You literally said this:
Jbo wasn't at war but he sacrificed everything.
That's a hard reach and as I said, sacrificing everything/all is an expression typically reserved for military service members who indeed do sacrifice everything.
In regards to the injury your kid sustained, I understand you gave your insurance info which is protocol, but did you have a copay or any sort of out of pocket expenses? If so, you got robbed and should seriously follow up with the University. I've worked there for 5+ years and the SOP is to bill primary insurance first and any outstanding balance is %100 covered by the athletics department. We have an athletic billing account built into the system for every athlete, I'm sure their is at least some other person on this board who can confirm this.
I'll %100 agree with you in regards to treatment for injuries post college career. More needs to be done to assist these athletes with any lingering health conditions caused by collegiate athletics.
You raised your right hand to defend freedom, people on here and on twitter are just exercising that right. Nothing too egregious has been said about JBO on here. You're the one who's gone full scorched earth comparing internet message board opinions to pissing on graves and dancing on corpses....Relax and don't take it too seriously. Most of the trolls saying the real outlandish stuff come from rival fanbases who JBO pissed off with his tweets and prior twitter engagements. I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you on here, we're all Hawkeye fans and we can agree to disagree.[/QUOTE]