If he doesn't come to Iowa, are you going to be anti-Gable? Will you suddenly not respond in ANY way to anything he does?
No. Whether your reaction is to be mad, sad or glad - you're going to have a reaction. And as far as anyone can tell, Gable has been pretty respectful about the Iowa offer - so we really wouldn't have anything to truly be mad at (unless he just says something wild in the announcement tonight).
It's a GREAT business plan, and any marketing exec would tell you the same. Stoke the flames of the biggest fanbase - joy or anger is no difference. We were all already talking about him coming back. Even prior to the "he might be coming to Iowa" subject. He's a damn Olympic gold medalist.
In short, he doesn't have to care about the Hawk fans. AT ALL. Love or hate, they won't affect what/how he does in the WWE. He's considering it, although I'm not sure how seriously, been super respectful about it and he may choose to stay at Minnesota. Nothing for anyone to be mad at.