Some more entertainment from the mat where they are having a blast reading this board. They also have a 5 page 1 day old thread on Mark Halls date of birth. Keep it coming!!!
Kentucky_MudflapYesterday, 04:50 AM
Hombres just got thru taken a look at that Hawk board and them guys is just full of excuses and reasons why and all kinds of thises and thats but gents they dont make no since to me them what wins wins and them what loses cries around and makes all kinda excuses now gents I aint one to pick a fite or make for no conflict or nothing the Voice of Wrestling may not be a god fearing man but he dont want no strife or conflict but its about time to call a pig and pig hears the lowdown for them what aint schooled up on the worlds oldest and gratest sport.
First off them gents say Iowas to small and aint got no people but friends thats been true sense Christ finished his last house more or less last time I checked Joe and TJ Williams and Brinzer and Banacks bros and Metcalf and Mocco and Ramos and Rico and Penrith and Steiners and Lewis and Kistlers and my old friend Perry and all them grates warnt from Iowa unless they got themselves a Iowa passport or something like that maybe Im missing something hear friends but the grates was more or less from outa state sprinkled in with some homegrown grates gents thats the reel dealio.
Now second some of them naysayers and apology types and limp wrist speculating Kales got some slush fund and is handing money under the table to them recruits and somehow hes got 30 guys on skolly but gents Im betting that aint the case hes a man of God maybe not our God his God gets him a hole entire new planet win he does the dirt nap and ours only gets us up to heaven maybe thats why Kales whipping Tommy on account of his Jesus is better than Tommys Jesus I aint exactly sure how that works maybe some of you hombres knows but Im in the camp that Jesus dont give a **** about wrestling and I about tired of hearing about it.
Now third hombres Kale dont redshirt all his young freshman and he gets 4 years of scoring for 4 years of skollie money whereas Tommy gets 4 years of scoring for 5 years of skollie money now some of you gents what aint as skilled a businessman as Mudflap gonna be scratching your heads but thats more bang for your buck and you go out and get yourself another young freshman Tommy get Warner out there now and Lee if hes ready and wants to throw down and earn your money coaching and win yourself a title.
Now some of you gents aint gonna take to kindly to some of my ciphering and reasoning and all but take your shot and poke a hole in it I got to say I like a good debate thanks for the kudos and laudations you guys are like a reel family to me.