The Whining Needs to Stop

Nobody on this board poked a ref and acts like a jackwagon on TV at times.
Nobody on this board has a documentary of themselves where they bump into a guy and immediately say get out of my way. I will take you down.

No successful coach in any sports sends someone out to talk like Gilman did. It was embarrassing. Why in the world didn't Berhow talk. Tom has to be ahead of these things.

The green sweater in itself is not a crime but its a sign that as great of wrestling minds and personalities that TnT are, they really are not qualified to do much more than coach in a room. They are not capable of making the correct decisions to run, sell and manage a program like the business it needs to be run nowadays.

The green sweater is an indication of attention to details. Same as not certifying Wilcke at 184, not contacting Aaron Brooks. IMO this stuff bleeds into recruiting, lineups, and is why we see the turds that was the Illini meet.

I am not down on Brands because I don't think he can coach, he can. I fully understand this is a rebuilding year and help is on its way.

But I am finding myself finding the Brands less quirky and funny and awesome to now I am seeing them as out of control, embarrassing at times and really like any management skill to successfully lead us back on top. Cael runs PSU like a CEO and has the right coaching pieces in place. Cael sells himself at all times and explains to recruits how they all fit in year by year and how money will work out.

I have a hard time believing Brands can even see that far ahead or think that far ahead.

IMO Brands has earned the benefit to see Spencer and Jacobs careers out or at least 2 more years to see improvement in the product on the mat and off of it. That will be determined in due time. But this acting like idiots stuff has to stop now and they need to be held accountable for poking refs and sending athletes to drop F Bombs for speeches.

Even in a rebuilding year I don't see attention to detail. The Illini meet wasn't about we could lose to them with a lineup in a down year. Its we wrestle 10 guys and 9 of them cannot get a 1st period Takedown. Two #2 ranked guys included. The reason we looked horrible against Illin is coaching. The reason we are throwing away year rebuilding is management. Both cant be going bad at the same time.

Exhibit "A." BTW, you forgot to call Montell Marion a "thug."
Exhibit "A." BTW, you forgot to call Montell Marion a "thug."

And, again, you simply criticize him for criticizing; you don't take issue with any of his points.

Frankly, I agree with his assessment of their antics, and I think most Iowa fans who don't are hypocrites -- because you would be all over other coaches and wrestlers for doing things that you forgive (applaud?) when the person doing it represents Iowa.
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I remember when we used to do that. Good times! :)

I am sure they were. Gable won all those titles, then his wrestlers spread the Gable way across the nation. Parity entered our sport. Then Cael (another good wrestler) tapped into a wrestling hotbed in PA. He is winning a bunch of titles now. Guess kids these days like to win and be on winning teams. Kids are chomping at the bit to sit on the bench at PSU.

Lastly, Gable retired in 1997. You should be up to speed now.
Nobody on this board poked a ref and acts like a jackwagon on TV at times.
Nobody on this board has a documentary of themselves where they bump into a guy and immediately say get out of my way. I will take you down.

No successful coach in any sports sends someone out to talk like Gilman did. It was embarrassing. Why in the world didn't Berhow talk. Tom has to be ahead of these things.

The green sweater in itself is not a crime but its a sign that as great of wrestling minds and personalities that TnT are, they really are not qualified to do much more than coach in a room. They are not capable of making the correct decisions to run, sell and manage a program like the business it needs to be run nowadays.

The green sweater is an indication of attention to details. Same as not certifying Wilcke at 184, not contacting Aaron Brooks. IMO this stuff bleeds into recruiting, lineups, and is why we see the turds that was the Illini meet.

I am not down on Brands because I don't think he can coach, he can. I fully understand this is a rebuilding year and help is on its way.

But I am finding myself finding the Brands less quirky and funny and awesome to now I am seeing them as out of control, embarrassing at times and really like any management skill to successfully lead us back on top. Cael runs PSU like a CEO and has the right coaching pieces in place. Cael sells himself at all times and explains to recruits how they all fit in year by year and how money will work out.

I have a hard time believing Brands can even see that far ahead or think that far ahead.

