The wheel has turned

I've never dissolved the responsibility of men in these matters.

Many on the left refuse to acknowledge the fact that abortion is being used as a form of birth control in many cases. They instead choose to highlight other scenarios.
You do realize abortion and supporting a woman's right to choose isn't just a "left" thing, right?
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I've never dissolved the responsibility of men in these matters.

Many on the left refuse to acknowledge the fact that abortion is being used as a form of birth control in many cases. They instead choose to highlight other scenarios.
Looks like you're just talking out your a$$.

That's the problem. Men talking out their a$$, while women are having their options limited.
Harris also has the worst job approval rating of any sitting VP on top of not being able to even make it to the Iowa caucuses in 2020. They are in full "shine the turd" mode right now.

Both Rs and Ds are polishing turds at this point. Will see which turd is most polished by November.

Comedy Make It Work GIF by CBS

Episode 2 Nbc GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine
I'm not. She is a minor upgrade from Joe as she has a pulse and doesn't have to call a lid at 1PM. The betting odds either haven't changed or have moved in Trump's favor. That is what you should really pay attention to. You are getting "jammed".

Wrong. Kamala was +400 just a few days ago.

Presidential CandidateElection OddsChance to Win Election
Donald Trump-18258.25%
Kamala Harris+14037.61%
The thing is you can be pro life and still have a heart. A lot of people don’t understand the far reaching effects roe v wade has on things such as reproductive freedom, infertility treatments and general women’s health. maga wants women to do nothing but produce children (which doesn’t work like they think it does) and shut up and stay in the kitchen.

I’ve read a former trump staffer is fuming because maga men don’t understand a lot of women can’t get pregnant without IVF or infertility treatments. This doesn’t just affect liberal women.

A very large number of pregnancies also result in miscarriage, or develop complications.
Women do not want old white men dictating choices and risks to them, when they are faced with potentially life- and health- risking problems. Particularly when they may have one or more kids already at home who are also impacted.

As I've noted several times already - one woman a week is being air-lifted out of Idaho to get care. These are not women getting "convenience" abortions - they are women in critical condition who are going to die w/o care, and that care is no longer available to them in-state because of Republican lawmakers and their myopic ideals.
Roe v Wade doesn't seem to be a great vote effector anymore. Shouldn't we be seeing big effects at state level elections?

Kansas, and other Ruby-Red states voting 60% in favor of abortion rights "isn't a great vote 'effector'..."?

Folks can see that the GOP agenda wasn't just 'limiting' abortions, or 'State's rights'. They are all-in on nationwide bans. That's a non-starter for anyone who has had, or knows anyone who has had a pregnancy complication.
The GOP completely dropping fiscal conservatism from the platform and agenda has lost me. It was the core value for me when I was in the party.

They've pretty much dropped ALL conservatism.

What conservatism USED to stand for:
  • Personal responsibility
  • Environmental responsibility
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Democratic values
  • Hard-line against Nazis and Fascists

They score a "0" down the line on those things, now.
Just like every “Boogieman” that doesn’t exist, that the GOP tries to terrify their sheep with. You will never run into it, or if you do, it will not infringe on your freedom or harm you.

If MAGA isn’t able to terrify you with imaginary boogie men, they can’t win, because they have no agenda or plan that would improve on the average American’s life. They are only about creating more wealth for billionaires.

Example, Democrats will take our guns! 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Obama, 4 years of Biden….anyone on here know of anyone who had a gun taken away from them during those 20 years of democratic rule?

GOP has offered ZERO plans to shore-up Social Security the past decade plus

Democrats have offered options, which would not "fix" fully, but would help prevent/delay an upcoming default.
GOP wants it to fail, after they've kicked the can down the road so far, it will require dramatic tax increases they can run against. Democratic proposals have been for small changes, but they cannot get any GOP support for those. The Democrat's proposals have been the only sane movement on this issue.

