Thanks Joe Biden!

Trump was found liable for violent sexual assault. Curious why Republicans aren't worried about predators like him?
I'm not worried about a playboy millionaire and his dirty laundry as much as how JB has run the country compared to DT. Imagine for 1 minute the media grows a pair and the DOJ presents how crooked the Biden family is because of the laptop... he is a shitty president and compromised the country.
You wouldn't know how to research legitimate information. That's why you MAGAs are stupid and live in the information deprived world. It's easy to being dumb.

JFC. Google crime statistics you moron. there are dozens
Look I’m not MAGA by any means but if you use google as your baseline articles for crime statistics, you sir are the biggest fuking moron on the board.
What stands to be true? Joe Biden is directly responsible for an uptick in migrant crime according to this clown account on X? Are you mentally challenged? Seriously, I can’t think of one time you contributed anything of value, unless you consider blaming the libs for all of America’s woes noteworthy.
Wow...back the train up there sport...

The statement in the tweet stands to be true:

"their is a huge uptick of migrant crime,"

There is a huge uptick in migrants, so...
I'm not worried about a playboy millionaire and his dirty laundry as much as how JB has run the country compared to DT. Imagine for 1 minute the media grows a pair and the DOJ presents how crooked the Biden family is because of the laptop... he is a shitty president and compromised the country.
Violent rapists who are also financial felons don't worry you?
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From ChatGPT:

what were the violent crime rates in 2023

The violent crime rate in the United States has experienced fluctuations over the past few years. As of 2023, preliminary data indicate a slight decrease in violent crime compared to previous years. The violent crime rate in the U.S. in 2023 was approximately 382.9 incidents per 100,000 people, which marks a continued decline from the heightened rates observed in 2020 and 2021 due to various social and economic factors.
From 2018 to 2022, violent crime rates saw different trends, with a notable increase in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, but began to decline again in the following years. For instance, in 2022, the violent crime rate was 395.7 per 100,000 people, down from the peak of 398.5 per 100,000 in 2021 (Pew Research Center) (USAFacts).
The long-term trend shows a significant reduction in violent crime rates since the early 1990s, with a 49% decrease from 1993 to 2022 (Pew Research Center). Despite this overall decrease, public perception often suggests that crime is increasing, although this belief varies widely based on geographic and demographic factors.
From ChatGPT:

what were the violent crime rates in 2023

The violent crime rate in the United States has experienced fluctuations over the past few years. As of 2023, preliminary data indicate a slight decrease in violent crime compared to previous years. The violent crime rate in the U.S. in 2023 was approximately 382.9 incidents per 100,000 people, which marks a continued decline from the heightened rates observed in 2020 and 2021 due to various social and economic factors.
From 2018 to 2022, violent crime rates saw different trends, with a notable increase in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, but began to decline again in the following years. For instance, in 2022, the violent crime rate was 395.7 per 100,000 people, down from the peak of 398.5 per 100,000 in 2021 (Pew Research Center) (USAFacts).
The long-term trend shows a significant reduction in violent crime rates since the early 1990s, with a 49% decrease from 1993 to 2022 (Pew Research Center). Despite this overall decrease, public perception often suggests that crime is increasing, although this belief varies widely based on geographic and demographic factors.
I'll believe post #16 over AI, as we know it also depends on what you ask etc. Maybe ask the families of those hurt by folks that are here illegally or the ones we have no idea who they are...
Forget the source, does the left think that increasing gang members in the U.S. isn’t a significant illegal immigration issue? How about the recruitment of illegals into gangs once they arrive?

I highly recommend watching Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller, season 3, episode 8: Gangs.
Which page of the “Be Afraid of Immigrants Handbook” is this on? Republicans literally planned to scare you clowns at the start of the Biden presidency and y’all fell for it. You’re going to vote for a serial sexual assaulter and felon, right? Don’t pretend this bothers you.
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Wow...back the train up there sport...

The statement in the tweet stands to be true:

"their is a huge uptick of migrant crime,"

There is a huge uptick in migrants, so...
Oh, please provide evidence of both those statements. Specifically “uptick in migrants” would be great. Because I’m sure you believe that somehow Donny as prez prevented migration because….?
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I'm not worried about a playboy millionaire and his dirty laundry as much as how JB has run the country compared to DT. Imagine for 1 minute the media grows a pair and the DOJ presents how crooked the Biden family is because of the laptop... he is a shitty president and compromised the country.
Playboy millionaire? lol, you mean convicted felon?
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Data is available from numerous sources. JFC. Quit being dumb. You wingers live in an insulated echo chamber of stupidity.
There can't be a problem. Who needs a border. Libs will support any bs their party supports. Yikes
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There can't be a problem. Who needs a border. Libs will support any bs their party supports. Yikes
Oh hai guy, what do you have to say about the gop trotting out a felon, election denier, and a traitor as their candidate for prez?
Oh, please provide evidence of both those statements. Specifically “uptick in migrants” would be great. Because I’m sure you believe that somehow Donny as prez prevented migration because….?
Pew Research good enough?

When did I ever say anything about Trump/Biden D/R in this thread. Just facts.

I'd tell you to pull your head out of your ass but I actually think you just lack emotional maturity and general intelligence.

Grow up I guess? It's ok to be a failure when you're young. Learn from your mistakes. Even someone of middling intelligence can succeed in America.
FBI released latest crime stats this week that indicate a significant decline in overall crime in USA.

But from a local perspective national crime stats probably are of little comfort.
How many agencies reported stats? LAX Chicago NYC I’d say MKE don’t report so I’d say it’s slightly inaccurate ;)

Edit: Source
Pew Research good enough?

When did I ever say anything about Trump/Biden D/R in this thread. Just facts.

I'd tell you to pull your head out of your ass but I actually think you just lack emotional maturity and general intelligence.

Grow up I guess? It's ok to be a failure when you're young. Learn from your mistakes. Even someone of middling intelligence can succeed in America.
Do you stand by your assertion that Biden is responsible for illegal immigration arrests increasing? Which seemingly should be a good thing, but you will never admit that. And if so, what has he done differently from previous presidents that have caused this? Lastly, tell me what cons have done to combat illegal immigration, besides build a fvcking fence that was nothing more than a pony show?
Do you stand by your assertion that Biden is responsible for illegal immigration arrests increasing? Which seemingly should be a good thing, but you will never admit that. And if so, what has he done differently from previous presidents that have caused this? Lastly, tell me what cons have done to combat illegal immigration, besides build a fvcking fence that was nothing more than a pony show?
You're the one making this political, not me. Look at the timeline.

I think we both know the increase in arrests means there's also an increase in the number not captured.

You're reply to me should have simply been, "thank you."

You're welcome chief.
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You're the one making this political, not me. Look at the timeline.

I think we both know the increase in arrests means there's also an increase in the number not captured.

You're reply to me should have simply been, "thank you."

You're welcome chief.
Chief? lol, ok wop.
People think crime is going up because they live online and get fed shit by the algorithms until it’s all they see. Then say “how can crime be going down, I see it everywhere” as the entire reasoning for doubting the crime statistics.
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People think crime is going up because they live online and get fed shit by the algorithms until it’s all they see. Then say “how can crime be going down, I see it everywhere” as the entire reasoning for doubting the crime statistics.
I live in a major metropolitan area. You? You ever travel outside safe zone or area you live? It’s bad outside
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