IMO Brands has earned the benefit to see Spencer and Jacobs careers out or at least 2 more years to see improvement in the product on the mat and off of it. That will be determined in due time. But this acting like idiots stuff has to stop now and they need to be held accountable for poking refs and sending athletes to drop F Bombs for speeches.

Even in a rebuilding year I don't see attention to detail. The Illini meet wasn't about we could lose to them with a lineup in a down year. Its we wrestle 10 guys and 9 of them cannot get a 1st period Takedown. Two #2 ranked guys included. The reason we looked horrible against Illin is coaching. The reason we are throwing away year rebuilding is management. Both cant be going bad at the same time.

And, again, you simply criticize him for criticizing; you don't take issue with any of his points.

Frankly, I agree with his assessment of their antics, and I think most Iowa fans who don't are hypocrites -- because you would be all other other coaches and wrestlers for doing things that you forgive (applaud?) when the person doing it represents Iowa.

I guess I'm just not as delicate as I should be. I'm very flawed.
I'd suggest that the whiners grow up and pull on their big girl panties, but most would do it literally.
Hey Pennstate1985 and Neo Hawk, do people on the weather forum complain this much
I would like to tell you, but I got banned when I got into an argument blaming global warming on Al Roker. I mean, REALLY! Geez, we never had these catastrophic weather events when Willard Scott was running the show. It's so obvious. Hello? What a bunch of clowns.
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I am sure they were. Gable won all those titles, then his wrestlers spread the Gable way across the nation. Parity entered our sport. Then Cael (another good wrestler) tapped into a wrestling hotbed in PA. He is winning a bunch of titles now. Guess kids these days like to win and be on winning teams. Kids are chomping at the bit to sit on the bench at PSU.

Lastly, Gable retired in 1997. You should be up to speed now.
I'm up to speed now, thank you for taking the time to educate me. Not sure what your point is since I don't sit behind you at the meets and have never said any of the things you are talking about....

...but I like your gumption I give the education and summation portion a solid "A" and give your overall post a "B+".

See isn't that more rewarding and accurate than just saying "you passed.". I mean half the time the PSU fans here pass, but I would never give them anything better that a C-
because you would be all over other coaches and wrestlers for doing things that you forgive (applaud?) when the person doing it represents Iowa.
An observation I've made with "stalling." When your guy's behind his opponent is STALLING! but when your guy's ahead he's instructed to "circle," "be aware of where you're at" (edge of the mat), or to "look busy." :)
Nobody on this board poked a ref and acts like a jackwagon on TV at times.
Nobody on this board has a documentary of themselves where they bump into a guy and immediately say get out of my way. I will take you down.

No successful coach in any sports sends someone out to talk like Gilman did. It was embarrassing. Why in the world didn't Berhow talk. Tom has to be ahead of these things.

The green sweater in itself is not a crime but its a sign that as great of wrestling minds and personalities that TnT are, they really are not qualified to do much more than coach in a room. They are not capable of making the correct decisions to run, sell and manage a program like the business it needs to be run nowadays.

The green sweater is an indication of attention to details. Same as not certifying Wilcke at 184, not contacting Aaron Brooks. IMO this stuff bleeds into recruiting, lineups, and is why we see the turds that was the Illini meet.

I am not down on Brands because I don't think he can coach, he can. I fully understand this is a rebuilding year and help is on its way.

But I am finding myself finding the Brands less quirky and funny and awesome to now I am seeing them as out of control, embarrassing at times and really like any management skill to successfully lead us back on top. Cael runs PSU like a CEO and has the right coaching pieces in place. Cael sells himself at all times and explains to recruits how they all fit in year by year and how money will work out.

I have a hard time believing Brands can even see that far ahead or think that far ahead.

IMO Brands has earned the benefit to see Spencer and Jacobs careers out or at least 2 more years to see improvement in the product on the mat and off of it. That will be determined in due time. But this acting like idiots stuff has to stop now and they need to be held accountable for poking refs and sending athletes to drop F Bombs for speeches.

