Teacher fired after DeSantis says bookshelf video was ’fake narrative’

That’s true but you mentioned it and it would have been true long before this false narrative.

It is far more likely for an aggressive prosecutor to claim Romeo & Juliet is "not suited to student needs and the ability to comprehend the material presented" or not "appropriate for the grade level" than prove it is child pornography.

That's why the new law is dangerous - it's intentionally vague to chill First Amendment speech.
It is far more likely for an aggressive prosecutor to claim Romeo & Juliet is "not suited to student needs and the ability to comprehend the material presented" or not "appropriate for the grade level" than prove it is child pornography.

That's why the new law is dangerous - it's intentionally vague to chill First Amendment speech.
When I was just a substitute teacher in the 90’s I did a week for an English teacher at a suburban HS in Dallas...the subject was Romeo and Juliet.
In Texas. 25 years ago. Using a textbook approved by the State of Texas.
Boom goes the dynamite
It sounds like a large number of those books removed had inappropriate content. Do we know if they were removed from K3 libraries or high school libraries? Article didn’t really specify.
Wouldn’t that be important to know?
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is the one that I was hoping to challenge and get taken off the shelves in Iowa!

Regarding this being a fake narrative and today’s GOP….George Orwell said it best in his novel 1984…”The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Like boys being girls?
That's not entirely accurate. Books have to be vetted and approved by the media specialist. The definition might be vague by your standards, but there's never going to be 100% agreement on what is appropriate or inappropriate for specific age groups.

We already see teachers in various places have pushed the limits on what they are providing students and teaching that's outside of a normal curriculum. Parents weren't always aware until zoom meetings started exposing it.
What in the world is your definition of “normal curriculum.” Books that parrot your idea of what is “moral” or “scientific?“ Authors that agree with your appointed “media specialists?” Who gave you the right to decide what is appropriate for my kids? This is just another attempt by the religious right to impose their beliefs on everyone else. It is short sited, ignorant and intended to stifle creativity, tolerance, diversity and science.

Just like the Pope tried to gag Galileo.

Know nothing morons. Zoom meetings? Pulleaaze!!!!!
It sounds like a large number of those books removed had inappropriate content. Do we know if they were removed from K3 libraries or high school libraries? Article didn’t really specify.
Wouldn’t that be important to know?

Removed equals banned right? And if memory serves me there were books "removed" that discussed US's internment of Japanese during WWII.
It sounds like a large number of those books removed had inappropriate content. Do we know if they were removed from K3 libraries or high school libraries? Article didn’t really specify.
Wouldn’t that be important to know?
So, now we've gone from no books have been banned to yeah there have been but they were all bad.

Wouldn't you agree that they were books that were previously allowed? Is there any evidence of them being detrimental to any student at any time?
Removed equals banned right? And if memory serves me there were books "removed" that discussed US's internment of Japanese during WWII.
Yes MAYBE they were removed/banned but AGAIN there’s no information on the process, or who reviewed the information, and if it was removed from a K3 library or from a high school library. How was the information presented?
I went to school in the 60’s and internment was covered in our textbook. For a book to cover the era in this day and age in a far more inclusive society, one has to wonder how the information was presented.
Sorry but I’m skeptical as to your memory serving me.
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What in the world is your definition of “normal curriculum.” Books that parrot your idea of what is “moral” or “scientific?“ Authors that agree with your appointed “media specialists?” Who gave you the right to decide what is appropriate for my kids? This is just another attempt by the religious right to impose their beliefs on everyone else. It is short sited, ignorant and intended to stifle creativity, tolerance, diversity and science.

Just like the Pope tried to gag Galileo.

Know nothing morons. Zoom meetings? Pulleaaze!!!!!

That’s a two way street isn’t it?
How about schools stick to the facts ? Reading, arithmetic, hard science, how to write?
Would we agree that’s “appropriate” for your kids AND mine?
Yes MAYBE they were removed/banned but AGAIN there’s no information on the process, or who reviewed the information, and if it was removed from a K3 library or from a high school library. How was the information presented?
I went to school in the 60’s and internment was covered in our textbook. For a book to cover the era in this day and age in a far more inclusive society, one has to wonder how the information was presented.
Sorry but I’m skeptical as to your memory serving me.

