Well, it is a cesspool.
Pleased to know that this kind of information wouldn't get traction anywhere else.

Well, it is a cesspool.
Pleased to know that this kind of information wouldn't get traction anywhere else.
Because if there were rumors Lee wanted to leave Iowa, BWI wouldn't be interested? Get off ur high horse.As far as I can tell, the only board running the Suriano story is this one.
Well, it is a cesspool.
Pleased to know that this kind of information wouldn't get traction anywhere else.
I'm not going to get into speculating on the merits of the rumors, but from a distance, I would buy that Suriano's personality is not quite like that which was on display during the second half of the 2017 NCAA National Finals. No comment on its importance, though, as I have no idea.
They're nervous. I'd be nervous, too, if I were they. It's kinda f*** to be the hunter.The one time I went to BWI, I realized half their posts were just b*tching about HR. Looks like things haven't changed lmao.
lol, I'm only stating a fact. Why the defensiveness?Because if there were rumors Lee wanted to leave Iowa, BWI wouldn't be interested? Get off ur high horse.
What part would you be nervous about? Having five returning national champs without Suriano (who will have his chance as a Lion to get there next year), the recruiting classes coming in? The rumors aren't scary- they are entertaining....They're nervous. I'd be nervous, too, if I were they. It's kinda f*** to be the hunter.
The one time I went to BWI, I realized half their posts were just b*tching about HR. Looks like things haven't changed lmao.
I see a lot of whining on both forums. Tis the offseason...
The difference is that you have a few posters that almost always run back to BWI and report almost everything that is said here about a topic. Usually, it's blown way out of proportion or just plain wrong information. I don't see many people here that do that or really even care about what goes on there. Yet, PSU fans always claim that HR is obsessed with them.
The 7 members of the RU board have stretched the Suriano thread to a page? Great, the fact that HR with all its members has kept it to 2 pages is impressive
That's fair to say that more PSU posters report back to BWI than vice a versa. However, the obsession goes both ways. I see plenty of threads here about Penn State that are started by Iowa posters. Anyway, I guess that's the price we pay for having the 2 most active wrestling boards (by far).
I don't buy this at all but out of curiosity, if Suriano really is homesick, how far of a drive does he have right now getting home from psu?
4 hours... ishI don't buy this at all but out of curiosity, if Suriano really is homesick, how far of a drive does he have right now getting home from psu?
Yes, plenty of posts about Penn State here started by Iowa posters but hardly any that are started with "Look at what's going on over at BWI." HR's obsession seems to be more with the Penn State wrestling team whereas BWI is more obsessed with the thoughts and opinions of Iowa's fans. Neither is healthy but that's just the way I see it.
I stop in there briefly before taking a quick shower.The one time I went to BWI, I realized half their posts were just b*tching about HR. Looks like things haven't changed lmao.
Any truth to the rumor that Bo Nickel has just been traded to Nebraska for a wrestler to be named later and cash?
I stop in there briefly before taking a quick shower.
I stop in there briefly before taking a quick shower.
You had me until you used 'cash' p$u doesn't need cash.
Are you referring to the girl or the money...or both?Don isn't that far off. This is why Penn State lands the top recruits:
Are you referring to the girl or the money...or both?
Are you referring to the girl or the money...or both?
Also heard from multiple sources that Nick and his dad aren't all too keen on the atmosphere and vibe in the PSU room... Or the way his injury was handled. Way too much smoke for no fire on this one.
Won't shock me in the least to see him leave Happy Valley... Where he ends up, if anywhere, I have zero clue, but Rutgers seems very plausible.
Man Gobblin... You have A LOT of connections in the know!Absolutely priceless that PSU fans have twisted these words into me saying he was transferring to Iowa...
Make no mistake, Suriano was as close to being a Hawkeye from the jump as possible without it actually happening. Also, you're fooling yourself if you think he and his family haven't considered the possibility of transferring to Iowa. That seems dead in the water now though due to reasons I don't know, but it's 100% true that Nick and his family aren't happy in Happy Valley.
Man Gobblin... You have A LOT of connections in the know!
I'm not saying that the rumor isn't true, and if it happens, I'll also be bummed out. The kid will probably be a National Champ. But you made a lot of definitive claims in that post. A Good Day to you also.One of which is a huge PSU fan and HS coach in Pennsylvania... He's pretty bummed out. Have a sensible day!
I'm not saying that the rumor isn't true, and if it happens, I'll also be bummed out. The kid will probably be a National Champ. But you made a lot of definitive claims in that post. A Good Day to you also.
Gobblin has taken a lot of flak, especially lately, but his info has always been appreciated by most I feel. Lots of these situations are very dynamic and things can change from week to week and even day to day. His info during the Suriano recruitment was spot on but then other things happened behind the scenes. Even before I started posting, I read/lurked a lot and always appreciated any nuggets that were provided by him. I think in the overall grand scheme of things he's been 'right' more than 'wrong' so I view him as a very credible source.
Sounds about right. The Slaton reinstatement was about the only thing I recall him flat-out being wrong, and that was over five years ago when certain conditions were still 'fluid' . He's got far more useful info than most.Someone should keep a tally of how often Goblin is correct. Has to be atleast 83% of the time.
Jarod Uthoff.I don't think the Big Ten allows in-conference transfers even with full release.
Jarod Uthoff.