That's how accurate this political cartoon is.
A very large number of pregnancies also result in miscarriage, or develop complications.
Women do not want old white men dictating choices and risks to them, when they are faced with potentially life- and health- risking problems. Particularly when they may have one or more kids already at home who are also impacted.

As I've noted several times already - one woman a week is being air-lifted out of Idaho to get care. These are not women getting "convenience" abortions - they are women in critical condition who are going to die w/o care, and that care is no longer available to them in-state because of Republican lawmakers and their myopic ideals.
Telling me you didn't listen to the debate and Trump's reply on abortion without telling me you didn't.

What's this percentage.
Health care for all (including illegal immigrants), charging off student debt, green new deal (which will require massive amounts of batteries made from rival China and huge changes/investments in our infrastructure driving up nat’l debt even further), wishy/washy support for Israel, and not really knowing how to define a “woman”…just to name a few.
By NOT investing in new green energy tech, you're pretty much guaranteeing China will develop it first, and we will be stuck buying it from them.
What about the Green New Deal are you against?

Addressing Climate change by using cleaner energy like wind and solar?

Creating new jobs because of that tech growth?

Not needing foreign oil and high gas/oil prices?

Updating our infrastructure? The jobs that come with this investment?

Overhauling our transportation systems?

Cleaning our waterways?

I know the Green New Deal was a platform that the Green party has been trying to implement for about 20 years... not sure why Rs blew up about it in recent years. Its an idea... a mission statement... a direction to head into. It's not law. It's not mandatory. Why the hate other than Trump and other R leaders bitched about it.

I think some of the ideas are far fetched, but see no harm in any of it. Our country needs better transportation as the COVID supply chain issues has demonstrated. Our infrastructure is also in need of modernization. To hell with the middle east oil barons... lets create our own energies to free ourselves from them. Again, what's the big deal about the green deal?

Weaning ourselves off fossil fuels means regimes like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia (to name just a few) no longer get income and can no longer influence global geopolitics. We spend many billions policing the Persian Gulf to ensure oil keeps flowing - once that oil isn't needed, anymore, we also have no need to waste our time over there, and can save those billions to spend on something else.
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For one thing, there are insane lows in some places like Texas and Louisiana where even miscarriage care is banned. We have friend's whose married daughter went in for a a checkup and no heartbeat was detected. So then she had an ultrasound and the fetus was dead. They said she would need to come in for a DNC and some states have banned that. She would have to carry it around and hope it came out at some point. And it is sickening how trump says people support 9 month or I think he even says after 9 month abortions like babies are being killed after birth. And you have no idea why people get abortions, just assume they are "largely a group of women of ill repute."

Catholic Ireland overturned their "fetal heartbeat" abortion ban, after a woman w/ a non-viable fetus, that still had S-A node activity, was forced to carry until her health deteriorated rapidly and she died. Simply having access to that earlier abortion procedure, and she's alive today.

That changed the minds over there, and it will eventually here, too. But only after enough women in Red states bleed out at home or in hotel bathtubs waiting for care.
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You clearly didn’t think this post through before hitting send, especially as it relates to women and abortion.
No, seems you are mistaken. You can thank President Trump for making sure all Americans get to vote on abortion, it's a democracy thing. (you dems claim to love democracy don't you?) No more edict from on high.
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Less than 1% of 1% of the population would have an issue removing a dead fetus.

Now do "non-viable" fetus. Which is happening all over the place. One woman in TX was not able to access care until her health deteriorated so badly they ended up having to do a hysterectomy on her.

She was not getting an abortion for "just a choice" - she needed it to prevent the complications that would render her unable to have another kid.
Trump will have a very hard time trying to distance himself from Roe while Vance is on the ticket.

“I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally,” Vance said in the episode, explaining why regulating abortion at the state level wouldn’t work. “Let’s say Roe v. Wade is overruled,” he said. “Ohio bans abortion … you know, in let’s say 2024. And then, every day, George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to get them to go have abortions in California. And of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity.”
AND, then he went on to say that there ought to be "federal intervention" here.