Removed equals banned right? And if memory serves me there were books "removed" that discussed US's internment of Japanese during WWII.
Reed, since she has me on ignore, ask her why the party of small government feels the need to step into the lives of their constituents and impose their own political and religious beliefs upon them. How can it possibly be the job of any government to play god and deem books that have been on shelves for years suddenly inappropriate?
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Oh no, sweetie. You’re seriously relying on democratic underground?
First of all Gov. DeSantis went off when he heard that fake accusation about Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente DO know he played baseball from the time he started in tee ball until he played Varsity baseball at Yale. He worshipped MLB players, AND he is NOT on the Review Committee.
You HAVE to be smarter than this.
That’s a two way street isn’t it?
How about schools stick to the facts ? Reading, arithmetic, hard science, how to write?
Would we agree that’s “appropriate” for your kids AND mine?
I'd ask for a link to all these Florida schools that have the curriculum you describe but ...
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That’s a two way street isn’t it?
How about schools stick to the facts ? Reading, arithmetic, hard science, how to write?
Would we agree that’s “appropriate” for your kids AND mine?
Only if the ”facts” include the actual facts - such as the REAL reason for the Civil War, and yes, literature and how to write objectively without stereotyping and bias, sex education as it actually is, including homosexuality; how to think critically and analyze the truth from lies; the study of religion, including the separation of church and state; the study of hard science and math, including the moon landing. Plus, none of this religious bullshit you twits in the GOP keep trying to foist off on the rest of us. You want your religion, go to your church, but don’t make me if I don’t want to. And don’t put it in schools by banning books that you think are immoral and don’t fit your religion. Actually, the rejection of your philosophy is exactly what this great country was founded upon.

You wanna worship our God? Please do. You don’t wanna have an abortion- then don’t. You wanna carry a gun? Well, good Effen luck with that!
Oh no, sweetie. You’re seriously relying on democratic underground?
First of all Gov. DeSantis went off when he heard that fake accusation about Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente DO know he played baseball from the time he started in tee ball until he played Varsity baseball at Yale. He worshipped MLB players, AND he is NOT on the Review Committee.
You HAVE to be smarter than this.

Theres multiple sites and you're believing Desantis
Bottom line: Multiple leftist MSM sites are creating false narratives because the Democrats fear that any candidate not named Trump has a solid shot at winning in 2024.
Most people just want a decent candidate. I would love a moderate Republican to run. You don't. You are MAGA. As I have stated before, Larry Hogan would mop up Biden but the MAGA cult will determine the nomination. Trump and DeSantis fit the MAGA narrative.
The School Superintendent also stated that this was not accurate.
For purposes of clarification and accuracy this person was a substitute teacher and not full time. He is reportedly a person who is politically active.
FYI this is in my town and not very far from where I live. Interestingly video shown of other schools does not show “empty shelves”.
Stop, don’t try to inject truth into a good democrat narrative.
Most people just want a decent candidate. I would love a moderate Republican to run. You don't. You are MAGA. As I have stated before, Larry Hogan would mop up Biden but the MAGA cult will determine the nomination. Trump and DeSantis fit the MAGA narrative
You know who hates RDS? People who don’t live near in Florida. It’s probably a lot like people who hate California’s governor. Oh wait wasn’t there a recall vote for Newsome?
That’s a two way street isn’t it?
How about schools stick to the facts ? Reading, arithmetic, hard science, how to write?
Would we agree that’s “appropriate” for your kids AND mine?
Slavery was a fact, no? The brutal treatment of slaves was a fact, no? The continued subjugation of blacks in the south post-Civil War was a fact, no? Jim Crow - fact. Red-lining - fact. FHA banning home loans to blacks - fact. Lynching - fact. Forced steriliztion into the 1970's - fact.

But - somehow - teaching THOSE facts makes little white children feel bad about themselves and we can't allow that so your state is trying to make it illegal - fact.
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Challenge to the folks telling us this isn't happening, it's no big deal, it's only removing books inappropriate for an age level:

Defend this. Or STFU.

