So who won the debate?

lol…”he stayed in the game” because 40+% of American voters don’t give a fvck what he says or does. Any “reasonable observer” watching that performance would call him a pathological liar at best and, at worst, totally deranged.
Talking about the election. We may not know the winner for days or weeks electorially speaking trump managed to keep hus followers and dobtful anyone changed their mind. The election as it stands will be 50 50.

Maybe chaos coming. Im not voting either side.

My wife who I thought would gain more like of Harris did not change her mind. Her issue was how the mod bailed out Harris on abortion.

She called both liars.
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Talking about the election. We may not know the winner for days or weeks electorially speaking trump managed to keep hus followers and dobtful anyone changed their mind. The election as it stands will be 50 50.

Maybe chaos coming. Im not voting either side.

My wife who I thought would gain more like of Harris did not change her mind. Her issue was how the mod bailed out Harris on abortion.

She called both liars.
So hard to read.
So hard to read.
No, not really. You don't want to hear the basics. Nothing happened last night to change it is a very close race on the electoral college front and few would change their mind. Each side can say they got what they want. She did not hit a rocket out of the park. She was KF vanilla. He showed he is still who he is and not losing his mind depending on the definition. Trump is Trump. He is what he was.

Total chaos is a very possible Nov outcome. The Dems aren't figuring on young people being angry as well as the poor. Mom's are very guarded on what environment they want their kids raised in.

Gets down to key issues on the 50/50 tie breaker.

Unlimted abortion (abort mobile was a huge error)
Education leaning toward indoctrination on gender confusion
Stock market from Aug to Nov (still in limbo)
Those in that middle leaning toward Right crazy v Left Crazy including statements made here about aborting undesirables.
Ukraine War in the coming months.

We watch and see how it plays out.

I have no idea who wins, but I as it now stands would give 55 percent odds to Trump IFFFFF it is in fact 50/50 statistically. That close at present barring another debate or not predicted crisis.
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Trump is an idiot so I don’t care what he says but got tired of Kamala not answering questions asked and going right to her talking points about caring more for Americans and saving social security as an example when asked about changing her position on fracking. You can’t make this stuff up. They must think Americans are like dogs and just say squirrel to force a focus change. Speaking of change, I changed channel after that. Couldn’t watch either one of them anymore. We are so fooked as a country with both of these idiots as our candidates. She is less of one but good God.

Harris won without doing anything other than not looking like a dipshit.

Trump is a moron. He made her look so much better than she is. It is comical. She is robotic and inauthentic and boring in her speech to the point where I can only tolerate her when the alternative is Trump rambling. What a disgrace that these are the options.

Sorry, you guys can’t “both sides” this. I agree that it’s frustrating that Harris skims the surface on substance then offers platitudes, but it’s absolutely ridiculous to think that isn’t Democratic debate strategy at this point. This is what they’ve done the in the last few debates against Trump.

Agree with this sentiment. We are a nation of immigrants. Every generation the reaction to the new immigrants is the same. Historically the negative reaction is exactly the same and it is unfortunate. Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Africans, Serbian, now Hatians. We are a better country because of our immigrants

Curious though if 20k immigrants were brought into Cedar Rapids how the city would cope? Schools in Cedar Rapids didn't handle the influx of students from Chicago well at all a decade or so ago. Social services didn't do well. The police had their hands full. Importing poverty at scale isn't healthy for any community. So what is your solution beyond an example of a restaurant owner and some nice people at church? Mu son was best friends with a young man whose parents were refugees. Lovely family. Had them over to dinner a number of times and so happy they have found a home in Iowa. The neighborhood they live in with other refugees wasn't safe at all. So while these stories are nice what is the purpose of importing poverty to a community like Cedar Rapids or Springfield Ohio? New York sure didn't like it when immigrants were being directed there. You posted a number of times against immigrants being shipped to NYC and yet somehow think much smaller communities should be accommodating.

This feels like nimby behavior from you.
If Cedar Rapids was hemorrhaging population like Springfield, and it was done in a measured and systematic way, I’d have no problem with it. My issue with these states doing the bussing of migrants is that it’s using human beings, refugees even, as political props. Pathetic, but that’s what the Republican Party is today.
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Didnt say I disagreed that she won.

He stayed in the game.