Even in a rebuilding year I don't see attention to detail. The Illini meet wasn't about we could lose to them with a lineup in a down year. Its we wrestle 10 guys and 9 of them cannot get a 1st period Takedown. Two #2 ranked guys included. The reason we looked horrible against Illin is coaching. The reason we are throwing away year rebuilding is management. Both cant be going bad at the same time.

You are like a broken record of negativity that does nothing for the program. Send Barta,Tom and Terry emails with this stuff if you are so inspired about it. Bad mouthing in the manner you do it on here is not helping anything, at best it is doing the opposite. I do agree and it is no secret the ball got dropped on recruiting for a while. Steps have been taken to move forward. I agree that they need to have a sound recruiting strategy of what their needs are and who they want to go after to fill them, planning does need to get better. They need to network better and have plan A, B, C etc in place. The Gilman thing, bench behavior etc. can be easily fixed with some common sense. Even though I agree to a certain extent with some of these things it won't help me to complain about it and bad mouth non stop on here. We all complain some on here but at a certain point it is too much.
I think TnT playing by the strict letter of the recruiting laws hurts more than people realize. It is fine to go out and try to get every top 10 guy every year, but if you only have an average of 2 full scholarships per year and multiple relative holes in your lineup, you might not be very successful in landing a lot. Now if you have the equivalent of 5 full scholarships every year with creative camp money and club money, your chances of landing these guys just went up significantly.

I am not justifying voluntarily going after 3 midlevel recruits at 0.33 scholarships each for a weight (e.g. 141) instead of going after the best one with a full scholly. Unfortunately, even if you offer the best 141er out there a full scholly, he may not want to come. Then you either take what you can get (top 20-50 type guy) for 0.33-0.5 or save your money and try next year and have a gaping hole for a year (or more if you miss next year too).

We are at 9.9 scholarships. I am pretty sure other programs have much more $$ to throw after these guys. If the NCAA closes the loopholes and, gasp, punish a program for abusing the rules, it will be much easier to close the gap. Until that happens, it is a big uphill battle - and that isn't even considering the geographical disadvantages we face.

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I agree with all the positives you list, Pablow. There's light at the end of the tunnel, but we'll have to suffer through a rough season until we get to the light. And we can continue to debate whether we're now firing on all cylinders, or whether there are things we still need to do better.

Keep in mind:

Most of the long-time posters here, including some whiny little bitches, want Iowa to return to the top.

Some of us whiny bitches have been spot-on in our assessments of what Iowa has been doing right or wrong over the past several seasons.

Nobody really wants a message board that only talks about how great the program is. There's plenty of positive discussion here about all the things you listed.

People vent when they're frustrated about something they're passionate about. There will be more of that this season. Calling people whiny little bitches is the same shoe on the other foot. I forgive you.
I appreciate the lists that Pablow made, and he's right. We do have some good talent in the room, with some even better incoming talent. I also believe in self-fulfilling prophesies. A positive attitude helps.
That said, Tarp is right. Getting behind the team is great, but we must have team that can demonstrate improvement against top talent. Surely you understand that when we start by pitting our top-150 guys against their top-30 guys, then something is off with recruiting. If this isn't sufficient reason for you to be a little more critical, then something is wrong with you.
Nobody on this board poked a ref and acts like a jackwagon on TV at times.
Nobody on this board has a documentary of themselves where they bump into a guy and immediately say get out of my way. I will take you down.

No successful coach in any sports sends someone out to talk like Gilman did. It was embarrassing. Why in the world didn't Berhow talk. Tom has to be ahead of these things.

The green sweater in itself is not a crime but its a sign that as great of wrestling minds and personalities that TnT are, they really are not qualified to do much more than coach in a room. They are not capable of making the correct decisions to run, sell and manage a program like the business it needs to be run nowadays.

The green sweater is an indication of attention to details. Same as not certifying Wilcke at 184, not contacting Aaron Brooks. IMO this stuff bleeds into recruiting, lineups, and is why we see the turds that was the Illini meet.

I am not down on Brands because I don't think he can coach, he can. I fully understand this is a rebuilding year and help is on its way.

