So who won the debate?

The Ohio gov discusses the issue. You cant deny all news just because you don't like the source.

A town of 60k had 15k+ Haitians added who don't speak English and don't have American values. What is there to defend here?

Prove me wrong.
I know many Haitians in Cedar Rapids. My kids have done soccer and wrestling with their kids. Those kids have been over for dinner and barbecues at our house. They’re polite, hard working, good students, and devoutliy religious, The parents are both employees and small businesses owners. I eat at the excellent Haitian restaurant here, Wawa Caribbean. The couple that owns it are absolutely fantastic people. Republicans might actually make inroads with these people if the party wasn’t overrun by racist morons. I’d take more like them in a heartbeat in this country over worthless people like you that offer nothing but division and hate. Trump is the DEI hire for the dumbest white people.
Anybody who says Trump won the debate is kidding themselves.
Harris came prepared. As expected, Trump came unprepared, went on rants, and reminded the nation of what his first Presidency was like.
Harris kept hitting on "it's time to turn the page." I think that will happen in November. After Harris wins, the Republican party will have to do some soul searching.
Agree overall but....

She's been in the current administration. Turn the page from what? Biden?

That should have been Trumps theme but he was talking about dogs and cats being eaten :)
I know many Haitians in Cedar Rapids. My kids have done soccer and wrestling with their kids. Those kids have been over for dinner and barbecues at our house. They’re polite, hard working, good students, and devoutliy religious, The parents are both employees and small businesses owners. I eat at the excellent Haitian restaurant here, Wawa Caribbean. The couple that owns it are absolutely fantastic people. Republicans might actually make inroads with these people if the party wasn’t overrun by racist morons. I’d take more like them in a heartbeat in this country over worthless people like you that offer nothing but division and hate. Trump is the DEI hire for the dumbest white people.
Amen. Same experience here, we have had many Haitians join our church in the past couple years. Very good, Christian people.
You girl wants to codify 1.5+million illegals coming into the country illegally but legally every year.

Your girl acts like aborting a baby is equivalent to throwing out a piece of trash. It should be somewhat inconvenient to kill an unborn baby.

Your girl supports open boarders for people who will be using our tax dollars to support them. They are a huge expense to tax payers and will increase our national debt and decrease national security.

Your girl supports sterilizing and mutilating children. You cant take the high ground when your candidate supports this stance.
Honest question:

Do you realize you are simply parroting propaganda?? That you are literally just repeating things that are not true because you have been lied to and manipulated?

Grow a spine and use some judgement. Stop letting nefarious people weaponize you into spreading bullshit that is harmful to Americans.
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Not really. Often before one side was a cult, the losing side could admit their person sucked. Like the Democrats did in June. Or if it was not clear both sides would claim they won.

He was destroyed last night. Even he knew it.
That would mean the cult has to admit the Donald lost and they still haven’t done that after the 2020 election.
Certainly not the American people lol I dont actually see this debate changing anyone's minds on who they're voting for.
Trump is an idiot so I don’t care what he says but got tired of Kamala not answering questions asked and going right to her talking points about caring more for Americans and saving social security as an example when asked about changing her position on fracking. You can’t make this stuff up. They must think Americans are like dogs and just say squirrel to force a focus change. Speaking of change, I changed channel after that. Couldn’t watch either one of them anymore. We are so fooked as a country with both of these idiots as our candidates. She is less of one but good God.
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Harris won without doing anything other than not looking like a dipshit.

Trump is a moron. He made her look so much better than she is. It is comical. She is robotic and inauthentic and boring in her speech to the point where I can only tolerate her when the alternative is Trump rambling. What a disgrace that these are the options.
I know many Haitians in Cedar Rapids. My kids have done soccer and wrestling with their kids. Those kids have been over for dinner and barbecues at our house. They’re polite, hard working, good students, and devoutliy religious, The parents are both employees and small businesses owners. I eat at the excellent Haitian restaurant here, Wawa Caribbean. The couple that owns it are absolutely fantastic people. Republicans might actually make inroads with these people if the party wasn’t overrun by racist morons. I’d take more like them in a heartbeat in this country over worthless people like you that offer nothing but division and hate. Trump is the DEI hire for the dumbest white people.
Agree with this sentiment. We are a nation of immigrants. Every generation the reaction to the new immigrants is the same. Historically the negative reaction is exactly the same and it is unfortunate. Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Africans, Serbian, now Hatians. We are a better country because of our immigrants

