So who won the debate?

You do know we had a bi partisan agreement to improve our immigration policies and someone killed it.

Why, because he perceived it would be to his benefit. The country be damned.
Why would we need a bipartisan agreement to improve immigration policies when for three years we were being told the border is secure, and there's no issues with immigration?

How could one man ruin the fix for something that isn't broken?
You do know we had a bi partisan agreement to improve our immigration policies and someone killed it.

Why, because he perceived it would be to his benefit. The country be damned.
you do know the POTUS can make his own regulations for the border just like Trump did without seeking Congress approval, right? Trump didn’t get Congress approval for “remain in Mexico” just like Biden didn’t get approval for striking it down when he entered the office. Remain in Mexico should not have been changed if an Administration was serious about the border.
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Isn't this just rich... a Turd supporter saying someone was nasty. I suppose the misogynists have different standards for smart women in power. No link, you can google.

Grenell: Harris Was “Very Nasty And Mean-Spirited”​

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I thought Harris won with little doubt. I do have grave concerns with her lack of border control and far left liberal views. Her winning POTUS would truly concern me. There is much to not like about Trump, but we have lived through 4 years of him as POTUS and I would say everyone was better off then than they are with the current Administration.

The previous trump 4 year is over, it's the next 4 or even more that is a huge problem for America. I encourage everyone to be aware of Project 2025, and also trump said he will be a dictator on day one.
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You girl wants to codify 1.5+million illegals coming into the country illegally but legally every year.

Your girl acts like aborting a baby is equivalent to throwing out a piece of trash. It should be somewhat inconvenient to kill an unborn baby.

Your girl supports open boarders for people who will be using our tax dollars to support them. They are a huge expense to tax payers and will increase our national debt and decrease national security.

Your girl supports sterilizing and mutilating children. You cant take the high ground when your candidate supports this stance.
I think you should post less of your "thoughts". Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read this drivel.
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I would have liked to see trump explain how he was going to deport 10 or 12 million undocumented immigrants, and let us now what would happen to our economy if he did that. Sounds like there would be plenty of flights heading south. He has no answer, just like his healthcare plan he's been working on for 9 years.
You mean the pandemic that trump downplayed and then admitted he did to Bob Woodward on tape? Does drink bleach ring a bell? trump is responsible for over 400,000 unnecessary American lives, by more than one investigation piece.

No, I'm referring to the one where Joe Biden pushed vaccine mandates, suppressed any serious pursuit of the virus's origin, and reportedly became responsible for the deaths of over 1,000,000 Americans,.. You know, that one.
Drink bleach... use a poisonous horse vaccine, shine light inside the body, wait until it gets cold, wait until it gets hot... Bonespurs The Scientist. What a moron!
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No, I'm referring to the one where Joe Biden pushed vaccine mandates, suppressed any serious pursuit of the virus's origin, and reportedly became responsible for the deaths of over 1,000,000 Americans,.. You know, that one.

You just posted a lie. Biden marked and made a statement when America hit the one millionth covid death. If you have proof, please provide it, I will be waiting.
You just posted a lie. Biden marked and made a statement when America hit the one millionth covid death. If you have proof, please provide it, I will be waiting.

Hey rocket scientist,.. people continued to die from covid long after he made that statement, and they're still dying.
He has bad dementia. Can't carry out a mature, logical thought process. But the cult morons eat that up... birds of a feather and all.
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Hey rocket scientist,.. people continued to die from covid long after he made that statement, and they're still dying.

So, you have no proof, and you may be a rocket scientist, that Biden is responsible for one million deaths. However:
Mother Jones 11-17-21 cited a study from UCLA the US could have avoided 400,000 unnecessary deaths
Forbes 2-11-21 the same
USA Today the same
AP News the same
There's more, so even you should be able to find them.
So, provide some proof or STFU.
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LOL - It wasn't a debate it was a softball game with Muir lobbing questions to Harris and not demanding an answer. Did she actually answer 1 question all night? Her shit is sooo weak.
You'd certainly know about weak shit since that's 99% of your posts on HBOT. Mulato? So you can't even spell correctly when you prefer to be outdated and offensive, eh?
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Moskowitz: It wasn’t a hidden strategy. They were literally telling people, "We’re going to get under Trump’s skin." The Trump strategy was also very public — they were going to make sure they didn’t let her get under his skin. Eleven minutes in, she mentions crowd size, and he responds with Viktor Orbán, they’re eating puppies and cats, Abdul, concepts of plans... It was like diarrhea of the mouth as soon as she said "crowd size." I can’t recall another time where someone telegraphed their plan, let their opponent know about it, the opponent prepared against it, and then, within a second of launching the plan, the opponent fell for it immediately.
Abortion is still stopping a living human life. This should never be taken lightly. Abortion should not be used as a primary form of birth control (imo).

There is a certain level of accountability that we should demand from people.
No one uses abortion as a primary birth control method. Why would you ever think such a thing. It's pretty weird.
Not the past 3.5 years,.. per Kamala
Flat out lie.

She went to El Paso in 2021 specifically to look into solutions for immigration issues.

You may not agree with her approach, but to imply she said there weren't problems is a bald-faced lie.

She pointed to her trips earlier this month to Guatemala and Mexico as efforts to tackle the root causes of illegal immigration.

“The reality of it is that we have to deal with causes, and we have to deal with the effects,” said Harris, who visited the border as a U.S. Senator from California.

Here is a local artice from Texas from that time period:
1. Harris won but it was was a typical KF type win. With 200 yarfs of offense. She didnt knock it out and get 400 and didnt.

2. Trump did enoughnto dispell that he had changed mentally. Like KF showed he was Trump.

3. The female mod was decent. The guy let Harris off the rope on abortion as he knew she was in trouble with conservatives that might not vote or even switch.

4. The debate will take 2 weeks to sort out

5. Trump likely had a slight Electoral lead going in and it likely tightened.

6. Likely numbers will show a recession started in Mayish. When that is official and how fast it shows will be key. The poor and ag bus are quietly getting hit already.

7. Ukraine developments. Not going well at present. A huge change could change things.

8. Israel

9. The election could be a dark point in history in several directions
She destroyed Trump, making him look like a confused old and angry man that he is.
Flat out lie.

She went to El Paso in 2021 specifically to look into solutions for immigration issues.

You may not agree with her approach, but to imply she said there weren't problems is a bald-faced lie.

She pointed to her trips earlier this month to Guatemala and Mexico as efforts to tackle the root causes of illegal immigration.

“The reality of it is that we have to deal with causes, and we have to deal with the effects,” said Harris, who visited the border as a U.S. Senator from California.

Here is a local artice from Texas from that time period:
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