But I am finding myself finding the Brands less quirky and funny and awesome to now I am seeing them as out of control, embarrassing at times and really like any management skill to successfully lead us back on top. Cael runs PSU like a CEO and has the right coaching pieces in place. Cael sells himself at all times and explains to recruits how they all fit in year by year and how money will work out.

I have a hard time believing Brands can even see that far ahead or think that far ahead.

IMO Brands has earned the benefit to see Spencer and Jacobs careers out or at least 2 more years to see improvement in the product on the mat and off of it. That will be determined in due time. But this acting like idiots stuff has to stop now and they need to be held accountable for poking refs and sending athletes to drop F Bombs for speeches.

Even in a rebuilding year I don't see attention to detail. The Illini meet wasn't about we could lose to them with a lineup in a down year. Its we wrestle 10 guys and 9 of them cannot get a 1st period Takedown. Two #2 ranked guys included. The reason we looked horrible against Illin is coaching. The reason we are throwing away year rebuilding is management. Both cant be going bad at the same time.

You need to ask yourself if you're a true fan, or just a fair weather one. That's not a jab, just a suggestion. If you found Brands "quirky, funny, awesome" when we were winning, but now find him/them "out of control" then you probably have your answer.
I think TnT playing by the strict letter of the recruiting laws hurts more than people realize. It is fine to go out and try to get every top 10 guy every year, but if you only have an average of 2 full scholarships per year and multiple relative holes in your lineup, you might not be very successful in landing a lot. Now if you have the equivalent of 5 full scholarships every year with creative camp money and club money, your chances of landing these guys just went up significantly.

I am not justifying voluntarily going after 3 midlevel recruits at 0.33 scholarships each for a weight (e.g. 141) instead of going after the best one with a full scholly. Unfortunately, even if you offer the best 141er out there a full scholly, he may not want to come. Then you either take what you can get (top 20-50 type guy) for 0.33-0.5 or save your money and try next year and have a gaping hole for a year (or more if you miss next year too).

We are at 9.9 scholarships. I am pretty sure other programs have much more $$ to throw after these guys. If the NCAA closes the loopholes and, gasp, punish a program for abusing the rules, it will be much easier to close the gap. Until that happens, it is a big uphill battle - and that isn't even considering the geographical disadvantages we face.

Most or all of Gables Championship Teams were well stocked with Iowa talent, and sprinkled with primarily other Midwest kids. That seemed to work pretty well. So I don't think the geography is a big disadvantage, but it certainly isn't an advantage from a number of perspectives.
I guess I am a fair weather fan. I always pull for Iowa athletics but I am primarily interested in wrestling. I have a photo someplace of the Iowa bench and fan reaction at the moment or just prior to moment when the pin was called for Brooks Simpson in his match against Iowa State's defending national champion. Maybe some can that picture was on display at the old truck stop on I80 and Coralville exit. The picture really captured the tension, drama and intensity of the moment without showing the the wrestlers involved. Sam Stoll's pin on last Friday night made me recall the Simpson match (and seeing a contestant on the Voice who was named Brooke Simpson!) Anyway, it made me remember how exciting Iowa wrestling used to be. The bottom line is that wrestling is entertainment. One first period takedown in 9 matches is not good entertainment. With Lee, Marinelli, Downey and Warner in the lineup things could drastically change. It is hard to be patient!
If you found Brands "quirky, funny, awesome" when we were winning, but now find him/them "out of control" then you probably have your answer.

You're right. I get fans wanting to hold TnT accountable for the program's results (and Tom repeatedly says publicly the same thing, that it's on him). But, some of this nonsense criticism of them gets a little out of hand. If Iowa was winning titles nobody would care about these trivial things.

Spencer Lee is one of the best recruits, ever. He listed Tom and Terry at the top of his list as to why he chose Iowa. But sure, they can't do anything except "coach in the room". LOL.
I missed what happened with Gilman, apparently he did something questionable? Please explain.
You need to ask yourself if you're a true fan, or just a fair weather one. That's not a jab, just a suggestion. If you found Brands "quirky, funny, awesome" when we were winning, but now find him/them "out of control" then you probably have your answer.