Curious though if 20k immigrants were brought into Cedar Rapids how the city would cope? Schools in Cedar Rapids didn't handle the influx of students from Chicago well at all a decade or so ago. Social services didn't do well. The police had their hands full. Importing poverty at scale isn't healthy for any community. So what is your solution beyond an example of a restaurant owner and some nice people at church? Mu son was best friends with a young man whose parents were refugees. Lovely family. Had them over to dinner a number of times and so happy they have found a home in Iowa. The neighborhood they live in with other refugees wasn't safe at all. So while these stories are nice what is the purpose of importing poverty to a community like Cedar Rapids or Springfield Ohio? New York sure didn't like it when immigrants were being directed there. You posted a number of times against immigrants being shipped to NYC and yet somehow think much smaller communities should be accommodating.

This feels like nimby behavior from you.
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Harris did great by her standards, considering this is not an area of strength for her. She was well prepared, and very disciplined. Her team should be thrilled.

She got plenty of help from ABC, but much more help from Trump. Every time ABC declined to fact check one of her lies, any conservative who follows politics at all immediately knew it. But Trump couldn't react. If a Republican is counting on debate moderators to call out a Democrat's lies, because their candidate isn't sharp enough to pull the trigger themselves, they've already lost.

Republicans complaining about the moderators when Trump did so badly himself are a joke. It's complaining about refs in a game you lost 31-6.

There was PLENTY of opportunity against Harris, and again, literally any Republican candidate would have performed better and probably easily handled Harris. But this is what Republicans wanted.

I am of the opinion that Harris is around her possible high water mark in terms of favorability, and I don't think this debate changes that. But it's a huge win because it doesn't knock her off that one bit. She's had weeks and weeks of being completely unchallenged, not having to defend her administration's record, not having to be clear on policy, not having had to defend her previous radical positions.

And now, through the first debate...she still hasn't. Total face plant by Trump. I don't think it drastically changes the election odds, but that's probably good for Harris.

But where it might matter is the money on the sidelines. Nobody likes to throw money at a loser (maybe Auburn).

I guarantee there was money on the sidelines that was making sure that Harris didn't utterly embarrass herself in the debate before they threw money at her. Those donors should feel fine sending that money now. That might not matter a ton because the Democrats weren't hurting for money.

But the Trump campaign needs money. It's hard to imagine some of the 2016/2020 donors who have been sitting this one out or donating in a reduced capacity watching this and saying "Hell, he's back! Get my checkbook." He looked like a loser, he looked dumb and undisciplined, he didn't make Kamala look terrifying by alternative...basically, if you're that donor, he looked like a waste of money.

That's why I think this was probably a big win for Harris even if the polls don't move much.
Who won?

After the debate, the moderator of this board was deleting threads about Swift endorsing Harris last night …
. Trump was composed
Holy hell, c’mon man. Exactly opposite most of the time. Composed? Really?

Old man scowling interrupted by incoherent and angry rambling frequently punctuated with bizarre exaggerations. It was a classic exhibition of how a narcissist behaves when confronted.
Honest question:

Do you realize you are simply parroting propaganda?? That you are literally just repeating things that are not true because you have been lied to and manipulated?

Grow a spine and use some judgement. Stop letting nefarious people weaponize you into spreading bullshit that is harmful to Americans.
I don't listen to fox or whoever you think I listen to.

There is a huge gap between what the left msm will report and what is really going on.

I know for a fact that biden/ Harris supported gender transition for kids.

I have read the documents from the United nations calling for open borders. Dems support this agenda (agenda 2030).

I watched the debate and kamala came across as wanting abortions to be easy to get. No matter where you stand on abortion, we still need to realize that an abortion is stopping a human life. It should not be easy and it should not be just another form of birth control. I am pro choice and kamala made it seem like abortions should be handed out like candy. Despite being pro choice, this made me uncomfortable with her stance.

These are conservative talking points for a reason. It is because they are very important to conservatives. I have told the truth about these issues. I will change my view if I see that I was wrong.
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She made him tap out.
The Ohio gov discusses the issue. You cant deny all news just because you don't like the source.

A town of 60k had 15k+ Haitians added who don't speak English and don't have American values. What is there to defend here?

Prove me wrong.
You are proven wrong and dumb every time you post.
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