Any reasonable observer noted the male mod bailed her out and she won 17 to zero over ISU East.
Spare me! The mod gave him three chances to answer the most simple question of the night: "Do you want Ukraine to win the war"? And Trump incredibly refused to answer. Another question asked at least twice: "You said you can end the Ukraine War immediately. Please explain how you would do that"? Trump's idiotic response was that he'll get them to sit down together and have it all worked out in November before his inauguration. And then there was the repeated question asked of Trump about his recent on-air concession that he in fact had lost the 2020 election. Trump's reply was that he did not concede his loss at all but his admission was just a sarcastic one.
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Sorry, you guys can’t “both sides” this. I agree that it’s frustrating that Harris skims the surface on substance then offers platitudes, but it’s absolutely ridiculous to think that isn’t Democratic debate strategy at this point. This is what they’ve done the in the last few debates against Trump.
Fact: this is the worst pair of options on the ballot for POTUS in any living persons voting life. Harris is exponentially more put together than Trump, who is a complete jackass. He is so bad he makes awful candidates look amazing.
Talking about the election. We may not know the winner for days or weeks electorially speaking trump managed to keep hus followers and dobtful anyone changed their mind. The election as it stands will be 50 50.

Maybe chaos coming. Im not voting either side.

My wife who I thought would gain more like of Harris did not change her mind. Her issue was how the mod bailed out Harris on abortion.

She called both liars.
Her “problem” was Trump being told that no state allows delivered babies to be killed? And she sees that as the mods bailing Harris out? Yeah, she’s not a deep thinker, is she? And it’s certainly best that you don’t participate.
Her “problem” was Trump being told that no state allows delivered babies to be killed? And she sees that as the mods bailing Harris out? Yeah, she’s not a deep thinker, is she? And it’s certainly best that you don’t participate.
Didn't say that isn't correct. His followers don't care.
Fact: this is the worst pair of options on the ballot for POTUS in any living persons voting life. Harris is exponentially more put together than Trump, who is a complete jackass. He is so bad he makes awful candidates look amazing.
Give me a break.

She is a very average, mainstream, slightly-left-of-center classic liberal with a solid CV.

He is a rapist conman criminal convicted felon who attempted to undermine a legal election.
Spare me! The mod gave him three chances to answer the most simple question of the night: "Do you want Ukraine to win the war"? And Trump incredibly refused to answer. Another question asked at least twice: "You said you can end the Ukraine War immediately. Please explain how you would do that"? Trump's idiotic response was that he'll get them to sit down together and have it all worked out in November before his inauguration. And then there was the repeated question asked of Trump about his recent on-air concession that he in fact had lost the 2020 election. Trump's reply was that he did not concede his loss at all but his admission was just a sarcastic one.
people get that about Trump and don't care. They didn't give him a pass he just dropped the ball.
Her “problem” was Trump being told that no state allows delivered babies to be killed? And she sees that as the mods bailing Harris out? Yeah, she’s not a deep thinker, is she? And it’s certainly best that you don’t participate.
he is an idiot and what makes him Trump to his followers.
Didn't say that isn't correct. His followers don't care.
he is an idiot and what makes him Trump to his followers.
Neither of these responses makes sense in context to what you are replying to. That was about your claim that your wife absurdly determined that the mods bailed Harris out on abortion and THAT was her problem with Harris. The mods pointing out to Trump that he was blatantly lying about the post-birth murder of babies had nothing to do with Harris.
The agreement - in the fine print - (devil is always in the details and all that) would have allowed up to 5,000 illegals PER DAY to cross before the border was shut. That’s about 1.8 million more per year.
At that rate why bother?

Hope my link works and will serve to better inform you
Fact: this is the worst pair of options on the ballot for POTUS in any living persons voting life. Harris is exponentially more put together than Trump, who is a complete jackass. He is so bad he makes awful candidates look amazing.

Fact is, Kamala Harris has more experience going in for her first run for president than Obama or trump or Clinton or Reagan or either Bush. She knows many many world leaders and is well respected. trump, not so much other than Putin Un or a couple other dictators. I believe she will be just fine.

Hope my link works and will serve to better inform you
I watched Senator Kirsten Sinema - a co author of the bill - affirm this on live TV. If it was removed at the last minute then my mistake. In fact I think the number was lowered to 1,500 per day now that think about it.
Still not acceptable IMO.
The agreement - in the fine print - (devil is always in the details and all that) would have allowed up to 5,000 illegals PER DAY to cross before the border was shut. That’s about 1.8 million more per year.
At that rate why bother?
Have you actually read the details?