The fired Washington St football coach is quite an Idiot

But I'm not a public figure making decisions that will be made public.
If you were you'd ignore your lawyer's advice?

I'm not sure I follow how being a public figure changes whether or not pursuing one line of reasoning in a court of law automatically means you hold no other convictions in the matter.

Your premise is wrong.
If you were you'd ignore your lawyer's advice?

I'm not sure I follow how being a public figure changes whether or not pursuing one line of reasoning in a court of law automatically means you hold no other convictions in the matter.

Your premise is wrong.
No sir it's not. Being a public figure means your decisions will be scrutinized. If you flip-flop based on the advice of your attorney instead of standing on your convictions, everyone will know.

No one knows nor cares about my decisions and/or convictions so I can follow the advice of my attorney with impunity.
I'm curious as to what this means to you and the rest that are so pro-vaccine?

It is obvious now that the vaccine does not stop the spread or stop you from getting the virus. At best, it can be viewed as a therapeutic with unknown long term effects. I am saying this as someone that decided to take the shot so not an anti-vaxxer that some people like to label those that question all of this.
Short of 100% killing this virus, which is possible to do if we all made a concerted effort to do so - we’ve done it before, the finish line to me means being able to live without mask mandates, and life returning as close to “normal” as possible.

I don’t get the rest of your post. Does the vaccine completely and absolutely stop the spread? No, but then no vaccine does that. If the vaccine rates are high enough, we can effectively starve the virus at least here in the US of targets. And that’s the point. So many people have irrationally fought against the vaccine, that we have seen additional waves and variants of the initial virus. That’s my primary concern at this point, that this drags out long enough that we encounter a variant that the vaccines are less effective against and/or is significantly deadlier.

and you’re right that on one level we don’t know what, if any long term effects might come from the vaccines. We also have no reason to suspect there will be. These vaccines went through rigorous testing, both in the lab and in control groups before ever being approved for public use. We know that they would have included tests regarding long term side effects as well, after all, it does no good to have a cure that’s worse than the disease. you could easily say the same for every new drug or medical treatment that gets introduced.
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Short of 100% killing this virus, which is possible to do if we all made a concerted effort to do so - we’ve done it before, the finish line to me means being able to live without mask mandates, and life returning as close to “normal” as possible.

I don’t get the rest of your post. Does the vaccine completely and absolutely stop the spread? No, but then no vaccine does that. If the vaccine rates are high enough, we can effectively starve the virus at least here in the US of targets. And that’s the point. So many people have irrationally fought against the vaccine, that we have seen additional waves and variants of the initial virus. That’s my primary concern at this point, that this drags out long enough that we encounter a variant that the vaccines are less effective against and/or is significantly deadlier.

and you’re right that on one level we don’t know what, if any long term effects might come from the vaccines. We also have no reason to suspect there will be. These vaccines went through rigorous testing, both in the lab and in control groups before ever being approved for public use. We know that they would have included tests regarding long term side effects as well, after all, it does no good to have a cure that’s worse than the disease. you could easily say the same for every new drug or medical treatment that gets introduced.

I agree and appreciate your response. It is nice to have an actual conversation with people that can see all sides of this problem.

It seems like most nations are stuck between not choosing to go with an early on natural heard immunity while protecting the compromised, and a full population vaccine approach to achieve HI.
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Short of 100% killing this virus, which is possible to do if we all made a concerted effort to do so - we’ve done it before
This virus is endemic. Months ago I posted the link to them turning up COVID antibodies in 40% of deer from four or five states.
It’s not ‘going away’.
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For 3 mil a year I think I’d go ahead and get it done. But from what I read he had a bunch of concerns some more silly then others. The more logical is that he was concerned about potential side effects it could cause.
he decided not to get it and it cost him his job. He stood up for what he believes and I guess we shall see if he ends up getting some money back in lawsuits.
im not against the vaccine but I also think a person should have a choice if they want to get it or not.
and I think I should have the choice to go to the restaurant shirtless and barefoot. but i comply because thats the rule/law. and I'm not endangering anyone.
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I agree and appreciate your response. It is nice to have an actual conversation with people that can see all sides of this problem.

It seems like most nations are stuck between not choosing to go with an early on natural heard immunity while protecting the compromised, and a full population vaccine approach to achieve HI.
the main problem I have with the pursuing herd immunity path is we have only a very rough idea of how many people that would require. Historically, there are two ways to stop a pandemic - 1) the disease runs out of victims or 2) via vaccines and effective treatments, we starve the disease of targets. Option 2 is the better path imo, because we have more control over that.
This virus is endemic. Months ago I posted the link to them turning up COVID antibodies in 40% of deer from four or five states.
It’s not ‘going away’.
Not any time soon you’re right, and I hope that’s not the impression I gave. It IS possible to kill a virus, but it’s a long, time-consuming process that takes years or longer, not to mention full international cooperation.

maybe the biggest problem we’ve seen since the vaccine came out is that most people evidently assumed that once we had a vaccine the pandemic would be over. This is not, and never should have been, seen as a short term problem.
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I've never blocked anyone on here... but posting a Jamele Hill tweet may just be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I have 2 people blocked on twitter. Jamele Hill (political, racist) and Rex Chapman (political, racist).

I do twitter for sports, music and memes. No politics.
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I've never blocked anyone on here... but posting a Jamele Hill tweet may just be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I have 2 people blocked on twitter. Jamele Hill (political, racist) and Rex Chapman (political, racist).

I do twitter for sports, music and memes. No politics.
I've never blocked anyone on here... but posting a Jamele Hill tweet may just be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I have 2 people blocked on twitter. Jamele Hill (political, racist) and Rex Chapman (political, racist).

I do twitter for sports, music and memes. No politics.
You may be the only person on earth to have blocked Rex Chapman. Your loss.
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and I think I should have the choice to go to the restaurant shirtless and barefoot. but i comply because thats the rule/law. and I'm not endangering anyone.
And you’re totally allowed to have a different opinion on the no shoes no shirt law and I can accept the fact that you have a different opinion. Hell I’ll even refrain from calling you an idiot or moron for having a different opinion.
My prediction:

Washington state goes back to sucking at football and shortly after this is resolved this coach is coaching again and signs another giant contract.

Honestly Washington State's loss. Dude is a good coach and will be coaching somewhere else down the road. All will be good for him.
WSU just wrecked their football program. Lol.
We're talking about WASHINGTON State, correct? The program that has four winning seasons since 2003?