/laws?

What does it say about a society or an organization when its members' opinions substantially deviate from what their society/organization has established?

When faced with this, I suppose some members freely choose to become outlaws or pariahs. Still, others endeavor to change their tribe or find a new one. What does that choice say about them? Regardless of of their chosen path, I chalk it up to some facet of human nature.
Bosses have slept with their workers since Moses wore short pants. Get over yourself
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Oh is that a face palm? I’m willing to bet you think a child can get a sex change operation while simultaneously thinking a female in her 20s doesn’t have the level of power to give consent to sleep with her coach. Your asshole is as tight as the Christians you hate totally shredded that opinion you decided that other guy has
As long as you believe CNN, MSNBC, etc. are also, then I have no problem with your statement.
There’s only one consensual reality. I don’t watch the news on any channel.

But there is only one party currently acting in a seditious manner that could potentially destroy our democracy. (They’re two sides to the corporate coin, imo.) But one side is a threat by consensual standards worldwide.
There’s only one consensual reality. I don’t watch the news on any channel.

But there is only one party currently acting in a seditious manner that could potentially destroy our democracy. (They’re two sides to the corporate coin, imo.) But one side is a threat by consensual standards worldwide.
If you believe that the democrats are are trying to preserve the freedom & liberty that our forefathers fought for then I have a bridge to sell you.
Welcome to The Cesspool. Make yourself at home.
For sure haha. It’s been a great home. But it’s undeniable that we’ve spun this event into a full fledged v episode of CSI.

That said I’ll add my 2 cents for what that’s worth.

A married man shouldn’t sleep with another women outside of marriage full stop. A coach shouldn’t sleep with an athlete. Full stop. Forrest wasn’t a college student and you could argue was a professional in her sport. Forrest is a grown woman, Mark is a grown man. Both Forrest and Mark are in the wrong. If Forest was a college student and Mark was her college coach I believe his action would be considered more damning. That covers Mark and Forrest.

I can not speak on Mark and anyone else until I know more. He was called a sexual deviant by a wrestlers father. I don’t know the details to speculate further. I won’t judge Mark until I do, and I won’t discredit the father until I do. Pure speculation at this point.
That is the problem - they don't.
There should be an ad free hour set aside on all news channels every night. This would create an incentive to just tell the facts and not sensationalize stories that placate one person over the other. For 23 hours those channels should feel free to sell adds and turn a profit but for that one hour they tell the American people what is actually going on without bias.

Of course that means they lose 1/24 of their revenue stream and apparently that’s to high a price to pay for a well informed and educated electorate.
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If you believe that the democrats are are trying to preserve the freedom & liberty that our forefathers fought for then I have a bridge to sell you.
if steve bannon has shown us anything, it's that you want to target your own partisan followers/compatriots with infrastructure or construction-based fraud schemes...
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There should be an ad free hour set aside on all news channels every night. This would create an incentive to just tell the facts and not sensationalize stories that placate one person over the other. For 23 hours those channels should feel free to sell adds and turn a profit but for that one hour they tell the American people what is actually going on without bias.

Of course that means they lose 1/24 of their revenue stream and apparently that’s to high a price to pay for a well informed and educated electorate.
I'm not sure even that would solve the problem. People can be hit over the head a hundred times with the truth and if it does not fit their own beliefs, it will be considered a lie. Hence the rise of shows like Morning Joe and Tucker Carlson. I won't even include someone like Joy Reid because she is plain bat sh@t crazy. Anyone who believes anyting that comes from straight up propaganda shows like The View are beyond help. And as always - follow the money. That is the one absolute.