What you are describing are 'anecdotal' stories of your experience. Many simple medical conditions clear up completely on their own (not typically cancer, but it has happened). And people who tried some wacky potion which coincided with a natural clearup then espouse it as a 'miracle cure'.
That's not evidence. Evidence is setting up randomized trial comparisons, using a control and even a placebo along with the test treatments. When you gather the data and have someone analyze it objectively, you come up with statistical evidence of what worked and what didn't. Absent that objective evidence, you have nothing. And that's what MOST of the 'alternative' crowd sell. Nothing. They have no data or analysis, they have stories.
One wonderful example is the 'Airborne' OTC treatment 'invented by a schoolteacher!' Well, they DID test that vs. control and found it was utterly INEFFECTIVE on colds. And the sellers had to modify their labeling because of it. In the US or any civilized country that has an FDA-equivalent, you MUST produce objective evidence of your new treatment to be able to make a claim on in and market it. Period.
RARELY do I see anything remotely close to that with alternative medicines. There are SOME that have been evaluated and been found to have benefits. But don't make the mistake of lumping them all together just because A FEW of them have been shown to work. Use the ones that have been shown to work. Ask the rest to produce the evidence that proves they work.
And we aren't talking about 'Big Pharma' or 'The Medical Establishment' keeping the alternative options suppressed. In order to perform those studies, you only need a basic knowledge of statistics. If you run your study correctly, and the statistics show your alternative has a high probability that it actually works, you will get it published, you will be able to label and market it against any other 'standard' or 'Western' medical treatment.
But the 'alternatives' crowd doesn't do this, because when the tests are actually run, 99% of the stuff turns out to be total crap.
Of course, if you did this then it wouldn't be the cool and hip "alternative" medicine and it would just be medicine. Which makes it sound kind of nerdy.