Slavery was a fact, no? The brutal treatment of slaves was a fact, no? The continued subjugation of blacks in the south post-Civil War was a fact, no? Jim Crow - fact. Red-lining - fact. FHA banning home loans to blacks - fact. Lynching - fact. Forced steriliztion into the 1970's - fact.

But - somehow - teaching THOSE facts makes little white children feel bad about themselves and we can't allow that so your state is trying to make it illegal - fact.
They aren't teaching about slavery or the horrible mistreatment of slaves in Florida? You know this for a fact? Can our Noles tell us if this is true or not?
Slavery was a fact, no? The brutal treatment of slaves was a fact, no? The continued subjugation of blacks in the south post-Civil War was a fact, no? Jim Crow - fact. Red-lining - fact. FHA banning home loans to blacks - fact. Lynching - fact. Forced steriliztion into the 1970's - fact.

But - somehow - teaching THOSE facts makes little white children feel bad about themselves and we can't allow that so your state is trying to make it illegal - fact.
Do we only teach American slavery or do we acknowledge that slavery predates America by hundreds if not thousands of years? Slavery was and is wrong, we know that better in 2023 than we did in 1623 or 10 BC. Society has evolved.
They aren't teaching about slavery or the horrible mistreatment of slaves in Florida? You know this for a fact? Can our Noles tell us if this is true or not?
S.B. 148 in Florida:

Examples of theories that distort historical events and are inconsistent with SBE-approved standards include the denial or minimization of the Holocaust, and the teaching of Critical Race Theory, meaning the theory that racism is not merely the product of prejudice, but that racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons.

The South seceded to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Jim Crow was enacted to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Bloody Sunday was specifically designed to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". The benefits of FHA and GI Bill loans were SYSTEMATICALLY withheld from blacks for decades to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Those are not "theories" and they are all embedded in the societies and legal systems of the time. and they are embedded in Critical Race Theory.
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S.B. 148 in Florida:

Examples of theories that distort historical events and are inconsistent with SBE-approved standards include the denial or minimization of the Holocaust, and the teaching of Critical Race Theory, meaning the theory that racism is not merely the product of prejudice, but that racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons.

The South seceded to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Jim Crow was enacted to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Bloody Sunday was specifically designed to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". The benefits of FHA and GI Bill loans were SYSTEMATICALLY withheld from blacks for decades to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Those are not "theories" and they are all embedded in the societies and legal systems of the time. and they are embedded in Critical Race Theory.
You didn't answer the question.
You didn't answer the question.
I have no idea what's being taught now...nor do you. This isn't about that, dipstick. This is about what's going to be taught if SB 148 becomes law. I know it's difficult but try your best to keep up.
S.B. 148 in Florida:

Examples of theories that distort historical events and are inconsistent with SBE-approved standards include the denial or minimization of the Holocaust, and the teaching of Critical Race Theory, meaning the theory that racism is not merely the product of prejudice, but that racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons.

The South seceded to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Jim Crow was enacted to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Bloody Sunday was specifically designed to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". The benefits of FHA and GI Bill loans were SYSTEMATICALLY withheld from blacks for decades to "uphold the supremacy of white persons". Those are not "theories" and they are all embedded in the societies and legal systems of the time. and they are embedded in Critical Race Theory.
This has nothing to do with what you claimed in the above post. You said they weren't teaching about slavery in Florida. You lied.
You really are an angry man. Sorry to see that.

Post 66.
I won't deny it...willful ignorance makes me angry and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt there. You might really be that dumb.

As for your mean THIS post:

But - somehow - teaching THOSE facts makes little white children feel bad about themselves and we can't allow that so your state is trying to make it illegal - fact.
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The School Superintendent also stated that this was not accurate.
For purposes of clarification and accuracy this person was a substitute teacher and not full time. He is reportedly a person who is politically active.
FYI this is in my town and not very far from where I live. Interestingly video shown of other schools does not show “empty shelves”.
Who the eff cares what the superintendent says. They are banning books plain and simple and those who are for it are not very bright. It's funny the anti-indoctrination right wingers want to indoctrinate our kids with their ways.
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