Something he WILL do if he gets into office.
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My niece - married with three kids - had an abortion while pregnant with her fourth. A fatal fetal defect was found in the second trimester. If the baby had survived until birth - not a high likelihood - it's life would have ended after a few hours and much pain. It was an incredibly painful AND PERSONAL decision she made with her husband, and you don't have the right - or the intelligence - to judge that decision.

To put it more succinctly - fvck off, asshole.

This is, sadly, VERY common.

And forcing a woman to carry a non-viable fetus dramatically increases her risks of serious complications the longer it is drawn out.
Women who already have one or more kids DO NOT WANT ANY of that risk, for a doomed pregnancy. Religious zealots are forcing those risks on to them.
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I wasn’t going to vote for either Trump or Biden, but am now all in on Harris.

She will win easily….300+ electoral votes. It’s in the bag.

Have you ever even BEEN to the Netherlands, dude?
It's ALWAYS been a mix of people and cultures - they owned the World for a few hundred years, and had immigrants from all over who live there.
I was there in October and I saw way more "white" people than I did black or brown. I mean outside of the Uber driver and a random person here or there it appeared to be pretty Caucasian looking.
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Open borders and let all of them vote and give them benefits.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a racist or a nazi. Cops are bad and criminals are good. Men should be able to compete in women's sports and allowed in the women's locker room. Too numerous to count examples. Bill Maher calls the dems the party of no commonsense.
You lost me at open borders which is a lie. There are no bills in Congress to “open borders”. Again, Trump stopped a Republican border bill that Biden would have signed. I stopped reading at that point because you lead with pure nonsense, not naming an actual agenda.
Maybe you haven't watched the news in over 3 years, but allow me to help you get up to speed, there has been inflation of over 19%, interest rates went up to over 7%, illegal aliens, terrorists and drug dealers are dancing across our border and Caitlin Clark went to the WNBA a year too soon.
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Give me all of this

I would not "forgive" student debt; I'd just have the colleges underwrite it, and give student loans a 1% or 2% subsidized interest rate.

Vs the 6% to 8% I had to pay off.

If students default, the college or university is on the hook for the principle.
No, seems you are mistaken. You can thank President Trump for making sure all Americans get to vote on abortion, it's a democracy thing. (you dems claim to love democracy don't you?) No more edict from on high.
Strike 2. Want to keep playing?
It's not about how you live your life, it's about the lefts desire to tell everyone else how they need to live theirs. Most Americans say, what if I don't want to drive an electric car or have my daughter dress in front of men, the left says tuff, deal with it.
Dude you are 180 degrees backwards. Please explain what the left has done to you that makes you live your life in a way you don’t want to. Because now that Project 2025 is out, we can easily see how the MAGA party is attempting it. They’ve already done it to women.
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Many on the left refuse to acknowledge the fact that abortion is being used as a form of birth control in many cases. They instead choose to highlight other scenarios.

That's because the laws being crafted by the folks you vote for do not distinguish from those "other scenarios", leaving women in very precarious positions.
Open borders and let all of them vote and give them benefits.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a racist or a nazi. Cops are bad and criminals are good. Men should be able to compete in women's sports and allowed in the women's locker room. Too numerous to count examples. Bill Maher calls the dems the party of no commonsense.
That's weird, my life is full of interactions with people who identify as democrats, liberals, etc. and none of them talk about any of these issues as personal or party affiliated priorities. In fact, most of them think exactly the opposite of what you're claiming. It's all a load of fiction designed by the dumdums you support because it works on some people. Perhaps you should start applying some common sense in your evaluation of others and their respective beliefs. You're essentially being lied to and you seem to soak it up and fall in love with it because maybe it gives you an excuse to hate other people. I hope that's not the case because that's a very sad and pathetic existence.