The June Debate May Save Us

I think this is a way for dems to ditch biden. They are doing it early in the process so they have a chance to replace him when he proves he's not with it.

I don't think Trump is going anywhere though.
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Good move by the Democrats to get an early debate which will give them time to replace Biden before the convention if he falls down or has brain lock on stage.

Curious to see if he will be on the same PED’s for this as he was for the state of the union?
I will be shocked if Joe isn't the candidate. He also has an ego and isn't just going to drop out. I don't blame him either. I doubt anyone is willing to tell him that Newsom or Whitmer would be a better candidate either.
Here's my hope. After the June debate, everybody will demand better candidates and the D and R conventions will pick new slates.

Won't happen, both of those candidates could just drool for 2 hours and both will walk out and both of their campaigns will claim victory.

And the conventions will wildly and enthusiastically nominate them.
Good move by the Democrats to get an early debate which will give them time to replace Biden before the convention if he falls down or has brain lock on stage.

Curious to see if he will be on the same PED’s for this as he was for the state of the union?
Good luck with that. Unless one of them shits their pants or has a 1 minute glitch, we are stuck with these two.
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Zero percent chance Don does this debate. Dude was chicken shit to testify. He knows he would get relentlessly made fun of by Joe for being a convicted felon.
Joey doesn’t have the brain cells to effectively “make fun” of somebody. Don’t kid yourself.
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Zero percent chance Don does this debate. Dude was chicken shit to testify. He knows he would get relentlessly made fun of by Joe for being a convicted felon.

He’ll be there. He knows he doesn’t need to do anything to prepare and he can just be a disruptive, belligerent, a-hole
Zero percent chance Don does this debate. Dude was chicken shit to testify. He knows he would get relentlessly made fun of by Joe for being a convicted felon.
I honestly think he was never going to do it from the start. No audience. Muting. Hence the demanding of “drug testing”. Like he was throwing out excuses from the get go even though he agreed, it was theater to show how he never backs down…🙄
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I honestly think he was never going to do it from the start. No audience. Muting. Hence the demanding of “drug testing”. Like he was throwing out excuses from the get go even though he agreed, it was theater to show how he never backs down…🙄
His supporters say that he's a fighter. But in reality he always runs away. He's a weakling. Only way he can function is to be coddled.

I have an honest question for you. When you read the below, what political figure comes to mind.

A narcissist is a person who exhibits excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. This term originates from Narcissus, a character in Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. Narcissism is characterized by a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.

Characteristics of a Narcissist:

  1. Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance:
    • Exaggerates achievements and talents.
    • Believes they are superior and can only be understood by, or should associate with, equally special people.
  2. Need for Excessive Admiration:
    • Requires constant attention and admiration from others.
    • Feels entitled to special treatment and expects others to cater to their needs.
  3. Sense of Entitlement:
    • Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment.
    • Expects automatic compliance with their wishes.
  4. Lack of Empathy:
    • Is unwilling or unable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
    • Often exploits others to achieve their own ends.
  5. Arrogant or Haughty Behaviors or Attitudes:
    • Behaves in a condescending or disdainful manner towards others.
    • Frequently demeans, intimidates, or belittles others.
  6. Interpersonal Exploitativeness:
    • Takes advantage of others to achieve personal gain.
    • Lacks genuine interest in others' experiences or needs.
  7. Preoccupation with Fantasies of Unlimited Success, Power, Brilliance, Beauty, or Ideal Love:
    • Often fantasizes about attaining great success, power, or beauty.
    • May believe they deserve a unique or idealized love.
  8. Envious of Others or Believes Others are Envious of Them:
    • Often jealous of others' success or possessions.
    • Believes others are envious of their own achievements or qualities.
  9. Difficulty Handling Criticism:
    • Reacts with rage, shame, or humiliation when criticized.
    • May become defensive or deny any wrongdoing.
These characteristics can vary in intensity and may not all be present in every individual who is considered narcissistic. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a more severe form of narcissism and is a diagnosable mental health condition.

Dementia is a general term for a decline in cognitive function severe enough to interfere with daily life. It involves impairments in memory, thinking, and behavior. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, but there are many other types as well.

