He's probably worried he'll lose his offense after reading the development thread.
Settle down fellas. It's a bit uncomfortable that a bunch of old men are stalking a high school boy's Twitter account. Besides, it's just wrestling and there's a long ways to go before he signs an LOI. Peace.
This kid is great! He just placed a #gohawks after his highlight reel. He'll fit right in with the Hawks. Thanks for keeping us on our toes. Much respect.
The least Gavin can do is give Chief a follow on Twitter!Gavin...you suck. Lol. Still waiting on my pic of Gable.
As far as coaches go on Twitter, Brands and Ryan are polar opposites. Ryan tweets almost as much as a 16 year old girl; Brands tweets about as much as huge asteroids pass within 100,000 miles of the earth. Cael is on about a 2 tweet per month limit with half of them talking trash about dodgeball.You know who stalks Twitter accounts? Coaches and guys from other teams. It's how communication is done these days whether we old guys like it or not. Social media is where news breaks. Iowa doesn't have a very large footprint on Twitter. Our wrestlers post, but for the most part, our coaches do not except for M* from time to time. Cael follows Teasdale...I bet Tom Ryan does too...You know who doesn't? Tom or Terry Brands. That might not sound like a big deal to us but put yourself into the mind of a 15-18 year old kid.
I used to think the same thing but you get a crap load of wrestling news on Twitter and you usually find out who is going where pretty quickly.
Teasdale's nickname should be Teasedale.
Nothing, close the doorWTH is going on in here...
Teasdale's nickname should be Teasedale.
Either that or he was innocently like "You know what? I'm bored and going to make some changes to my twitter account. Let's see, everybody knows I'm going to Iowa...delete pinned area. Oh yea, need to change my profile stuff...delete...put highlight stuff up." Messes around online for awhile. "Oh shoot, deleted #GoHawks...better put that back up, might give some folks the wrong idea."
As far as coaches go on Twitter, Brands and Ryan are polar opposites. Ryan tweets almost as much as a 16 year old girl; Brands tweets about as much as huge asteroids pass within 100,000 miles of the earth. Cael is on about a 2 tweet per month limit with half of them talking trash about dodgeball.
They've recently relaxed the rules on retweeting stuff from recruits and Tom Ryan can't help himself. I compare him to the Jack Lemmon character in Glengarry Glen Ross - he's got a bit of desperation in his selling.
Lee seemed to almost tell us it was Ryan. He raved about Brands and spoke very highly of Cael's effort, but then talked about the other program anonymously but it was clear from the context of the conversation that tOSU was the other school that made the top 3.It works I guess, he gets some great guys. I think TR is a very political guy...I kind of get that vibe from him when he talks. It kind of makes me wonder who Lee was talking about when it comes to negative recruiting. IIRC, he said it was a coach of a team he was looking at hard and I got the feeling it turned him off. Not saying it's Ryan but I don't see Tom or Cael doing it. Would be a shame if it were him...he has a lot to sell with Streibler and Snyder's success. tOSU had three guys on Olympic/World teams this year...2 of 3 won it.
I think Tom and Terry vaguely know what Twitter is, know its on the interwebs, but don't have much use for it and leave it up to M*...still, getting a follow from Cael or Brands would be pretty cool for a recruit. Let's them know that a coach is looking at them even when they can't directly contact them.
I don't disagree about the power of social media. Heck, our last election was heavily influenced by social media. Even Rogue One, the latest Star Wars movie was heavily influenced by some jack hole who said the movie is anti-Trump (it's not by the way...best Star Wars movie to date!). Hawk coaches need to be wise as a serpent, but that doesn't mean fans need to panic every time a 16 or 17 year old young man posts (or doesn't post) something on twitter.You know who stalks Twitter accounts? Coaches and guys from other teams. It's how communication is done these days whether we old guys like it or not. Social media is where news breaks. Iowa doesn't have a very large footprint on Twitter. Our wrestlers post, but for the most part, our coaches do not except for M* from time to time. Cael follows Teasdale...I bet Tom Ryan does too...You know who doesn't? Tom or Terry Brands. That might not sound like a big deal to us but put yourself into the mind of a 15-18 year old kid.
I used to think the same thing but you get a crap load of wrestling news on Twitter and you usually find out who is going where pretty quickly.
Here's another perspective. It makes grown men suddenly act like 7th grade girls.You know who stalks Twitter accounts? Coaches and guys from other teams. It's how communication is done these days whether we old guys like it or not. Social media is where news breaks. Iowa doesn't have a very large footprint on Twitter. Our wrestlers post, but for the most part, our coaches do not except for M* from time to time. Cael follows Teasdale...I bet Tom Ryan does too...You know who doesn't? Tom or Terry Brands. That might not sound like a big deal to us but put yourself into the mind of a 15-18 year old kid.
I used to think the same thing but you get a crap load of wrestling news on Twitter and you usually find out who is going where pretty quickly.
He doesn't read this thread, unless you count people who post here taking a screen shot then tweeting at him to be reading the thread. Maybe it's just me but I vote no next time someone gets the urge to do this
After this was tweeted at him he put the #gohawks in his bio
I feel like there was some heavy drinking going on here last night. I enjoy twitter but this is why its bad. Please delete this thread.
I'm on board...an ode to Gavin Teasdale? Let's do it.
Never has panic set in so quickly for a bunch of 25-60+ year old Hawkeye fans
The ridiculous Grothus thread set a BAD PRESIDENT for this forum. Please take this no further.
I feel like there was some heavy drinking going on here last night. I enjoy twitter but this is why its bad. Please delete this thread.
leave this future Iowa Hawkeye 133# Natl. Champion alone.