I'm not sure what makes you think that anybody who doesn't care for the way TnT behave might have enjoyed it in the past.
I like this thread. It is making my ignore list much longer! You earned an F on this board BELDEEN!
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Anyone interested in “instant results” needs a serious reality check.

You can’t grow a great mullet in a day, and you can’t win an NCAA championship in a day.
You're right. How long have the Brands been here?
Whining about whiners..............I Love It...............
Going to summarize what OP said—-People are criticizing the program and I am a snowflake and can’t handle it any opinion alternative to mine because I am right. So I am going to call them names like little whiny bitches, ignore their legitimate criticisms, claim they just hate everything, claim they hate the coaches, say they shouldn’t be listened to because they are not offering answers, and then create a post on a message board that implores that all this criticism of the program has to end because I am a snowflake and can’t handle anything alternative than I believe.
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Going to summarize what OP said—-People are criticizing the program and I am a snowflake and can’t handle it any opinion alternative to mine because I am right. So I am going to call them names like little whiny bitches, ignore their legitimate criticisms, claim they just hate everything, claim they hate the coaches, say they shouldn’t be listened to because they are not offering answers, and then create a post on a message board that implores that all this criticism of the program has to end because I am a snowflake and can’t handle anything alternative than I believe.
There are many poster on here who don’t like and or can’t handle criticism. We all have opinions and think ours are correct. Then so many critizie those who are critical of them and don’t take the time to realize they are then doing exactly what they themselves complained about.
The state of the program is not the fans fault. Maybe the OP should start a message board where he allows only the opinions he agrees with. Then he wouldn’t have to his waste his time bullying alternative opinions. He must not have a job where he actually has to discuss merits of issues with people he disagrees with.
There are many poster on here who don’t like and or can’t handle criticism. We all have opinions and think ours are correct. Then so many critizie those who are critical of them and don’t take the time to realize they are then doing exactly what they themselves complained about.
Agree 100%. But at some point some of us have to stop the attack and attack back. Whether it’s a strength or fault, it just is.
At first I thought the title of this thread was "The Winning Needs to Stop" which will happen soon enough. The whining, never.
Put people on ignore if you can’t handle their opinions. Don’t call them whiny bitches. You’d never do that to a grou of guys in public.
The state of the program is not the fans fault. Maybe the OP should start a message board where he allows only the opinions he agrees with. Then he wouldn’t have to his waste his time bullying alternative opinions. He must not have a job where he actually has to discuss merits of issues with people he disagrees with.

You can post whatever you want - I have zero authority and my opinion carries no weight. I said what I wanted to say; I was pissed - so carry on. No need to get all dramatic.
We have a few posters that have lost their minds. It's very difficult to read their whining, so I thought I'd summarize what's just around the corner and what TnT have done recently to earn their paychecks:

Here's our JV team and in coming recruits -
Spencer Lee
Jacob Warner
Max Murin
Myles Wilson
Pat Downey
Nelson Brands

[This is some posters' evidence that our coaches can't recruit]

In addition the Brands have thrown together a wrestling club and signed up a few guys and gals to help with the show -

Thomas Gilman
Sammy Brooks
Alex Meyer
Nathan Burak
Lauren Louive
Chris Dardanes
Nick Dardanes
Jesse Delgado
Bobby Telford
Boris Novachkov
Alli Ragan
Cory Clark
Matt McDonough
Plus we have some coaches hanging around Iowa City -
Tom Brand
Terry Brands
Mark Perry
Ryan Morningstar
Luke Eustice
Ben Berhow
Travis Rutt
I'm astonished that for a small and very loud group of Iowa "fans" this an indication that we are moving in the wrong direction - get out there an support the team and quit being whiny little bitches. If this isn't reason to feel good, maybe something's wrong with you.
I agree - the excessive whining needs to stop. If you're a top recruit reading this forum sometimes it's a buzzkill. We need obviously fell off track and have made course corrections. Time to be positive and move forward.