Characteristics of Dementia:

  1. Memory Loss:
    • Frequently forgets recent events or information.
    • Repeatedly asks the same questions.
    • Relies on memory aids or family members for things they used to handle independently.
  2. Difficulty Communicating:
    • Struggles to find the right words.
    • Loses track of conversations.
    • Repeats phrases or stories.
  3. Impaired Judgment and Reasoning:
    • Makes poor decisions.
    • Has trouble with planning and organizing.
    • Exhibits decreased attention to personal hygiene.
  4. Confusion with Time or Place:
    • Loses track of dates, seasons, and the passage of time.
    • May get lost in familiar places.
  5. Difficulty Performing Familiar Tasks:
    • Struggles with daily activities such as cooking, managing finances, or using a remote control.
    • Has trouble learning new routines or tasks.
  6. Changes in Mood and Behavior:
    • Exhibits mood swings, anxiety, or depression.
    • Becomes easily upset or agitated.
    • May show apathy or withdrawal from social activities.
  7. Personality Changes:
    • Becomes suspicious, fearful, or paranoid.
    • Exhibits changes in personality traits (e.g., becoming more passive or aggressive).
  8. Loss of Initiative:
    • Shows less interest in starting new projects or engaging in social activities.
    • May become less motivated to engage in previously enjoyed activities.
  9. Difficulty with Spatial and Visual Abilities:
    • Has trouble judging distances or identifying colors or contrasts.
    • May have difficulty reading or recognizing faces.
  10. Problems with Coordination and Motor Functions:
    • Exhibits unsteady gait or difficulty with balance.
    • Has trouble with fine motor skills, such as buttoning clothes or using utensils.
Dementia is a progressive condition, meaning symptoms typically start slowly and gradually worsen over time. Early diagnosis and intervention can help manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for those affected.
Here's my hope. After the June debate, everybody will demand better candidates and the D and R conventions will pick new slates.
There is not a member of the GOP in existence who has big enough genitalia to suggest replacing Trump. The entire party is scared sh*tless of him. The only way Trump isn’t the GOP candidate is if he dies before the election.

On a similar but much less severe note, I also doubt that Biden will say “Yeah, I guess I’m getting a little old for this; I’ll let someone else run.”
There is not a member of the GOP in existence who has big enough genitalia to suggest replacing Trump. The entire party is scared sh*tless of him. The only way Trump isn’t the GOP candidate is if he dies before the election.

On a similar but much less severe note, I also doubt that Biden will say “Yeah, I guess I’m getting a little old for this; I’ll let someone else run.”
But if he did, would it then put to rest the idea he is behind all these “persecutions” and “election interference”? Probably not. Because it is the deep state amirite?
So joe isn't a narcissist? How bout the level Joe's dementia vs trump? Lol
If you read the characteristics of a narcissist and think Joe fits into that diagnosis, that's your right of opinion. Personally, I do not. IMO I think Joe's dementia has progressed further than Trump. However, Trump's narcissism coupled with his dementia makes him more dangerous.
If you read the characteristics of a narcissist and think Joe fits into that diagnosis, that's your right of opinion. Personally, I do not. IMO I think Joe's dementia has progressed further than Trump. However, Trump's narcissism coupled with his dementia makes him more dangerous.
I like your take on this. Well done
Trump was beyond pathetic the other day……so bad that all networks but one went back to their regular programming.

Biden has an excuse…..his speech impediment being the most telling. Although it is really minor and does nothing to impede his day to day activities as POTUS. He is also a couple of years older than ol #34 is.

Trump was an absolute joke, a whimpering sniveling 9 year old child blaming everyone and everything except the person most responsible for his mess….him.
Trump was beyond pathetic the other day……so bad that all networks but one went back to their regular programming.

Biden has an excuse…..his speech impediment being the most telling. Although it is really minor and does nothing to impede his day to day activities as POTUS. He is also a couple of years older than ol #34 is.

Trump was an absolute joke, a whimpering sniveling 9 year old child blaming everyone and everything except the person most responsible for his mess….him.
And his dumbf*cks lap it up like gravy…
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Trump was beyond pathetic the other day……so bad that all networks but one went back to their regular programming.

Biden has an excuse…..his speech impediment being the most telling. Although it is really minor and does nothing to impede his day to day activities as POTUS. He is also a couple of years older than ol #34 is.

Trump was an absolute joke, a whimpering sniveling 9 year old child blaming everyone and everything except the person most responsible for his mess….him.
Trump sucks ass but let's not pretend that Trump is higher on the Mental Decline scale than Biden.
There are videos from Biden's original presidential run back in the day where he is talking perfectly fine.
Dementia basically forces someone to revert backwards mentally so fully admitting he has dementia is the only way the speech impediment excuse is acceptable.

Now my main point is I understand you hate Trump and think Biden is the next coming of whatever god you believe in but stop pretending everything is 100% fine with him.
Trump has definitely had some sketchy brain moments the last 3-6 months but Joe has had about 3 years of them. I'm not a doctor so I'm not saying Joe has dementia but he almost has a weekly to bi-weekly occurrence of something that makes you scratch your head and question his fitness for the job. By the way Trump probably isn't 100% fit either.

This whole Biden's brain is perfectly fine and he is totally fit for the job crowd is almost a cult in itself.

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