SWARM CEO Brad Heinrichs Interview. 20% of SWARM Beer SALES & 25% of Vodka SALES goes to SWARM. Says they need 10,000+ paying members; they're @ 1,800

A discussion of priorities is appropriate.

If you are willing to just drop the higher education part and make it a subsidiary corporation and pay players it would be a more honest system.
Well after Iowa wins a national championship, then you can have my undivided attention on solving global plastic problems..........
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women's wrestling was added due to the Title IX lawsuit brought by the women's sim team. Iowa had to add back swimming and add wrestling to settle the suit (comply with Title IX) and I believe they still need to add one more women's sport based on the settlement.

To add men's soccer Iowa would have to add another women's sport (or drop an equal sized men's sport) to "offset". My guess would be LAX but I would put more money on no men's sports being added any time soon.
Who decides who gets Swarm money? Is it evenly distributed among all student athletes or is their a committee that allocates?
So what was added/dropped to make room for women's wrestling?
No idea...but if Title IX still works the way it used too....there are "balance" considerations. Perhaps it's changed.

When the Iowa women swimmers sued to get their sport back at Iowa, they won, of course. Iowa was fudging the numbers, overstating how many women were on the rowing team (as one example) and how much they were spending on women's teams vs men's teams. Part of the settlement was that Iowa had to add another sports team (which was women's wrestling, of course). So, no men's team was dropped in order to add women's wrestling. It's just sad & ironic that Iowa had to not only reinstate women's swimming they had to ADD another women's program.

This was just one of the many lawsuits/controversies that Barta will be remembered for.
Who decides who gets Swarm money? Is it evenly distributed among all student athletes or is their a committee that allocates?
They do appearances etc.

There is a baseline amount for all athletes in I believe football, men’s/women’s basketball. Beyond that, star players are going to make more money. They will be in much higher demand.

That was a watered down simple explanation.
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Well they dropped gymnastics, men and women’s swimming and diving and men’s tennis.
Lawsuit - women’s swimming and diving reinstated, women’s wrestling added so

Gymnastics, swimming and diving and tennis went away.
Let's just add men's soccer and hockey and tell anyone that tries to penalize us for Title IX violations to f*** off, and be like Kansas where they break the rules, are caught and told by the NCAA that they broke the rules.......and have nothing happen.

I think we can make that work. :D
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Let's just add men's soccer and hockey and tell anyone that tries to penalize us for Title IX violations to f*** off, and be like Kansas where they break the rules, are caught and told by the NCAA that they broke the rules.......and have nothing happen.

I think we can make that work. :D
Title IX isn’t an ncaa rule.
Violate and you have federal funding issues.
NCAA is basically just a eligibility clearinghouse now.
Only a few schools like iowa have a compliance group still looking at everything the same way as before.
Only a few schools like iowa have a compliance group still looking at everything the same way as before.
That would explain why we're the only ones in the entire country, apparently, dumb enough to be the guinea pigs for investigating and punishing college athletes gambling.......................

As for Title IX being a federal rule, that actually works even better. Tell the government to go f*** itself if they want to stop Iowa from adding men's sports.............because the law says it wouldn't be fair to women. :)

*And yes, I'm being somewhat facetious in parts within my post.........the question is.......what parts? ;)
That would explain why we're the only ones in the entire country, apparently, dumb enough to be the guinea pigs for investigating and punishing college athletes gambling.......................

As for Title IX being a federal rule, that actually works even better. Tell the government to go f*** itself if they want to stop Iowa from adding men's sports.............because the law says it wouldn't be fair to women. :)

*And yes, I'm being somewhat facetious in parts within my post.........the question is.......what parts? ;)

What sucks is that once the Iowa athletic dept got word of the gambling allegations, they couldn't ignore them. Imagine if Barta did? And gambling by student athletes is an obvious no-no. The student-athletes knew it and they gambled anyway.
you guys might as well send 20 bucks a month to the Nigerian prince... the one who is set to inherit $3 million.... wants to cut you in on hawk football or I mean.....
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similar to Coors light with less after taste. Very solid light beer
If it tastes like a light beer then I wont be drinking it. I'm certainly not a beer snob, but I don't drink light beer. Just don't think they taste like anything.